
Contained herein is the general list of items, from weapons, to Corp-specific items.
Gear Scores, and what they mean: Most physical items will include a gear score, which is a meta score that serves two functions: it indicates rarity (1-5, with 5 being the rarest), and it indicates overall efficiency, typically (though not always) with regards to combat.



Aquatic Bodysocket
Credits: 100c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Aquatic: 100 credits Being an aquatic lateral with social or economic ties to the shore is a difficult life to live. MarsCo understands, and we're still one of the only megacorps to actively develop Body Sockets for some of the most difficult forms to sheath in Sol. Aquatic Body Sockets are large and heavy, but our designs are as functional and comfortable as we can make them and give those of us who are locked to the sea a chance to come on shore for a while. Can accept long and Base Mass 6 characters. Engineered specifically for aquatics. They gain the properties of a hexapod Cog instead of the normal morphism.
Flowform socket system: 100 credits Brand new developments in Flowform systems have allowed us to offer new options for smaller aquatic laterals. This lightweight backpack unit can allow an aquatic lateral of less than three feet long to sheath themselves in active water and move about with it, much like Flowform Cogs do, while remaining completely submerged. Automatic current systems keep water moving over your gills even while standing still, making this a great solution for small laterals looking to avoid mechanical suits. Alas, the overall space required to support larger breeds makes this an unusable option beyond the current size constraints, if only for the amount of dirt that would be picked up and need filtering. You may wear armor in this Body Socket. The Socket itself does not have armored properties. While in it, you have all the abilities you normally have in the water, but on land. This does not change your shape or morphism. Limited to Base Mass 1-3 characters.

Credits: 40c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Nothing special here; it's a backpack. Even in the future, it's still useful to be able to carry things around. A typical backpack can hold 2 cubic feet of material if stuffed to the limit. Backpacks for Micros can hold 6 cubic inches. Taurs and laterals can purchase saddlebags at the same price that effectively function as two backpacks and drape over their frame. Angels cannot fly while wearing a backpack; it prevents their wings from moving properly. Backpacks increase your Cargo Points by 50% of your maximum. Saddlebags are basically two backpacks.

Body Socket (requires Pushframe)
Credits: 100c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Generally referred to as a Sock for short, the Body Socket is a step up from the Pushframe for the lateral that desires to function normally in bipedal society. It's a fully robotic chassis featuring arms and legs and a range of dexterity comparable to that of any normal Vector. When mounted in a Sock, a lateral effectively loses their lateral morphism and becomes a normal Vector until they dismount again. For many larger laterals like crocodiles and tigers, Socks are very uncomfortable to use and they typically won't bother with them if they can avoid it. Snakes and some birds generally love them, as they can curl up easily in the dedicated containing section and operate just like any normal person would. To operate a Sock, the lateral controller must be wearing a Pushframe. Socks can wear any clothing or armor any normal Vector can wear but are not intrinsically more durable. There are enough things to break on a Body Socket that wearing one doesn't really grant you any additional protection. To represent an armored Body Socket in combat without introducing a whole host of superfluous rules, do the following: treat the Body Socket as your armor, using the same profile for protection and abilities that your armor has. You can't wear other armor in the Socket (it's pretty cramped in there) but you can treat the socket as a suit of walking armor with the same properties as a suit you already own. Once you are reduced to 1 Wound, the Body Socket breaks and you will emerge with your normal micro or lateral status in standard clothing with one Wound remaining. If more than one Wound was dealt in the attack that broke the frame, discard the remainder. Body Sockets are limited to Small characters of no greater than Base Mass 3, and it makes them Base Mass 5 with a standard shape. Any Techniques you have pertaining to your previous shape or mass do not apply while in a Body Socket, and some anatomy-specific morphism abilities may also not be available. The Body Socket does not have a morphism; it is simply a biped. Treat the character within as though they likewise are a standard biped.

Body socket variants
Credits: 100c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Aquatic: 100 credits Being an aquatic lateral with social or economic ties to the shore is a difficult life to live. MarsCo understands, and we're still one of the only megacorps to actively develop Body Sockets for some of the most difficult forms to sheath in Sol. Aquatic Body Sockets are large and heavy, but our designs are as functional and comfortable as we can make them and give those of us who are locked to the sea a chance to come on shore for a while. Can accept long and Base Mass 6 characters. Engineered specifically for aquatics. They gain the properties of a hexapod Cog instead of the normal morphism.
Flowform socket system: 100 credits Brand new developments in Flowform systems have allowed us to offer new options for smaller aquatic laterals. This lightweight backpack unit can allow an aquatic lateral of less than three feet long to sheath themselves in active water and move about with it, much like Flowform Cogs do, while remaining completely submerged. Automatic current systems keep water moving over your gills even while standing still, making this a great solution for small laterals looking to avoid mechanical suits. Alas, the overall space required to support larger breeds makes this an unusable option beyond the current size constraints, if only for the amount of dirt that would be picked up and need filtering. You may wear armor in this Body Socket. The Socket itself does not have armored properties. While in it, you have all the abilities you normally have in the water, but on land. This does not change your shape or morphism. Limited to Base Mass 1-3 characters.

Credits: 50c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
A catch-all injection capable of purging most toxins from someone's system rapidly. It does tend to leave them feeling jittery, hyper-alert, and dizzy, but it's preferable to being poisoned. Cleanse can be used in combat as a Support action (but must still be retrieved if stored somewhere) and will remove the effects of Poisonous weapons and other general toxins and gases as well as inoculate you against them for the next hour. Cleanse can only be used safely twice per week. Using it more often than that will diminish its effectiveness until it no longer works on you. You can get a third use out of it, but it will be three weeks before you can use it again.

Credits: 50c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
A complete outfit of general quality. Available for all body types, though you may have to search around a bit to find one that fits you if you're not of traditional bipedal shape.

De-Res Enzyme
Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
This chemical is a top secret component of all disposable vehicles that is used during their ‘retirement' once their lifespan is complete (see Adventuring: transportation). Naturally, it being a secret, Spyglass got hold of it, bottled it, and will sell it at a reasonable price in just enough quantities to dissolve one disposable vehicle on contact. Great if you need to keep someone from stealing your car. Or if you need to stop someone who's chasing you in one. This item also dissolves materials made using a SAM over the course of one combat round. These can be thrown in combat as per the grenade rules. In most man-made environments, the resulting splash will dissolve the floor in one round in an area equal to the landing hex and all hexes adjacent.

Dead-zone Projector
Credits: 100c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
This hand-held device projects a field of adaptive sound in a 100 foot long, 50 foot wide cone in front of the user. The sound field will warp and change to cancel out any sound coming out of the affected area, rendering any people or devices inside it silent. Dead-zone Projectors have a myriad of uses, but they fell short of their original design. Once intended to be used to silence enemies before a strike, it was discovered that the targets of a Dead-zone Projector could hear the Projector itself loud and clear even if no one else could. It's now typically used to silence equipment or people you don't mind knowing you're coming.

Economy vehicle
Credits: 750c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
It's not going to win any drag races, but it'll get you to where you're going. Vehicles have licensing and registration and insurance just as they do in reality, but for the sake of simplicity those are wrapped up into the purchase price and can be ignored afterward. Your vehicle can be replaced once if wrecked. After that, you've lost it unless you can repair it yourself.

Credits: 10c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
A solid flashlight with a kinetic battery. This design hasn't changed much in centuries, except to include an LED lamp function in the handle and to integrate a laser pointer. Flashlights can be affixed to most weapons.

