The Edren Empire Organization in Southern Faerun: Edren and her children. | World Anvil
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The Edren Empire

The largest Empire and Superpower on the continent, long waning and falling to twilight, has begun to stir and restore. Whether this is a last dying gasp or a new dawn is to be seen.



The Edren Empire is a semi federalized constitutional monarchy with a theocratic bent. At it's core the government is divided into the Emperor, the Guide at the head of Church of Myrrine, the Senate, and the local Governors.  

The Emperor

The Emperor, covered in more detail in its own Article, is an elected Monarch nominated by the Guide and voted on by the Senate. The Emperor has military duties, decisioner duties, power to issue decrees, nominate a new Guide if the current Guide has passed, and act as the chief priest of Edra, they are also traditionally always human or half elf. The current Emperor is Lysandra the Fourth.  

The Guide

The Guide, covered in its own article, is in theory the weakest part of the government, the Guide simply acts as the primary mediator and check on power within the Government. Though the Guide can make few executive decisions themselves, they may veto just about any nomination and law. Their true power lies in heading the Church of Myrrine as Myrrine's living representative and thus the Imperial Pantheon, as well as The Arcanium, and the Sacred Band  As they are always a High Elf the position is often held for long periods over many Emperorships, thus their power to nominate new Emperors gives them great power. The current Guide is Saint Myra.  

The Senate

The main Legislative force within the Empire is known as the the Senate of Kings, or simply as the Senate. And elected body made in halves, both halves are elected by the people, however before they can vote one half is exclusively candidates nominated by the Emperor where the other half is nominated by the senate. Both halves must be approved by The Imperial Guide. It acts as an advisory and approval board of legislation to the emperor, and also pushes legislation to the Emperor for their approval. Primarily it acts as a barometer for public opinion and a check on the power of the Emperor.   In older history of the First Empire it was once the primary governing body of the Empire, formally made of governors and kings from the many micro-states that made up the empire. These positions shifted more and more democratic though many old vestiges remain such as the self selecting half of the senate. The size differs and elections are held once a year in Summer.  

The Provinces and Governors

Each province also gets to create its own laws and deal with its own courts often being a combination of separate elected councils and the position of Governor. Selected by the Emperor and approved by the Guide and Senate, Governors fund and command the local provincial army and police, and in many ways act as mini-emperors. The position is considered a precursor the Emperor ship and becoming a governor is considered a key move in ones political life if they wish to be a senior politician.  

The Church of Bahamut

A practically defunk section of the Edren government is the Church of Bahamut a originally judicial system taken over by the Church of Myrrine that was once headed by Dragons. The Archbishop of the church is now a Wyvern and almost all of its powers is now ceremonial, however many priests hold influence over the Order of the Platinum Dragon which was transferred to the command of the church of Myrrine.


Imperial culture is a unique syncratic blend of Elvish, Human, Draconic, and dwarf culture which has been thoroughly mixed along with hints of other cultures. Edren culture has always been syncratic adding gods and elements as they prove useful and not forcing their abandonment in the separate sub-cultures of the province. As such names shift languages and art styles merge.    Edren culture tends to highly value the written word and books non-fiction, travel journals, novels, prose poetry, and research. Political engagement is considered a culture key element as is religious rights and institutions. Flags, colorful emblems, and family sigils. While there is no set noble class ones family prestige maters and often politically a patron client social system is part of daily life. This creates the informal class of old money, new money, and the poor.

Public Agenda

The Edren Public agenda is usually based on who politically is in control between The Conservatives and The Populists. The Conservative agenda is to insure peace stability and status quo across the entire continent often supporting and dissuading and major change to the balance of powers. The Populists tend to want to improve the power of the empire dreaming of a return to a more prosperous and rich first empire, thus are more expansionist and opportunistic, they also tend to support anti-monarchical groups and anti-slavery groups around the world. However regardless the Edren Empire sees itself as a shield protecting the world from the dangers of magics too powerful for mortal hands and against the threats to the material plane, enforcing divine mandates against plane manipulation and cults abound.


The Empire is rich in lands and industry often processing and manufacturing goods made from imported materials. While rich in ores the unique relationship between them and The Union of Dwarven Freeholds means few are worked by Edren themselves. Chocolate, coffee, all sorts of goods are producible in the north while wheat makes up the bulk of produce in the Heartlind. Ranching is key in Sudlind and forestry in Elvlind.  Holding the bulk of both the Long Sister River and the Edrani River there is much control over river trade and the fresh water fishing industry. Metallurgy and talented scientists are highly sought after, and much of the Steam age has seen its breakthroughs in the second Empire.


