Tarithal Geographic Location in Solesia and Varia | World Anvil


Covered in ash and the wreckage of fallen kingdoms, Tarithal lies in the shadow of the glorious mountain of Luqia. The nearly endless valley is covered with charred forests, poisonous swamps, and blistering sandy wastelands.

Realm of Disgrace

Only the vilest and most powerful evil dragons dwell in Tarithal. Dragons that enslaved thousands, orchestrated wars just for the fun of it, and burned down villages simply because they liked the smell. Such dragons rarely accept death quietly, and are often vanquished by a more powerful or cunning foe.

Tiamat, the queen of Tarithal and patron of all evil dragons, summons the souls of these Draconic tyrants to the ashen valley. There, they assist her in the everlasting battle to conquer the peak of Luqia.

Fall From Glory

Most of the Draconic gods that earned a place in Tarithal were horrible long before their deaths. Some examples exist, however, of dragons that rose to the mount of Luqia, only to be corrupted by the greed for power and tumble to the murky depths of Tiamat's realm. Garyx is one such dragon. He fought valiantly in the Draconic/Giantfolk Wars for the side of good, and perished in battle a hero. But his lust for destruction overcame his desire for righteousness, and he was thrown from Luqia for his aggressiveness.

While the dragons of Luqia are in danger of corruption, the dragons of Tarithal are unsavable. Their vileness runs to their core, and they will never climb to the peak of the sacred mountain for any reason other than to destroy it.


Tarithal is a confusing and twisted wasteland. The air is thick with ash and smog, severely limiting visibility and completely drowning out the sky. The ruins of fortresses are scattered throughout the landscape, relics of the dragons' former kingdoms and conquests. The valley is endless, but Luqia always looms just beyond the fog.

Caves and tunnels pepper the wasteland, a few of which penetrate straight to the Nine Hells, and Tiamat's lair. From there she orchestrates her evil plans through her dragon underlings and mortal worshipers. One of her ultimate goals is to conquer the mount of Luqia and take it for herself.

Alternative Name(s)
The Ashen Valley, Valley of Evil, Valley of Dragons
Dimensional plane
Characters in Location