Flowform socket system
Credits: 0c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: ; Description: -

Credits: 10c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
This price is sufficient to feed you per-week. It can also purchase a week's worth of food for later, though it wont be anything amazingly delicious. Food is a largely tedious aspect of an adventure game to keep track of. For the sake of expediency, some Guides recommend you deduct a "provisions" cost of 10 credits every few sessions from your party members to cover their food and call it done. Specifically expensive meals, however, should be treated separately.

Full Stop
Credits: 1500c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 3;
This handheld device looks like like a rugged set of classic VR goggles with a handle on the front of them. By pushing this unit against the front of someone's face, a series of sensor overloads can effectively wipe out the target's recent memories, leaving them dazed for about a minute before snapping to with no memory of anywhere between an hour and a day before they were hit with the Full Stop. The process is fast, but messy. The target becomes disoriented and it's obvious to them that aspects of their day are missing. The mind will recoil away from trying to remember them, and forcing it will bring back only recollection of the bombardment of light and energy. Proper treatment is moderately effective at removing this block if applied quickly, but past a certain point the memories are simply replaced and there's nothing left to retrieve. The full stop needs to be applied to a stationary target with their head held immobile enough that constant contact can be maintained for about 30 seconds. If the target is mobile enough that the Guide feels any sort of attack roll would be necessary to actually hit their head, they are too mobile for the system to work. The system can be set to wipe anything between 1 and 24 hours, but cannot take something from the middle without removing everything after it. The subject gets a Resolve save at Difficulty 3 and will resist the wipe if they pass. If they fail their memories up to the assigned time will effectively be overwritten with frantic lights and noise. If the subject can get to a hospital within 8 hours they can be treated to try and remove the block, which the IRPF will typically pay for as the very use of this product is criminal in most cases and they'd no doubt love to know who did it. Treatment will allow you a Resolve save of Difficulty 4. If you pass you will regain fragments of the lost memories usually sufficient to piece together the lost events. If they fail or more than 8 hours pass, the memories are gone for good.

Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
This unique handle system combines magnetic adhesion with physical grippers and hooks to ensure a powerful hold on a single object. It's not well-suited for being a hanging handle or climbing device, but its grips are angled to hold tightly against impacts from the other side. This allows you to convert just about any sturdy object into a temporary shield in a pinch, suitable for protection against even heavy impacts. This can be used on suitable debris in the chatter step to provide you with a shield. Its benefit is short lived, as said objects aren't meant to be used in such a way. Every time you're attacked while using your shield, roll a D10. You must roll equal or over the number of times you've been attacked while using the shield so far, or it will break and fall apart. You can use this handle on corpses, but living beings pull away from it pretty easily.

Credits: 20c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
This personal projector is small and lightweight, clad in an attractive custom casing of your choice. Housed inside is a projection system that can display a rich image or transmission around 6 inches tall.

Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
High definition and ultrabright lighting made holograms a reality centuries ago. By focusing points of light at staggered points in the air, fully 3D images and motion can be generated in space that are picked up by the various particulate matter floating all around. The images are quite sharp and quite accurate but are also extremely luminous and wont fool anyone into thinking they're real. Very popular in private entertainment venues, but less so in security. The hologram alone throws out enough light to make other light sources in a room unnecessary. Personal Holoprojectors are about the size of a deck of cards and can be used in conjunction with a Toggle Case. The image range is about 6 feet from the projector. They do eat power quickly and can usually only run for about an hour on their own battery before needing recharging.

Lifestyle Tag
Credits: 500-2000c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
The lifestyle tag is a purchased status attached to your toggle account that grants you services with a specific corp depending on what level you bought at. Lifestyle fees are collected monthly and their rewards are based on the corp that you bought them through. Select a corp when you buy it.
500 level: two bed lodging in any economy hotel of the same corp. Basic food twice a day for one person at any economy restaurant by the same corp. Free ground transportation in public transit.
1000 level: two bed lodging in any nice hotel of the same corp. High quality food twice a day at any restaurants owned by corp excluding extremely high-end reservation only establishments. 10% discount at corp stores. Free ground and air transportation provided you do not leave the continent. These benefits only apply to yourself, if you buy for others your status will be revoked.
2000 level: two bed lodging in any hotel the corp provides, including high-end luxury suites. High quality food twice a day at any restaurants owned by corp excluding extremely high-end ones, and one meal per week at reservation only establishments. 25% discount at corp stores and on all corp services including hospitals, armor repair, etc. VIP treatment at corp establishments. Free transport to anywhere on the planet and in orbit. These benefits only apply to yourself, if you buy for others your status will be revoked.
*Platinum Membership: If you add half the cost of your membership to its base cost when purchasing, you can upgrade to Platinum. Platinum memberships are respected by all corps except for ones in direct conflict with the one you've bought. For instance, a Platinum Pulse 1000 level tag will grant you 10% discount on all corp stores except for ASR stores.

Luxury vehicle
Credits: 1500c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
It might be a sports car, a smooth riding passenger vehicle, or a rough and powerful off-roading machine. Regardless, it's above and beyond the common commuter car. Vehicles have licensing and registration and insurance just as they do in reality, but for the sake of simplicity those are wrapped up into the purchase price and can be ignored afterward. Your vehicle can be replaced once if wrecked. After that, you've lost it unless you can repair it yourself.

Credits: 150c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
The Neuroplex is a small ocular implant or glasses unit that can teach lessons subconsciously to the owner. A lesson is loaded, and the implant listens to the thoughts of the brain and brings up data based on whatever random pattern that brain wants to follow. It will hop instantly from various facts to pictures to lists to data points to videos while following the train of thought of the brain. If viewed consciously, it would appear as an almost unintelligible mash of images and data. However, those streams of thought are perfectly in tune with where the brain wants to be going at the time and allow for very natural, very coherent patterns of association to develop. Neuroplexes are next to useless to a waking mind, but during rest and sleep when the brain wanders in search of stimulation, the Neuroplex feeds it relevant information.
Using a Neuroplex allows a person to learn naturally by connecting trains of thought at the speed of the brain, rather than the speed of the lesson, and over the course of a few weeks, whole subjects can be absorbed and memorized with wonderful retention while still allowing its user to engage in day-to-day tasks. Neuroplexes do not require surgery to use. While they are a great tool for adults who want to increase their overall knowledge base, Neuroplex lessons are simply data devoid of context. Vector society discovered many centuries ago that dedicating all of their schooling to direct download was a recipe for social disaster. Lessons cost 300 credits each and are purchased like apps. Each lesson grants 1 Technique point or 1 Proficiency point.

Credits: 100c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Finely tuned binoculars with night vision enhancement, this heavy duty tool is great for those who want to know whats going on someplace they don't want to be anywhere near. Available in tactical black and tactical blacker. They can also be purchased in tactical blackest for 10 credits more. It provides no additional functionality, but they look pretty badass.

P.I.D lock
Credits: 100c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
This digital security system is among the greatest in the galaxy, if only because of how high-strung it is. Designed to be fitted to a weapon, the P.I.D. lock is extensively calibrated to measure thousands of aspects of its owner's persona, from their heat signature to their grip pressure to the little folds and grooves in their hands or gloves, enough to form a flawless personal image of them. If anyone other than the weapon's owner attempts to use it, the P.I.D. renders the weapon unusable. It can still be salvaged. Provided it didn't detect a hack attempt, of course. If it does, it fuses itself and the weapon it's attached to. In an effort to make these devices that much more secure, they are not sold for purposes beyond securing weapons or volatile material.

