Tiamat Character in Solesia and Varia | World Anvil


(a.k.a. The Dragon Queen, The Dark Lady, The Queen of Chaos, The Queen of Evil Dragonkind)

"We don't speak the name of the Five Headed Beast. We do not invite her attention."
— Qashan Dragonborn

Tiamat is an ancient, endlessly powerful Draconic god, with five differently colored heads, a barbed tail, and a blackened heart full of nothing but vengeance. She revels in destruction, wealth, and power, and pursues each of them tirelessly. She uses her many followers like puppets on strings to accomplish her desires.

Divine Domains

Trickery, greed, power, pride, and destruction are all domains associated with the Dragon Queen. Ambition is another attribute associated with her, due to her unyielding determination to conquer all that is not yet hers.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

She is often represented by a symbol of 5 dragon heads, a 5 pointed star, or 5 claw marks in a radial pattern. The number 5 is the sacred number associated with her, and so is often used to honor her in various religious practices and codes.

Sometimes she is represented more subtly, with general depictions of regular dragons. This way, those in her church can avoid unwanted attention for their beliefs.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Tiamat wants nothing more than power. Her ultimate goal is to conquer the entirety of the Planar system.

Of course, that will take a great deal of time. So, currently, Tiamat waits in the shadows, allowing her followers to gradually spread her purpose over where she cannot reach. In the meantime, she commands her Draconic army in Tarithal in their endless war against Luqia.




Towards Bahamut




Towards Tiamat



Tiamat and Bahamut were once siblings. Now they loathe each other beyond description.

As Tiamat and Bahamut grew in power together, Tiamat began to fear that her brother would overcome her in strength. In an attempt to prevent this, she tried to kill him. The battle was vicious, lasting as long as several years in some tellings, but Bahamut arose victorious.

Tiamat, realizing she had lost, promised Bahamut that she would surrender her lusts for power and join the cause of good, should he spare her life. Bahamut, vainly hoping that she could still be redeemed, believed her.

Tiamat used this chance to flee to the depths of Tarithal. She has fumed over the defeat ever since, and continously plots to overthrow her brother and finally claim what she believes is rightfully hers.

Divine Classification
Draconic Goddess
Lawful or Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Bahamut (Brother)
Ruled Locations
Geographic Location | Jun 5, 2021

The ashen valley of evil Draconic gods

Character Portrait image: Tiamat symbol