Mordin Character in Southern Faerun: Edren and her children. | World Anvil
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The All Smith

Mordin is the good of artificial creation, crafts and engineering as well as material artisan pursuits. Much of his myth deals with the creation of the dwarven Unions and the binding of people, but in Edren⁣ Myth his major importance is, under Myrrine's wishes, teaching the people of Edren crafts and acquainted them to his children under the Mordin’s Head Mountains and earning himself a position in the Dios Major. He is apparently an active god, often teaching and whispering ideas into the mind of his most ardent followers.  


The Patron god and father of the Dwarves in traditionally dwarf Myth, many suggest he was a famed Dwarven king defied in the pre-calamity dwarven era. The myths of Mordin became part of Edren lore once dwarven relations became paramount. Adding a god to your list is hardly a heavy ask when gunpowder is the trade good.   Since then Mordin has become popular, his symbol is stamped onto the great works of engineering from the aqueducts of old to the modern steam engine, even our modern armor smiths far from the empire are known to draw a small blacksmiths hammer.   Temples to Mordin in most Edren cities are functionally more engineering guilds who see to the maintenance of the cities infrastructure. Famously in the mountains near Old’dren is the Modrin’s peak Monastery, a mountain academy of crafts devoted to revolutionizing metallurgy and engineering projects. Almost all master smiths are expected to have taken an apprenticeship within one of the many small monasteries and crafting enclaves.   Mordin is also one of the few gods to gain a following in Orc State of Riverway where Grummesh is still the only deity other deity with popularity.

Divine Domains

Forge, Protection, Knowledge

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Hammers, Gems, Anvils, Tools.

Tenets of Faith

Worship is not formed by prayer, but by construction. Making things. You work with Mordin and marking your achievement with his symbol a Hammer, is a method of giving credit to your co-smith. Often Smiths will write their name and Mordins as the developer.  

The Automation Question

Much argument is made about Mordin’s relationship with Gnomes⁣ and factory automation, Modernist claim Mordin would be impressed by the devices for building that have been made even if the crafts are souless in their automation, some argue that hand crafting is the only way to honor him.  This divide is the primary separation between Gnomish and Dwarven Doctrine. Formally, Edren treats the gnomish version as canon.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Mordin visually is depicted as a Dwarf with armor made of gems holding a warhammer crafted out of pure solid Platinum, his beard is also made of Mithril hairs, though few statues are that accurate.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity







Towards Mordin




Towards Tymora


Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Braided red.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Soot stained.
Other Affiliations


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