Credits: 100c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
This helpful little drone scuttles along damaged surfaces and reads the ingrained blueprints located in most auto-printed objects to rebuild areas that have fallen apart. Though certainly helpful for filling holes in the wall, the Patchkit really shines when applied to damaged armor. A Mind Exert:Operate check will restore armor to working status from broken status. Check failure ruins the Patchkit with no positive affect. Success repairs the armor and depletes the Patchkit. Takes about 5 minutes and can't be done in combat.

Police whistle
Credits: 100c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
A digital equivalent to an ancient idea. This small button, when pressed, will light up the dashboard of every IRPF officer within three miles and alert them that you're in distress, as well as your location. Police whistles are publicly available for purchase and people are encouraged to have them, but using one for less than important reasons (or simply pranks) will earn you anything from a lecture to a night in the slam. Police whistles are registered to their owners upon purchase and will provide officers with that information when used.

Progenitus Emergency Responder Kit
Credits: 100c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
The PERK is a white and red parcel strapped to a bulkhead in almost every ship in Sol. Contained within it is everything required to administer first aid for anything from an allergic reaction to a bullet wound, provided the user knows what they're doing. Possessing a PERK will give someone the tools to perform medical checks, light examinations, and most things below major surgery on both Vectors and Cogs. Roll Mind Exert:Medicine (or Engineering for Cogs) and set the Difficulty yourself. You restore 2x the Difficulty score worth of Wounds, provided you succeed at the check. Each check takes 1 hour. Simply restoring Wounds doesn't negate an injury or the associated negatives for it; you will need corrective surgery for that. Using a PERK in this way does not deplete it. PERKs also contain a self-guided triage system that can patch most wounds by itself, provided it's properly configured. Getting it started requires a Mind Exert:Operate (2) and restores D6 Wounds in 5 minutes per PERK. However, that auto system is one use only and renders the PERK useless when it's done, whether you succeeded or failed the check. Handy if you lack medical training, but less cost-efficient than doing the work yourself.

Credits: 50c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
A generic stim inhaler. Puffs come in a variety of shapes and are calibrated on their first use to administer the proper dosage for the owner. Puffs can store 3 doses of stims in any combination: the maximum recommended allotment per day. Once empty, Puffs can be re-loaded with stims at a rate of about one stim per minute.

Credits: 50c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
100 feet of 1 inch thick strong hybrid nylon weave that can support 2000 pounds on Venus and double that on Mars. It can be sheared by sharp objects with relative ease.

Spontaneous Assembly Machine
Credits: 300c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: ; Description: About the size of a baseball, the SAM is a manufacturing micro-unit very popular with people who need something that is otherwise too large to lug around. Within the SAM’s shell are extremely compressed foams and resins and tiny nanite sculptors that eat and redistribute the material in seconds. Upon activation, the SAM opens up with a hiss and instantly builds one pre-programed structure, selected at the time of use. The structure can be: a wall 1x3 hexes wide and 3 feet tall, a wall 1x2 hexes wide and 6 feet tall, or a pillar 1 hex wide and up to 9 feet tall. SAM’s are often used to create cover where there isn’t any, or to spontaneously create a physical shield so one needn’t be carried around, or even to block off doors or elevators. SAMs can be thrown like grenades or dropped in your own hex or an adjacent hex. You can choose the orientation of the structure it builds when it deploys. SAMs, due to the ability to manipulate the goo within themselves, have greater roll control than standard grenades. If they would scatter you may reroll the distance die once. Once a SAM has been used, it must be recharged before it can be used again. This can be done at any manufacturing center for half the cost of the SAM.

Structure Pump
Credits: 8000c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: ; Description: Structure pumps are MarsCo’s most popular assembly units for quasi-temporary operations. This automatic machine rolls back and forth on a combination of wheels, legs, and levitation mechanisms, printing walls and floors out of supplied material fed to it through a slag hopper. Typically it’s used in conjunction with Flowform units and PDU-M’s to create workable building material out of whatever is left over from mining. When activated it will intelligently build any provided designs. It can make a 2 story 2000 square foot building in about 4 hours. It can create channels for wires and utilities and can build in plumbing but will not create the electronics themselves. It essentially builds walls. Full headquarter units with multiple rooms, stairs, elevator shafts, runways and hangers can all be made using this device provided it has material and space. It can build in airless and underwater environments and can create airtight hatches, but the building will still need to be wired and powered somehow.

Survival Clothing
Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: ; Description: Coats, snowboots, parkas, even fire-retardant suits, this clothing is designed to resist specific elements. Determine what sort you’re looking for when you buy it. Wearing Survival clothing specific to a particular environment can combat or even negate negatives to your checks in that environment, depending on how rough it is out there.

Credits: 50c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: ; Description: A small, quarter-sized button that can be affixed to any smart surface and pressed to activate a personal screen. Almost every glass, metallic, or reflective surface in a Vector community is a smart surface. By affixing a Toggle to it, a Vector can bring up their own personal interfacing window for purchasing things, working, conferencing, or anything else you might use a computer for. The screen will appear on the surface itself, and a digital motion camera within the Toggle will allow the Vector to navigate using hand motions and take pictures should they need to. Toggles store no information natively other than the identity and security login of the Vector that owns it, and they draw their power from the smart surface itself.
Characters gain a free Toggle upon character creation.

Toggle Case - Requires Toggle
Credits: 100c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: ; Description: An interfacing suite that vastly increases the practical uses of the Toggle. Attaching a Case to a Toggle increases it from its usual size to the size of a typical cell phone and grants it a large variety of additional functionality. It gains all the practical functionality of a modern smart phone, substantial onboard memory, several ports for wired communication, and its own power source and screen. When using a Toggle Case, a Vector has access to all the things they would have access to if their Toggle was on a smart surface. However, the case itself does not possess the processing power required to execute large, complex data processing operations on its own, and it cannot be used to “hack” things.
Characters gain a free Toggle Case upon character creation.

Credits: 80c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: ; Description: Good old fashioned hunks of metal used to expedite labor. A shovel or a pick or just about anything else you can find with a wooden handle at a hardware store. Oh there are more advanced methods, sure, but sometimes there’s no beating the simplicity and readiness of steel on a stick. One purchase of “Tools” can get you several large items like those listed above or full sets of wrenches and other smaller items. Be specific with what you’re buying.

Welding Enzyme
Credits: 300c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: ; Description: Most structures in the universe of HSD were manufactured through some variant of mass extrusion. Geomats produce the larger platforms for the construction of cities and smaller objects are created through advanced 3D printing technology that alloys metal on the fly. You still generally have to bring in the different pieces to build the structure, but each of those pieces is extruded somewhere. The vast majority, even the metal ones, have a special molecular key that binds them together. Welding Enzyme can make that key mix with the keys around it, effectively binding two objects together with as much strength as their actual material provides. Think of it as super-glue. Just...really... REALLY super-glue. Welding enzyme is available for public purchase despite its potential for vandalism because its effects can be easily fixed with a neutralizing enzyme (same cost). Additionally, there are no visual cues for knowing if an object was milled, printed, or forged. Just because many objects are printed doesn’t mean ALL are, and welding enzyme has no effect on things that weren’t. Many secure complexes will have forged doors installed for just this reason. Welding Enzyme doesn’t wear off, but the bond is only as strong as the point of contact, not the entire object. One tube contains three cubic inches of material.