Old Kingdom Estimated -1300 to Estimated -1000

Covered in more detial in Wars and History of the Edra Dynasty, Before there was an Empire or even a Nova Edren, the original Human tribes of Edren, sometimes called though not in their time period, the Edralocks, moved into the mountains and formed a small city state kingdom that would later be called Edren (Now called Old'dren. Archaeologist believe the city was firmly a local power around the year -1300 though when it was formed is lost to use. This bronze age kingdom was traditional rivals with the old River kings to the north and the Goathlanders to the south, and did form a close relationship with the The Union of Dwarven Freeholds to the east thanks to assisting them in their war against the Giants.   The Transfer from Kingdom to Empire came during the Rule of King Edra, of whom the Empire was named. After successfully conquering the Goathlanders and assisting the Orcs of Riverway to overthrow the Riverkings, Edra would marry the Goddess of the Elves, often thought by historians to have before ascendance been a Princess of the elvish kingdom of Elvolis formally adding Elvlind into the Kingdom.   How accurate it is to history is unclear, but it is said one of their generals, Undala, would go on to conquer the Undalocks of Undland becoming Queen Undala. And at some point Edra would conquer the Wallocks of Wallachia.   Myth says Edra would soon ascend after a battle with the Nine Hells, and Myrrine with the Guidance of the Platinum Dragon would form the Senate, nominate their daughter, Lysandra the first, to be Emperor who would go on to formally started the first Empire with her mother serving as Guide till her presumed ascension.

The First Empire estimated -1000 to 1

The first empire starting with the rule of Lysandra the first would embark on an age of discovery and expansion that would cover the continent. The First empire achieved feats of magic still far beyond us and the ruins of this empire still cover the continent. Unfortunately all that is known is covered in scant works and oral history.   She would add The Grand Dutchy of Aragon and The Great Savanah to the empire. However her march on the Taifas would be her undoing, the daughter of Edra would vanish in the desert with her army. Ending the war in a whimper.   A successor who is known as Hungry Alfried in Halfling Legend, would be dragged into conflict with Kingdom of Leon. Another emperor, unnamed, would bring them into the Empire with special privileges, bringing an end to the war.   Later an Emperor named Pyrrha the Explorer, who is likely a placeholder for many emperors, would lead colonization projects all through the islands of The Sea Kingdoms, Wildeslind and Free Fjords. Even the old cities of The Cursed Swamp and The Hobgoblin Kahnates. By the second half of the age, there was no part of the continent not a part of the Empire aside from the Teikoku and Taifas.   Much of the later half of the empire is unknown to us, at some point colonization efforts would enter other realms. Banehold was added to an Empire providing the continent with Tiefling Slaves. Rumors of spelljammers and space travel are mentioned. However at the height of imperial power The Second Calamity hit, a war with the Nine Hells nearly destroyed the Empire and in its wake and burning down the old Library of Myrrine destroying our records. In the shaken remains of the Empire, the Second Empire begins.

The Second Empire 1 to 1065 (Present)

