Luqia Geographic Location in Solesia and Varia | World Anvil


A sparkling mount towering above a sea of mist, Luqia contests with Mount Celestia in beauty. Its cratered peak is tipped with snow, its center glowing warmly with gently bubbling magma.

Loved by All

When a good and true dragon takes its final flight of the soul, it will alight atop of the mountain of Luqia. There is when they achieve godhood, destined to serve in benevolence for the rest of eternity. Only the most righteous of dragons earn this right.

Most of the dragon gods of Luqia had large followings before their deaths, and were loved greatly by their followers. They ruled with goodness, and fought valiantly against evil. Not all of the dragon gods had followers before their deaths, though. There are many that died as martyrs or sacrificed themselves in the name of good. These dragons may be scarcely known, but their place atop the mountain is never contested.


Luqia is entirely one mountain that towers above an endless sea of mist. Its height is unfathomable to mortal eyes. At its peak, a massive crater yawns open, plunging down to its smoldering center.

Within the mountain exists an entire world of light, life, and glory. Entire forests dwell within the warm, moist caverns near its base, while beautiful formations of glittering ice decorate near its peak. It is huge enough that the dragon gods, their squires, and hundreds of other celestial creatures can all fly freely within it.

On the outside of the mountain, life thrives as well. Magnificent palaces and fortresses grip the cliffs. Bridges and stairways crisscross the ascent to the peak, though they are rarely needed by the draconic inhabitants. The air is always clean and sweet, and the heat of the mountain protects against the everblowing winds.

The sky surrounding Luqia is endless and perfectly clear. Its inhabitants are able to fly endlessly, never tiring.

The World Below

Below the mountain, underneath the mists, lies Tarithal, the home of the most vile of dragons. Forever jealous of their ascended brethren, the dragons of Tarithal are at constant war with Luqia. If a dragon of Luqia becomes evil and falls from glory, it is Tarithal that they will descend to.

Alternative Name(s)
Mount of Dragons, Mount of Glory
Dimensional plane