Credits: 150c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 1;
A handheld device with a pair of leads and one hell of a charge pack in its body. Cookers have one purpose and one purpose only: absolutely ruin something electronic. It can be attached quickly to any metal or plastic housing and discharged, sending a horrific amount of power through the device it's attached to before burning itself out. Useful for frying servers on the fly, or even vehicles reliant on computer control, which most are. Protecting an electronic device from a Cooker isn't a difficult task, but it does require forethought to install the proper insulation. Military grade hardware is sufficiently insulated. Most civilian equipment is not. Cookers are one use only and, due to their nature, are contraband in all populated areas. In combat, Cookers can be attached to stationary targets with two Support actions and triggered in the chatter step.

Credits: 300c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 1;
Pouring ghostgel out of a container is an almost surreal experience. The fluid's unique properties cause it to disperse and spread in strange patterns rather than evenly like water would, and its surface roils and reaches upward and outward toward the air around it, making it appear to dance along the surface of objects like a thing alive. Ghostgel has no inherent properties as a conductor or toxin (though it's certainly not recommended for consumption) but is the undisputed master lubricant of the universe. Two objects coated in Ghostgel have so little friction when rubbed across each other that it is nearly immeasurable, and the lubricant stays viable indefinitely in vacuum. Alas, in air, it has a lifespan of only a few minutes before drying out. Ghostgel is primarily used as a lubricant in moving parts on space vehicles and heavy industrial equipment, where it has allowed for ludicrously high rates of rotation and movement that have fueled many a scientific triumph. Ghostgel can be so disruptive when used in acts of attack and vandalism that it was necessary to concoct a hardening enzyme that would counteract the effects if it were to be spilled in a public area. Upon contact with the hardening enzyme, the Ghostgel loses its lubrication properties. Until then, anything passing over a Ghostgel covered area that contacts it has effectively zero purchase on the surface. If balanced, they will keep sailing on through without loss of momentum. If not, they will fall and likewise keep sailing through. Ghostgel is purchased in containers that can cover a single hex and all adjacent hexes and can be thrown like grenades can. The hardening enzyme is a simple push-button aerosol that is available for 20 credits and works on an equivalent area.

Stims (requires Puff)
Credits: 70c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: ; Description: Standard civilian stims are some of the most regularly purchased items in Sol, which says a little bit about their availability. Stims are typically taken in aerosol form through an inhaling unit called a Puff, where they begin to work immediately. All in all, basic stims are pretty safe when used in moderation. Excessive stim use (three per day) will result in headaches, jitters, mild paranoia and the unnerving feeling of ants crawling through one’s fur. Truly excessive chem use (five or more in a day) is dangerous. The following day, the character will be too strung out to function. The problem will persist until they’ve gone a full day with rest and calm and no stims to flush the effects out. Ten stims of any type in a 24 hour period is lethal, and eight is generally worthy of hospitalization. Characters can only benefit from the effects of one stim per hour regardless of how many they’ve taken, and all stim effects wear off after 1 hour (or sooner if a limitation is written into the stim itself).
Ever-ready: Add +1 to your Readiness score. Must be taken prior to combat. Provides feelings of giddy energy.
Ironhide: Add +1 temporary Wound. If a player is at 0 Wounds and a party member can get to them within 1 round, they can be given this stim and rescued from unconsciousness by this once per combat. Provides feelings of numbness and dissociation.
Highrise: Your checks count as Booned for one hour. Provides feelings of detachment and calm. Laser: Simplify checks using Perceive until you fail one or an hour has passed. Complicate the next prompted check (of any type) taken after the stim stops working. Provides feelings of euphoria and understanding.
MYWAY: Simplify checks using Body for an hour. Provides feelings of aggression and authority.
Fullnight: One puff of Fullnight energizes the body and diffuses fatigue and exhaustion associated with prolonged effort or sleeplessness. In reality, it is as much deception as solution and can lead to ever-heightened paranoia and eventual psychosis if used to maintain wakefulness for periods of 5 days or longer. If used in the short term, once or twice a week with rest in between, it has relatively few immediate side effects beyond the occasional shortened temper. This “use in moderation” leads to Fullnight addiction fairly regularly, as people think they’re getting away with cheating sleep without realizing how reliant they are on the chemical. Coming down off Fullnight addiction carries many of the same effects associated with extreme insomnia, most notably hallucinations and paranoia. Much of the same neurochemistry is employed in Fullnight as in the Reclaimed Work-Ethic surgery, so their benefits cannot be stacked.
One use of Fullnight will restore your Focus and Readiness pool. Using Fullnight more than once in a 12 hour period will Complicate all your checks for the next 6 hours.

Vitae Charge
Credits: 500c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: ; Description: One of the most controversial substances in Sol, Vitae can’t simply be picked up at your local drugstore. To purchase it at all, you need to be in a Progenitus buyspot (TTI manufactures it as well, but uses it exclusively for its own needs) and possess the Vitae Ports surgery, which indicates that you’ve been trained on its safe use. Reselling Vitae is punishable by Progenitus and the IRPF, and most other corps will report you if they catch you rather than deal with the consequences. Vitae Charges can only be safely used with the Vitae Ports surgery. Should you attempt to use it otherwise, consult the following rules:
If consumed: Function as though you have used it through the Vitae Ports surgery. For every injury you take on the injury table, roll an Endure save (2). On a pass, proceed as normal. If you fail, your Mind score is permanently capped at 4. Should you fail again, it is capped at 3, then 2, and so on. If you should fail enough times to reduce your Mind score to 0, your character “dies.” In actuality they have lost so much of their consciousness that they can no longer relate to reality and go insane, but they are nonetheless no longer playable. This can actually result in your Guide taking over your character and using them against your party. Capping your Mind score does remove those options from the progression chart, so you don’t need to pay experience to pass them. Body replacement will not restore this damage, as your brain is being chemically scrambled, but then again, the bottle does say “Not intended for consumption” on the side of it.
If injected: The organ or limb into which the injection is administered begins turbocharged productivity, reviving if damaged. Vitae does not regenerate lost limbs, but it can allow things to function despite considerable damage. It can restart a stopped heart or keep a severed head from dying (though said head will eventually be robbed of its sanity due to a lack of oxygen). This application will allow you to ignore the effects of an injury, even dismemberment (the euphoric effects will allow you to push the rest of your body to compensate). When the Vitae wears off, roll on the injury table a second time in addition to the effects of the first one as the chemical ravages your tissues.
Once used, Vitae has a functional period of 1 day. It can be stored in its container indefinitely until opened. Once a Vitae charge has depleted its energy, its nourishing effects end. Bear this in mind for story elements too: things like Vitae-infused creatures need a source of energized Vitae to maintain their vitality. If cut off, they will expire within a day. Only advanced bioprobes have self-energizing vitae systems.

Crash Suite
Credits: 160c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 2;
The quintessential digital infiltration machine. Crash Suites are the size of a netbook and are perhaps most unique in how primitive they are, rather than how advanced. They use only onboard memory, are not rapidly networked to anything, tend to use wire to communicate rather than other wireless technology, and have comparatively limited graphics abilities. Their primitive construction grants them their real strength: each of their systems is triple-redundant, their batteries will last for years, they cannot be wirelessly infiltrated through conventional means, and they don't radiate information through networks like most other modern machines do. A Crash Suite is the piece of hardware any dedicated hacker requires to infiltrate just about any machine. The device itself doesn't do much, but it's the perfect go-between for everything from security locks to secret data archives. Aside from possessing every conventional dataport, it also has an easy access panel to its own boards so that unconventional ports can be readily wired in provided the user has the knowledge to do it. Allows for electronic infiltration of most systems.

Money-back Guarantee
Credits: 15c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 2;
Most larger buyspots offer a service that will allow you to return an item if it hasn't been used.
The gearscore on this item is purely to determine its availability, do not include it in your equipment total. If available, you can purchase a money-back guarantee at the same time you purchase any other item. Provided you don't use the item it can be returned for a full refund at any time. You do not recieve a refund on the guarantee.