The Empire after the second Calamity was a hollow shell of a wracked nation barely held together by the hero status of Emperor Sylvia the Second and Guide Phaedra the fourth. However with the death of Emperor Sylvia in 23 the War of Wallachian Independence sparked the first break away event. A Harsh war of veteran fighters from the previous generation lead to devastation and eventual defeat, allowing for the short lived Kingdom of Wallachia.   This would prove a deeply critical blow to the empire, as with the kingdom of Wallachia included Dobruja that left the Empire with no true independent port aside from far in the West and the small port of Water's Keep. This gave growing power to the Halfing's of the west and over the next century tensions would continually grow into open war, and eventually was lit after Flight of Dragons where in 99 all dragons and the vast majority of Dragonborn fled the Empire in all directions leaving the City of dragons, once millions in size, a mere few thousands, and the Dragons that formed the empire's pride, became a figment of the past.     The Halfling's of Leon actual fight for independence, known more commonly as the First Wine War in 137 caught the aging Emperor Sigorn by complete surprise leading to early success, however the young would be future emperor and Duke of Lyse, Lysander L'Moyne was able to largely push back into Leon by 141. However when Emperor Sigorn died that year and a relatively unknown Emperor Petro was elected, the Duke signed an agreement acknowledging Leon's independence and declared himself Emperor. His advance was defeated soundly in the Siege of Sudolis in 142, the Duke retreated injured to Lyse and the Empire was barely held at Aquitaine.   However a much bigger threat would begin during this relative stalemate. First Drow War had its beginning in the Savannah early in 143. Centaurs revolted with their Drow allies leading to a full invasion. A peace was rushed and in doing so Leon was allowed to remain independent and Aragon given special status under the duke, giving rise to the Archdutchy as a protectorate and Petro acknowledged fully as Emperor.   The First Drow war would last until 202, with another failed expedition into the desert. still small skirmishes lasting for years beyond, pock marking a area of slow decline and relative peace. With no real major port in the empire, it was no surprise that the 200s became a period of territory lost in the colonies. 219 marked the start with Kingdom of Silla declaring independence followed by Baekje in 224, Kingdom of Goyoko in 246, the Free Fjords beginning to fall apart between 240 - 300, and the last major territory was when Stepolis was conquered by The Hobgoblin Kahnates in 344.   Between 350 - 500 a new period of reform began with the Half Elf Emperor Calliope and her rapid reforms. While the empire looked inward consideration for rebuilding. Massive public works projects, and economic reform say the democratization of the senate to a much greater extent. Highways were rebuilt, mines opened, much of the greatest architecture in the Heartlind comes from this era. However these economic reforms saw Undlands shifting economy to not just include small farms and family plantations but the migration of slaves in great number as the Slave economy of Undland became a reality turning impoverished swamps into a cash crop power ground for many years benefiting a growing rich elite population.   This Era of rebuilding would see itself end in tragedy. In the Grass Tower a violent crackdown of Centaur descent lead to a massacre that resulted in the much more disastrous Second Drow War. The war would last for nearly a hundred years only coming to an end in 593. The war had destroyed both Myrinsburg and was the final sacking of the shell of a city Elvolis had become. Even the capital had nearly been torched by the end of the war. Culturally it had also brought force major movements in Edren culture breeding both Human Nationalism and a return to Undlandian nationalism. The peace was long awaited however it ultimately required a full pull out of The Great Savanah, and some reparations which was seen as a betrayal by the younger fighters. Anti-Elvish racism would dog Calliope in her elder years and her resignation would open the way for the following chaos. Two emperors would come and go as the Senate flip hands ten times in the next 60 years and slowly but surely the longest and most bloody war of independence would begin in 658.   Pro-human movement lead the elders of Undland to call for a human homeland to be built, largely knights and leaders from the Drow war, these rich Slave owning elite rise against the Empire under a mythologized ethnic entity. The war that followed was long lasting all the way to 721 with an almost intractable series of slow blunders on both sides, wet and swampy conditions where infection killed more than battle and skirmishes dominated the theater. Movement of troops was profoundly difficult due to neighboring nations control of the rivers and Undlands natural defensibly. It would destroy the Undlander economy, driving them into a tailspin of slavery dominated economic policy and paranoid marital obsession with knighthood and isolationism. On the Edren side it would lead to the prominence of The Guide Saint Myra, whose early political career was marked by the peace signed forming the The Kingdom of Undland, and leading to the last great loss of imperial territory.   The following period would be known for its small wars and high tensions, but of shocking Imperial resistance. The Second Wine War was largely bloodless conflict that would solidify Aragon de facto independent in 763, some skirmishes with the Taifa's nearly lead to a war but careful negotiation by Myra allowed its deescalation and the formation of Arrow's Field to watch the situation. To the north a Yaun-ti Invasion came and was repealed in a shocking act of recovery that would Earn Saint Myra her name when she joined the war effort, and solidified her presence as the head of Edren Culture starting what most call the modern Era in 773

Modern Era 773 -1065 (Present)

773 began an era of relative peace. Few conflicts ever rose to be considered as large as a war and non-directly involving the Empire. A growing sense of recovery dominated most Edren Culture, talk of social and domestic issues dominated elections and the growing lines between the Pro-Reform Populists and the Anti-Reform Conservatives began to form. Readiness and military build up became a growing obsession despite the lack of conflict as was the domination of the Church of Myrrine in day to day life. The Von Xandrick family began not just dominating the Emperorship more often than not, but in fact have not failed to have a scion on the throne since 799. Anti-slavery became a major component of political ideology falling on the populist concept of a full ban and emancipation and the Conservative idea of slow buy backs and freedom given to children born, phasing out slavery.   This would come to a head in recent times especially under the rise of the current emperor Lysandra. As The Republic of Hell's Landing entered the world stage and violence broke out in The Tiefling War moderate Populist Lysandra entered political life as a staunch abolitionist and moderate reformer. Her brother and storied Conservative Governor Deacon Von Xandrick became her political rival shadowing over her and becoming the clear candidate of choice of Moderate Conservative Myra to choose once the ailing Emperor Antiochus Von Xandick died. Yet Lysandra proved more popular, earning a Governorship of Sudolind from her Populist Senate Allies.   Her shocking selection as Emperor in 1055 lead to the War of Siblings a civil war that drove the Conservatives into remission, and lead to a powerful Populist Government. Since then rapid reforms and industrial development has been pushed. Funding, acquired by purges of Rebellious conservatives and the materials repossessed, allowed steam technology to rapidly develop, new train lines laid, the emancipation of Slaves and foreign intervention pushing Edren back into the center of international politics. Grain dolls grew to cities outside the capitol and Modernization of the army has begun. The Senate seats were expanded to add more elections in Populist strongholds like Sudolis. As of now Lyssandra the fourth sits as one of the most controversial and powerful Emperors to date, and concerns grow every day of potential despotism in the future.

