The Revelers Organization in Soulbank | World Anvil

The Revelers

"One thing that's great about being an Innocent is that we don't need a reason for anything. We just do what we want and let the Administration, process, and so on deal with the consequences. Don't you want that feeling of liberation?" -A Reveler, giving a familiar argument.

The Revelers is an informal and slowly growing faction of mostly Innocent users dedicated to hedonism. Notably, they have a shared Mantra that includes a variety of scripts and rituals for inducting users into their ranks. Though the individual members have little or no memory, many have noticed that the organization as a whole seems to adapt like a hive consciousness. Rumors have also spread that not all members are as Innocent as they seem, as they are occasionally found engaged in clandestine acts with no recall of their reasons.


To most appearances, The Revelers are a hive mind of sorts, with their culture defined by a shared Mantra that seems to be updated on a routine basis. There is no obvious hierarchy, but on occasion, they seem to develop a collective direction. New members are inducted and immediately accepted as equals upon becoming Innocent.


The Revelers live up to most stereotypes of the Innocent: Fun-loving, full of wonder, carefree, and amoral. Beneath that exterior lies a drive to convince other users to join and scripted arguments that they are the ultimate fate of all Users. Unlike most unaligned Innocent, Revelers are known for carrying Coin on occasion, making them viable customers among memory purveyors. Few know how they obtain this Coin, and most know it's useless to ask. Some believe that the group is an experiment by Administration to make Innocent more accepted in society, while others believe there is a sinister leader hidden among them, using the Innocent members in some grand design.

Public Agenda

The Revelers live up to their name, openly pursuing thrills and pleasure. It's no secret that they enjoy convincing other Users to join their ranks.


The Revelers have a source of Coin that seems difficult to trace. Some believe that they traded in their memory to the Administration for Coin to spend. The Revelers themselves don't claim to know or care.


Though Innocent are nothing new, the Revelers are a new organization.

Seek Bliss

Crew Type: Black Hats

Starting Tier: 0 (In the Resolution Queue)

Tier Variation

Tier 1: A small group of wandering Innocent looking for a good time together.

Tier 2: A network of club-going hedonists eager to pick up new Users and encourage them to "loosen up."

Tier 3: A hive-mind cult that functionally dictates the culture of Sensate Central. Users start to disappear, only to reemerge as new Innocent recruits.

Faction Goals

Tier 1

Cause a ruckus with the Troubleshooters for fun and possibly profit (4)

Recruit an unhappy User into the ranks of the Innocent (6)

Tier 3

Engage in a bit of the Ultraviolence (6)

Spread the allure of blissful ignorance (8)

Religious, Cult
Related Species
Related Ethnicities



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