Credits: 150c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 3;
Micros face dilemmas in the damage output department due to the sheer lack of mass behind their attacks, but many technologies have evolved over the years to take advantage of their evasiveness in combat. The deathmark is among the most commonly employed and puts the micro at considerable risk, but with the reward of almost certain victory against even well-defended enemies. The deathmark is applied with a close combat attack and requires a hit to embed itself. From then on, that enemy does not benefit from environmental cover bonuses and can be targeted by friendly rifles, SMGs, and pistols even if the enemy is behind cover, around walls, or otherwise out of sight. The effect cannot be stacked. Deathmarks do emit a signal, so things that would scramble or mask that signal will render them inert. They can also be removed by any affect that restores Wounds. One use only.


UI Lenses
Credits: 300c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Glasses or contacts with integrated computer interface displays. Anything capable of radiating a digital visual signal can be "seen" by a UI. This can allow Toggles to be used without the need for Smartglass or Toggle Cases. It can also allow for various hidden messages to be read, provided you possess the proper software. Programming a UI is a Mind Exert:Logic check with Difficulty dependent on the nuances of the program. If you want your UI to look for specific things, notice specific signals, or even just project images of various pleasing scenery or characters only you get to see, you can program your UI to do so. UI's don't possess much in the way of screening though, so unless your character uses their skills in computers to whip up (or purchase) some good selective censoring software, your UI will display overlays for just about every broadcast signal that includes display information. This can make navigating the world a little perilous, and as a result, most UI lenses only have one active eye, or one contact.

CleanSweep system
Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 1;
A simultaneously beloved and maligned staple of IRPF search and rescue teams, the CleanSweep is a small wrist-mounted unit with a single digital display and a deceptively simple job: Show the number of living things of roughly Vector proportions within a given area. CleanSweeps are fairly accurate, with emphasis on "fairly." They have a range of about half a mile in all directions and can be dialed down to a lesser area to avoid false positives. They don't make mistakes with plants and use a wide variety of different sensors to narrow their search, including sound, movement, vibration, and mass.
A CleanSweep will give you a number indicating how many Vector-like things are in the general vicinity. By touching the CleanSweep to a target, you can exclude it from the count, which will stop it from listing the wearer or the wearer's party. A CleanSweep can even tell the difference between a lateral and a normal animal and only list the former, assuming the lateral is behaving like a person and not like an animal. CleanSweeps can be fooled by large numbers of tightly packed lifeforms, which it will list as an asterisk next to the bodycount, and by forms of life that don't conform to the general rules of reality, which can cause its count to fluctuate. CleanSweeps do not include a directional indicator by design: it was decided that pointing the way would deter Search and Rescue teams from sweeping an area systematically floor by floor, and as such might result in them missing things the CleanSweep just didn't pick up on. While annoying, this has proven correct, as some materials in certain walls can also pose an issue for the scan, as can things designed to block EM fields.

EM Signal Cloak
Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 1;
An electronic-silencing cloak that can be worn by a Vector to completely deaden their electromagnetic signal and heat signature. This garment renders them invisible to all but the visible light spectrum and audio sensors. Extremely canny spotters can notice the lack of an EM signal where one should be, but most people will miss the wearer completely if trying to seek them out with tools other than their eyes. The dampening works in both directions; while under the cloak, signals can't get in or out.

Credits: 600c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 1;
The halfwing was originally advertised as a recreational flight unit, until a few too many people crashed themselves into the floor while operating under the assumption that being able to fly automatically made you good at it. Now they're typically not available for purchase unless you can present proof of experience or education. Through an array of chestand back-mounted thrusters and a large, collapsible wing-like mesh for stability and resistance, the Halfwing allows its wearer to fly, albeit with a few limitations. Fuel and space limit the Half-wing's overall thrust, making it incapable of actually lifting its user up off the ground and into the air. The user has to gain altitude on their own first, typically by leaping from a building, using some sort of jump assistance system, or some other means of starting off in the sky. Once up about 30 feet or so, they can make Mind Exert:Pilot checks to catch thermals, move into the wind, flare, or do any of the other typical things done by birds to help gain additional altitude. The "wings" of the Halfwing do not flap. They're control and lift surfaces, and as such, the user cannot hover with them. This, combined with its inability to lift the user from a standstill, makes the Half-wing ill suited for combat flying.
It cannot be used for those maneuvers. It is, however, quite good at distance flying provided you start high and know how to fly well. Educated users can average 100 miles between charges.

Multithread Interface
Credits: 500c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 1;
This unit allows Active systems to coordinate with each other so as to not overstep each other's functions. While expensive, this is the best way to use powerful item systems to their fullest.
Allows you to have 2 Active systems instead of 1.

Pointshift Gauntlet
Credits: 100c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 1;
A personal maneuvering device for use in zero gravity conditions. By employing magnetism, compressed air, finger-locks and tethers, a Pointshift can let you maneuver through a tight spaceship at speed without having to rely on pushing off from surface to surface. These devices have been adapted to fit a large variety of bodyshapes, even those without arms.
Allows fulls speed zero gravity movement without checks or the use of handholds.

Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Of all the Vector species, laterals have the strongest argument for being the worst off. No hands, no thumbs, and a generally insubstantial body make it extremely difficult to exist in the modern world. The Pushframe was invented by ASR while they were still a MarsCo subsidiary and is an almost essential piece of equipment for lateral Vectors (especially snakes, who have an even tougher time). Pushframes are a harness that laterals can wear on their bodies that reads their brainwaves and allows them to generate short range electromagnetism capable of exerting small but noticeable pressure on the world around them. Its range is only 6 inches from the lateral's head, but by using it a lateral can manipulate a keyboard or any other button access device with all the speed and dexterity of a Vector with limbs. They can throw switches, turn knobs, pull triggers, use smart surfaces and otherwise work with the tools of the world provided they don't have to move anything too heavy. These fields cannot levitate objects over half a pound and are too weak to be used as a weapon, but the frame itself is capable of charging a considerable electromagnet that can affix things like guns to the lateral's body and align them in the right direction.
Armor worn over a Pushframe is designed to channel this magnetic property so that a lateral may mount a weapon despite their lack of a ready way to hold it. A lateral (even snakes) that is not micro (usually large breeds like boas or anacondas) can use a Pushframe to operate a gun of up to Medium size normally without the usual detriments associated with the morphism. Micros can wear Pushframes, but they're simply too small to manipulate anything above a small gun. Any lateral may purchase and use a pushframe. Technically, so can any other Vector, but they would have to redesign the harness and since the effective range is 6 inches from their head and cannot be increased, it's an arguably useless fashion statement. Wearing a Pushframe negates the Operate check detriments for laterals provided the thing they're trying to operate uses buttons or light manipulation within easily accessible range.

First Alert Drone
Credits: 450c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 2;
The First Alert Drone is a simple observation system that keeps an eye on your surroundings so you don't have to, either because you're busy or because you're bad at it. It hovers at your shoulder and can be sent off behind corners or into rooms to check on things, which it can then report back on. While early versions of the drone had live feeds and audio, talented hackers would take over the feed and convince operatives to walk right into traps more often than was considered acceptable. The current drone doesn't even have wireless communication abilities. It simply takes orders, flies out, looks around, comes back, and gives the all clear if it doesn't see anything. If it doesn't return it's a safe bet there's something bad out there.
The first alert drone sensors are quite sophisticated. If it passes within 5 hexes of anything hidden it has been told to look out for it will spot them automatically. However it possesses no inherent defensive abilities. It can be told to dock which will keep it safe from direct attack but if it is attacked while deployed it is assumed to be automatically hit and destroyed.
It has a range of 30 hexes around the owner and can move to anywhere within that range as a single support action from the owner. Docking is a separate support action. It cannot scan while docked.