Demography and Population



Heartlind - The center of the Imperial life, the largest and richest cities of the empire and the industrial heartland exist here in rich and fairly fertile fields.
Wildeslind - The North most Province of the empire with poorly established borders, famous for chocolate, dinosaurs, and jungles.
Elvlind - The once sister province to the heartland, Elvslind is a forest and Savannah heavy area. famed for ruins.
Sudenlind - The Southernmost Province of the Empire, known for its dry Savannah, wine orchards, rocky coasts.

Semi-Autonomous Regions

Orc State of Riverway - A small City State like province of Orcs between the Endrani and Norte Rivers. Ruled directly by the Emperor and it's own Direct Democracy.
Nova Edren - The Capital city of the Empire is ruled by its own city council seperate from the provinces.
The Colonies - Several semi ruled bits of land in the Edren sea, both in the Free Fjords and the Desolation Isles. Imperial Control is minimal here.

Autonomous Claims

The Grand Dutchy of Aragon - A Grand Dutchy that on paper acknowledges the rule of the Empire but acts politically independent even in military alliances with rival nations.
The Great Savanah - The nation in practice rules independently but the Empire still claims the land as it's own.


The Edren military functions in a Semi-Professional form. Each province is expected to keep a Paramilitary force known as a Theme. Funding training and equipment is expected to be structured and paid for by the province's Governor. Legions within a theme usually end up being constructed out of Landsknecht and Musketeer professional units that remain soldiers as a trade and short term legionaries who serve for a range of one to ten years.   The Emperor also keeps a permanent force of elite warriors called Shields of Edra that are under their personal command. The Emperor is also permitted to call on Levy's in times of emergency, however, extending this call for levys beyond two years requires the approval of the Senate.   The Imperial Guide also has command, via the Imperial Church of Myrrine command over both the Order of the Platinum Dragon and The Sacred Band, the former of which provides security for the church and Wyvern Knights for the military and the latter a paramilitary force of enforces.   There are also three long term Military forts funded by the Senate. Arrows Field, Gold Fort, and Wine Fort. These are structured much like the governorship with senate commanded Legates.   Orc State of Riverway's military is separate but also under the command of the Emperor, often being refereed to as Riverway Irregulars, they tend to be rangers and militia forces along with Grummesh's Hunters.

Unit Types

Units within the Military tend to be infantry of either Legionary or Halberdier Landsknecht style units. Along with them are many musketeers, artillery units, mounted musketeers, and Wyvern knights. Additionally, steam powered artificer mecha have become an increasing area of development for the military as well as steam powered river gunboats. Commonly the Empires minimal calvery are bulked up with mercenary unites especially from The Hobgoblin Kahnates. The Empire also leans on Clerics of Edra for field medics and warrior priests as well as The Arcanium for mage support. The Empire has only a light navy as they lack any deep ocean ports.

Technological Level

The Edren Empire currently sits at one of the most advanced of the continent after a long period of technological reduction. They have begun pioneering the field of steam and industrial technology even beyond that of the of even the Dwarves. As such they've fully entered the early industrial age. However despite the The Arcanium's prestige and resources their highly regulated research has lead them to being outdone as The Sea Kingdoms's academies delve in the new magic of Dunamancy and Hell's Landing's unbaned studies into conjuration and Enchantment magic fielding greater magical development. Though Edren remains competitive, it is almost as if their every achievement is stolen more than discovered among the magical fields.

