Lehigh Settlement in Soldiers of the Sword Coast | World Anvil


The once infamous hamlet of Lehigh, known for its dark past as a breeding ground for monstrous creatures, has undergone a significant transformation. Today, the small village serves as a crucial supply station for the Ffolk army, providing essential provisions and support to the soldiers in their ongoing battles. The hamlet has become a hub of activity, attracting merchants and travelers who pass through on their journeys between Ogden and Caer Callidyrr.


The citizens of Lehigh are for the most part resettled Ffolk refugees, hailing from across northern Alaron. Despite facing displacement, the refugees have brought their rich cultural heritage rooted in their agrarian roots with them, embodying the same language, customs, dress, and religious practices as their fellow Ffolk. In their new home of Lehigh, they have formed a close-knit community where cultural traditions are valued and upheld, despite the challenges of resettlement. The Ffolk refugees are determined to rebuild their lives and preserve their cultural heritage for future generations.

Industry & Trade

Barley Wine

  The Barley Wine of Lehigh is a unique and highly prized delicacy that has become synonymous with the small settlement. Made from locally grown barley and fermented with a secret blend of spices, the wine is known for its rich, smooth flavor and warming effect. As word of its quality has spread, the Barley Wine has become an important draw for merchants and travelers passing through the area.


Lehigh is a small, compact community centered around a series of important buildings. At the heart of the settlement is a bustling tavern, serving as a hub of activity and a gathering place for the community. Adjacent to the tavern is a general store, offering essentials and supplies to the citizens of Lehigh. The blacksmith, located nearby, provides vital services to the community, repairing tools and creating new equipment. The barracks, situated on the outskirts of the central buildings, serves as a gathering place for the Ffolk army and provides accommodations for soldiers passing through the area.
Founding Date
16 Nightal, 1492
Owning Organization