Flowform Generator
Credits: 1600c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Among MarsCo's more peculiar devices, the Flowform wave emerged out of an otherwise failed attempt to force fluids through devices that weren't naturally designed with liquid cooling in mind and couldn't handle pressure stress from pumps. The hope was to be able to literally pilot water into various nooks and crannies by modulating sonic waveforms. The attempt proved impractical as the wave couldn't be kept up while the water shifted direction, but simply getting the water to hold still in various shapes, and even levitate, worked rather nicely. A Flowform Generator is about the size of a backpack, and is capable of levitating up to 3000 gallons of water up to 30 feet in the air and suspending it there as long as the generator is active, in any single shape it's programmed to hold. The water can be interacted with as normal, even swum in, but it cannot be actively piloted or reconfigured. It must be dropped back into a pool, the machine relocated, and levitated into a new place to be moved. Additionally, spilled water is too dispersed to be moved with a Flowform Generator; it must be harvested from a pool of at least one foot deep. Flowform Generators require some form of external power source to run, and while they can be crafted to work on other fluids, they can't dynamically change from one to the next. Once a Flowform has been built for a particular liquid type, that's what it can levitate. The liquid must be freely accessible and not under the influence of any other current or movement.

Display Blanket
Credits: 500c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 1;
This smooth cloth can accept display instructions from a Toggle and show them in vivid high definition all over its surface. Originally intended to be a commercial Tool for fans to flash their messages during sporting events, the display blanket was quickly adapted for subterfuge. The blanket is not self-illuminating like a computer screen, which can make it perfect for blending into environments if you have the right image to put on it. Combining it with a camouflage index stored in a Toggle can allow for near-perfect invisibility, provided you don't move and no one looks at you from the side. This fabric can be sewn into clothing or worn like a cloak over armor, but it is only effective as camouflage if you are holding still, are being viewed from a single angle, and have current imagery stored in your Toggle of the surface directly behind you. It can change pictures very quickly, but between movement and camera angles, it is not suitable for hiding a moving person. Spotting a stationary, cloaked individual is a Difficulty 4 check. If that individual should move their limbs, say to reach for or aim a weapon, or make a noise, the check drops to Difficulty 2. If they walk or relocate, the resulting blur is almost easier to see than a regular person would be, and they lose their bonus. Once seen, they cannot effectively hide again unless they escape line of sight completely.

Grapple belt
Credits: 500c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 1;
Friend to the bounty hunter whose goal is capture over kill, these hip-mounted grapple launchers are designed to snag enemy armor and reel them in, throwing them off balance and forcing them to fight in proximity they weren't expecting. They're easy to shake off, but it really only needs to work for a second or two to do its job. The grapple belt benefits from a launching system that scales very well, which allows it to be mounted by micros as well as standard sized people. Often enough, this results in the micro being pulled to the enemy instead of the other way around, but if they know it's coming, that can be useful too.
Use this system like a ranged weapon, using an Attack action. It has a range of 8 hexes. If you hit an enemy with it, the system immediately reels in. If your Total Mass is less than the enemy's Total Mass, you are reeled in yourself, landing in an adjacent square. If your Total Mass is equal or greater than the enemy's, you will try to pull them to you instead. They can resist with an Endure check, Difficulty equal to your Total Mass score. Successfully resisting will cause the tethers to break off and retract. These mechanics also work on stationary objects.
Grapple belt tethers must be manually reloaded before they can be used again, as a Support action.

Grapple Gauntlet
Credits: 400c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Faster and weaker than the Grapple belt, this arm-mounted retracting tether is only intended to move the user, not a struggling target. But for rapid relocation across gaps or up buildings, it's a great choice.
Use this system like a ranged weapon, using an attack action. It has a range of 10 hexes. If you hit a stationary object with it that is strong enough to hold your weight based on the narrative, you are reeled in to an adjacent square. If the hit object can't support you, automatic safety measures on the system will disengage and reel in the tether. Grapple gauntlet tethers must be manually reloaded before they can be used again, as a support action.

Boost Tread
Credits: 650c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 2;
Boost treads are a combination of propelled assistance and dense foot protection crafted with the unique intent of helping to close ground between you and the enemy. The system reads intent by measuring the angle of your weapons, your posture, and your eye-line to shove you toward your target. While useful in helping to speed up a charge, adept boost users have learned to use their own movement to run at angles to their quarry while the booster shoves them forward, resulting in fast, drifting turns that are difficult to predict. Once per round, when you initiate an attack action, roll a D12. The booster will push you that many hexes toward your target. It is possible to declare melee attacks against targets who are out of range using the booster in hopes that you will reach them by the end of the movement. If you do, you can swing normally. If you are shooting, you can initiate the shots at any point during the boost move. The booster movement will always attempt to send you toward your target, but you have some control over the angle by moving first. You can make wide banking turns or send yourself forward. Narrate it as you wish, but the end of your boost move must be closer to your target than you began, and if you didn't move before attacking, the booster will attempt to go in a direct line to the enemy. The booster provides no lift.

Interceptor Drone
Credits: 1000c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 2;
The Interceptor drone exists to be destroyed, which tends to limit it to only rather wealthy owners, but it's a literal lifesaver. Usually strapped to one's arm or chest, the drone can react at split second timing to place itself between an incoming blow and you via a combination of Snap-Shunt technology and rapid levitation. When you are about to be attacked, before the attack takes place, you can declare that your drone will take the hit. The hit lands automatically (the drone literally gets in front of it) and the attack is negated. The drone can intercept a total of 3 attacks before being destroyed. It cannot intercept attacks from Projector type weapons or explosions. If you can retrieve a downed drone it can be salvaged as though it were equipment. It will surrender Material or its own Blueprints at the usual levels for salvage. Notoriety cannot be spent to increase the number of drones you get per purchase.

Jump Assist Frame
Credits: 500c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 2;
This leg and spine support system uses compressed air and carefully contained explosives in the joints to allow its wearer to perform considerable leaps. While not ‘flying' per se, it can grant a solid 30 foot vertical ascent and cushion landings from that height provided the user knows what they're doing. This can allow the user to perform combat flight as described in the Combat section if they have the Combat Flying Technique.

Scatterline unit
Credits: 1000c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 2;
Actual invisibility has been an ongoing challenge for centuries, but effective invisibility has proven much simpler and damned near as useful. The Scatterline unit is about the size of a laptop and causes the wearer's outline to blur and become unfocused when viewed against a background. While not ‘invisible,' the silhouette that most people look for to recognize a body is missing, and they become much harder to differentiate while on the move. Scatterline units increase your Evasion score by 1 and Complicate attempts to spot the wearer if they're sneaking.





Credits: 20c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Convenient person to person communication is imperative on a mission, and we recommend Comspots for the rapid creation of audio networks. Just stick one of these quarter-inch-wide dots onto any surface to collect clear, rich sound from anywhere near it and transmit it to an earpiece of your choice. When networked to a personal transmitter, its range is as far and secure as your system.

Credits: 10c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Ink, dust and proper product are all it takes to make a bland face beautiful. With over a million different cosmetics companies flagging the MarsCo logo somewhere in their shops, we're sure to be able to provide you the necessary colors and coverings to accomplish any look you want. Look into our vanity apps to help you determine the best look for you!