Foreign Relations

The Edren Empire keeps one long standing defensive alliance with The Union of Dwarven Freeholds and a deep stories Trade relationship that supposedly goes all the way back to the formation of the Empire and has never faltered. The Dwarves even have a saying, "Edren above Union below."   Beyond the Union alliances have shifted over the age. No long standing alliances currently exist, the Edren Empire has a Demilitarized Non-Aggression agreement with The Great Savanah and The Taifas, traditional enemies, that has lead to a long if very tense peace.   The Empire also has a in name only special relationship with The Grand Dutchy of Aragon where the Dutchy acknowledges itself as a part of the empire but functionally acts against its interests.   The Empire provided financial support to the Reds in The Tourney War.   The Empire has trade and embassy relationships within all nations on the continent aside from Teikoku, Free Fjords, The Great Savanah and The Taifas.   Aside from The Republic of Hell's Landing and the above list, the Edren Empire also is permitted to allow agents of The Sacred Band to travel and act in former imperial territories under the oversight of the local government to insure The Sacred Oath is kept. However, relationships with the Republic have grown warmer under the rule of Emperor Lysandra the Fourth with cooperation agreements, and refugee agreements building greater bonds between nations as well as a growing theory that an alliance may be on the table.

Agriculture & Industry


The primary agricultural centers of the empire are Heartlind and Wildeslind. The Former produces the bulk of the domestic food due to the rich wheat fields, despite this food imports from Wallachia are required to prevent rationing. the Wildeslands tropical lands provide cash crops in the form of coffee, sugar, and most especially Chocolate one of the leading Exports of the Empire. Beyond these centers Elvlind and Sudellind have fairly poor soil, used primarily for ranching and crops like Corn which can do well in drier and colder soil. Here cattle, Buffalo, and a Sudolind Bison, a sort of Furred Rhino, are the stars of agriculture, though this does more to diversify their production than manage to cover the food needs of the population.  


Much of Edren's Economy relies on it's Industrial Centers of Nova Edren and the major factory city of Old'dren. Here Dwarven goods are brought up to the surface, purchased, and then brought to steam powered factories used to relatively mass produce goods. Hand crafted goods still make up the bulk of the continental goods however the bulk of traded goods in cities are these factor produced tools, industrial goods, steel weapons and armor, carts, boots, ect. Hand crafted industry is still flurishing in some cities like Sudellind where trade boosts the economy, or Arda where both the College and jewelers provide funs for more hand made goods. However this industrial focus has harmed cities like Goathlind where historic decline has been accelerated by cheaper prices.

Trade & Transport

Almost all trade is done via the Long Sister River or Endrani River river. As the Empire has no deep ocean ports, much of their trade must come through The Republic of Dobruja or The Teikoku, to no end of Edren's frustration. Most land trade is done through the Wallachian boarder by Train.


All children in Edren are required to receive education to at least the age of thirteen or be in active apprenticeships along with literacy training. Beyond that education is usually in Church schools run by the Imperial Church of Myrrine or in trade apprenticeships that last on average until the age of eighteen. Upper education is popular among those that can afford it. Particularly popular is the prestigious College of Lore in Nova Edren which is famed for housing nobles from across the continent. Along with that is the famous College of Satire in Arda, the highly secretive The Arcanium, and the temple complex of Myrrine that house The Myrrine Archives, the largest collection of knowledge in the world.


The Edren Empire is gifted with Many Highways that link the cities from the First Empire. Many have broken down and to replace them great strips of train lines have begun to replace the highways between the many larger cities of the Empire. Aside from that much travel and Infrastructure comes from the many rivers, namely the Long Sister River and Endrani River that cut through the empire and provide wide river highways.
Founding Date
Old Kingdom: -1300?
First Empire: -1000?
Second Empire: 1
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Edren, The Second Empire
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Imperial Coinage
Pantheons (better known as Platinum 10000)
Emperors (Better known as Gold 1000)
Guides (Better Known as Electrum 100)
Dragons (Better known as Silvers 10)
Senates (Better known as coppers 1)
Major Exports
The Primary exports of the Empire are chocolate, dinosaurs, coffee, and Processed goods. Much of the economy is buying ore from the union and then processing them into goods in factories for the rest of the continent. Gunpowder, Steel Tools and Weapons. Ect.
Major Imports
The Edren Empire imports a good third of its food consumption from The Confederation of Wallachia as well as ores such as silver from Hell's Landing, Salt Peter from Kingdom of Leon, Wine from The Grand Dutchy of Aragon, as well as Iron, copper, coal and rare metals from The Union of Dwarven Freeholds.
Legislative Body
The Primary legislative body is the Senate which suggests laws to be approved by the senate and Emperor.   That said many laws are official decrees from the emperor approved by the Senate and guide and enacted as law. Or are Federalized down to the provinces via Emperor chosen and senate approved governors.
Judicial Body
The primary judicial body is the Imperial Church of Myrrine though often Governors and the Emperor may intervene, most cases are run over Clerics of Myrrine, a duty once held by clerics of Bahamut .
Official State Religion
Related Ranks & Titles


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