Egress System
Credits: 50c; Credits: 0c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Breaching compounds have come a long way over the years, and the MarsCo Egress system is the pinnacle of the craft. This easy to use, stable compound deploys from a fail-proof piston onto a surface of your choice. With application of a specially modulated radio pulse, it will burn through almost any material, providing an instant exit or entrance to most locations with no risk of personal injury.
One use only, Allows Mind Exert:Operate(2) to breach most non-reinforced walls.

Gill Suit
Credits: 50c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Simple to use and easy to transport, the Gillsuit provides insulation and breathable air for underwater activity. Always dive with a partner. MarsCo can provide a partner for a reasonable fee should one be required. Said partner will look great in a Gillsuit. Grants the ability to breathe underwater. Can be worn under armor.

Hostile Environment Support System
Credits: 100c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
MarsCo kit systems are sold by the hundreds of millions and have saved more lives than can even be guessed at. The HESS is among the most popular personal support units and contains food production systems, heat, shelter, tools, water reclamation, emergency air, and communication. A must-have for any emergency shuttle.

MarsCo General Issue Spacesuit
Credits: 50c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
The best-selling vacuum suit in the known universe, period. This MarsCo classic provides heat, cooling, propulsion and, of course, oxygen and light rad protection to its wearer. A simple, durable suit for spacewalks, exterior repair, light travel and any conventional situation where you need to be outside that airlock you normally stay inside of. Available in any body type you wish.
MarsCo supports Morphisms. MarsCo also reminds you that the term "suck suit" was given to this product in common vernacular as a reference to its vacuum rating, not to its overall quality. We just don't put in more than you need, that's all. Keeps your costs down.
General issue spacesuit. Spacesuits are granted certain liberties when it comes to fitting over armor lest the narrative get cluttered with minutia. They will fit over light, medium and heavy armor, but are not armored themselves. Exploit attacks will puncture this suit. Autoseals will protect the wearer from up to three of these attacks, but more than that will expose the wearer to space.

MC Whistlestop Software
Credits: 100c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Precision remote vehicle control is a beautiful thing, especially when you're in need of a speedy exit. All the better when you can keep your hands free in the process. Many companies employ AI for this task, but our fleet surveys have shown a substantial number of pilots and operators who feel significantly safer with more direct control over their systems. The Whistlestop system uses precise tone mapping and a built in language to allow a user to communicate complex instructions for speed, orientation, thrust, and attack simply by whistling in various tones or durations. Faster and more precise than stringing together complex sentences of instructions, the Whistlestop language allows you to use tone and volume as steady or modulating gradations of specific commands, allowing tight, hands-free remote operation in a faster audio code than generic language.
Allows you to use Communication to remotely operate a vehicle or machine that has this system installed rather than Operate.

PDU-M (Portable Disassembly Unit, Mining)
Credits: 1000c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Intended for use on rocky environments, the PDU-M specializes in slagging heavy stone and removing it, providing small tunnels into subterranean areas. Great for setting up asteroid mining operations or laying foundations for structures on Venusian geocrete. Be cautious where you dig! Building under zoned areas is expressly forbidden under MarsCo and IRPF laws. Allows Body Exert:Operate(2) to burrow through material in a 10 foot wide circle at 100 feet per hour.

Personal Motivator
Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Need to move those RuBoxes around? Use a MarsCo Personal Motivator! Attach one of these units to any solid object, such as loading pallet, and our levitation systems will lift it off the ground to a 1-foot hover, allowing it to be pushed easily along. Weight and size limits apply; not usable on organics or objects with fluctuating or insecure mass.
Allows for the levitation of objects up to 500 pounds. It can either glide freely, be directed via attached controls, or lock its position.

Credits: 0c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 50;
A popular part of emergency gear in teams from corps all around Sol, the PPC (often simply called "power") is a smart portable power source capable of re-energizing nearly any piece of equipment for a limited time, through simple contact. Use it to open a powerless door, breathe life into dark smartglass for a scene, or charge personal electronics. A PPC can also provide one power point for an FDT weapon or item.
PPCs are single-use only and designed to be disposed of when used, but most buyspots will allow you to exchange a spent one for a new one at a 50% discount.

Private Buyspot
Credits: 1000c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Buyspot printers are typically easy to find; however, some environments may make the convenience of having your own a desirable luxury. Allows for home crafting without need for a facility. Works for mechanical objects but not for biological ones. Buyspots do not inherently have access to items above Gearscore 2, but can be loaded with blueprints that have been bought or crafted for more advanced equipment.

Professional Attire
Credits: 60c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Venestia (a MarsCo company) supplies the finest professional wear in Sol, personally tailored for your body shape, weight, height, and morphism. You'll look amazing, you'll feel amazing, and your performance in your business engagements will reflect that confidence. Let us dress you for success. Our systems will pick tailoring and colors that accentuate not only your body, but reflect the appearance your contacts will want to see. Perfect for high-profile social gatherings as well! After all, you never know who's watching.

Recall Tether Lock
Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
This secondary levitation system boosts the amount of lift force a Recall tether (active equipment) has, allowing it to call back large items. The tether lock is installed on the item itself and bracing yourself for the incoming weight requires a support action.

Credits: 400c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Based on your lodging frequency information, it appears as though you spend a fair amount of time outside registered accommodations. For greater comfort while roughing it, we've developed the RuBox. Normally only 1 foot square, this system deploys into a joinable, stackable 8x8 room. When linked to other RuBoxes, whole complexes can be assembled in minutes. Interior lights and portals are networked to adjacent cubes, making this a favorite among teams that spend a lot of time in hostile terrain. Warning: a RuBox is not a substitute for legitimate housing. MarsCo will be happy to arrange loans for home shopping if you're in the market.

Credits: 400c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Tracking technology predates our own species, but over the years we've learned a few tricks to make it more useful. A big one is that knowing where something is does you little good if you don't know what's around it. Enter the slipscope. This wafer-thin, half-inch wide unit can attach to most any object and send an augmented reality overlay back to your Toggle, allowing you to see not only the path it took, but a digital visualization of the topography it traveled through, so you'll know where doors are, who was standing in what room as it passed through, and the locations of various equipment.

Credits: 300c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
At MarsCo, we emphasize functionality over flash. When specialists wanted an observation drone, we went with something small, durable, and versatile, and it remains a favorite around Sol. Snoops resemble small metal balls no larger than a marble, capable of motivating themselves, adhering to almost any surface, and rolling soundlessly while tracking a target. Automated recon unit, can broadcast back to the user live or store data for later.

Specialty Wear
Credits: 30c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
With over a million garment designers and the largest selection of variant body and morphism-friendly casual, professional and personal wear, it should come as no surprise that Venestia (a MarsCo company) features a wide array of clothing, from sportswear to sensual garments, perfect for impressing the object of one's affections, whatever size and shape you may be.

Stitch Pills
Credits: 120c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Hey, remember that time three months ago where you had to spend a week out in the field, running missions while injured? Your hospital report indicates that you would have been significantly more comfortable with Stitch pills, a MarsCo product that amps up your natural healing to help make the most of your rest periods. It's no substitute for hospital treatment, but they'll keep you going when rest and food alone aren't cutting it.
Regain 2D6 Wounds overnight. Does not negate injury.

Vacuum Sealant System
Credits: 100c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
MarsCo spacers all know this system well. A comfortable backpack tank houses our durable Verafoam under pressure. Pull the tank out, shove it in a hull breach, and give the handle a good solid yank. Verafoam will instantly spread outward, sealing any breach less than 5 feet wide by 10 feet long. Internal sensors determine just how much pressure needs to be applied to which direction in order to ensure proper coverage, making this the perfect emergency sealant system.

Credits: 40c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 1;
There are times when the variant anatomy of your team may serve more primitive advantages than technological ones. Saddles see their use most often in mounted sport, but they have other uses. While it may seem undignified in public circles, out in the field there can be great advantages to pairing lighter allies with lateral or tauric partners strong enough to support their weight, granting both increased mobility and stability to the rider. MarsCo bears no responsibility for injuries received to rider or mount while in use. Saddles are not marketed as sexual aids. Use caution while riding.

Credits: 20c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 2;
Personal artillery systems allow for small teams to bring down devastating firepower on their enemies from a safe distance but are very dangerous to deploy in Hotzones due to the relatively large chance of collateral damage. Add to that the myriad of sensor-jamming and digital countermeasure equipment available, and you may as well aim your artillery at your own people when you shoot them at the enemy. MarsCo seekertags invite you to take on additional personal risk for the reward of pinpoint accuracy. Place seekertags at the exact locations you wish your paired artillery to hit by any means you feel you can accomplish. Once all the tags are placed, a single button-push will light them all up, broadcasting an extremely powerful homing signal for your systems to lock in on. Seekertags are instantly visible on radio surveillance systems as soon as they activate, but they're completely benign before that, and will only need a few precious seconds of active time for their paired payloads to arrive. No misses, no mistakes. Rockets can be fired at active seekertags and will automatically hit. Seeker tags can be placed on objects as a support action, but not on people. They're too easy to shake off.



Credits: 25c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
In these dangerous times, not having anything to breathe is a concern no one should be burdened with. MarsCo bottles house a complex rebreather capable of mixing compressed air with your own exhalent to allow you to continue operating in airless environments for one hour despite the usual inconveniences associated with suffocation. One use only, not advised for use in vacuum, as you will probably explode.
Portable 1-hour air source.

Display Sheaths
Credits: 50c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Perfect for hiding objects in public areas for later collection (which we certainly don't advocate, by the way), the display sheath can work independently or in conjunction with a stealth suit to cover any objects or weaponry you may be carrying or leaving behind. A great tool for hunting, or for hiding one's gunsafe. Caution: concealing a carried weapon in an active display sheath in a populated zone is illegal under IRPF law.

Gecko Spray
Credits: 50c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
The surest way to avoid detection is to simply not be where people are looking. Obvious perhaps, but this little philosophy is deceptively difficult to master. Our electro-adhesion system can allow you to stick to walls of nearly any type simply by spraying your gloves with a current-reactive substance of our own design. This gives you a world of alternative locations to be when people are looking for you, which my examination of your recent activity suggests is a "good" thing. Lasts one hour per application. One application per purchase.

Nullgrav Field
Credits: 500c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Gravity technology is heavily power intensive and generally only exists on large ships or space stations. On the upside: the technology that produces it is largely standardized. Mostly because we invented it, and ours is still the best. MarsCo nullgrav belts can counteract the effects of artificial gravity for the person wearing it, allowing them to operate in artificial gravity environments as though they were in zero gravity themselves. Be cautious! Rotational gravity environments like Bluesky stations are not subject to this effect.

Restraining Foam
Credits: 100c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Falling from the sky is not advised. However, should you be prone to doing so (and your impound record shows: you might be), MC restraining foam is a literal life saver. Combined with a personal air supply, MCRF can formulate its density before deployment to take your altitude, speed and angle into account in order to encase you in the right amount of foam to cushion your impact with the ground without liquefying most of your bones. Every spacer should have this installed. Hopefully, you'll never need to use it.
Negates fall damage in medium or larger armor and ships. To you. The ship or armor is toast.
One use only.

Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Runnit apps are simple, animated AIs that take voice and gestural commands and travel from place to place via physical displays, running along and couriering messages, collecting files, or just observing for you. While this may sound ancient and inefficient, Runnits provide a unique service email and text messaging just don't do: they exist in context to their environment, and they can make your first impression for you. The design of your Runnit's appearance and attitude can endear them to your clients before they ever meet you in person, giving you a foot in the door before you ever arrive. Moreover, the Runnit has an opportunity to see every display and computer in an area as they travel, giving them a chance to "scope out" an office for you, just as a person would. Since Runnits are not sophisticated or invasive enough to be security risks, most facilities treat them the same way they would any normal courier, giving you the opportunity to get a firsthand appraisal of the look and feel of an environment before you ever arrive, completely legitimately. Now that's an asset.

Credits: 150c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
This underarmor system uses many of the common skinsuit elements and combines them with flexible Verafoam in order to vacuum rate common heavy armor. Naturally the system has limitations, but its ability to be worn under a heavy armor suit without obstructing use makes it a favorite among ground-based operatives doing missions outside their usual equipment comfort zone.
Grants the Sealed EM Suite to any helmeted full body armor.



Bombard Emitter
Credits: 1000c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 1;
Due to your lack of login information, I've had to guess at your typical combat situations. Based on recent hospital stays, you have endured numerous injuries from firearms at very close range. This suggests a penchant for engaging ranged opponents in close combat. For a safer approach, we recommend the Bombard Emitter. This shoulder mounted system rattles your foe with buffeting effects, making it all but impossible for them to attack you on the way in. When an enemy enters into your threat response range, end their movement at the edge of it. Take your threat response attack as usual. They can make further actions (including moving again) afterward if they still have them. This works once per turn. If their next move would again take them into your threat response range you can attack them a second time but the emitter won't stop them twice in a turn.

Recall Tether
Credits: 400c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 1;
A very useful utility for people who find themselves separated from important items on a regular basis. The MarsCo recall tether employs powerful magnetism directed at key components pre-attached to an item of your choice and yourself. On command, the item you have keyed will return to its home point using a combination of several proprietary MarsCo levitation systems. A favorite among professionals and just plain clumsy folks alike.
Will bring a pre-tethered small to medium object you have to your position from up to 10 hexes away in a direct line as a free action.


Cuil Bloom Indicator
Passive (TTI Item)
Credits: 500c; Cargo Score: ; Gear Score: 1;
A wrist-mounted unit capable of detecting levels of Transcendent phenomena within about 100 feet, based on their absolute abstraction from zero Cuil (which is, in itself, not absolute, so really the number is more of a means of measuring trend than anything mathematically certain). C.B.I.s are not available for general purpose and are usually only supplied as part of a mission. The cost here represents the going rate for an illegal one. Because of the nature of this object, it is somewhat tapped into the ebb and flow of the universe. They have been reported behaving strangely on occasion. The saying: "It got up and walked away" when you lose something isn't uncommon among TTI field professionals. On occasion, their items do exactly that.


Weirding Bombs
Tool [span class='tti'](TTI Item)[/span]
Credits: 150c; Cargo Score: ; Gear Score: 1;
As transcendent abilities began surpassing their original specifications, TTI needed a way to shut down Radiants in the event of "emergencies." Unfortunately, the only known ways to directly counter transcendent manifestation is through the use of other people with similar abilities, and they're in short supply. The Weirding bomb is a sort of risky, last-ditch solution when something more effective isn't around. They certainly work, but the results they lead to can vary in terms of risk to everyone involved.
This grenade-sized object can be dropped or thrown. Upon detonation, the Cuil Bloom in the local scene goes up by D10 for 15 minutes. Its approximate effect range is 100 feet.

Tool (TTI Item)
Credits: 1000c; Cargo Score: ; Gear Score: 4;
Aegiforms are part of TTI's ongoing efforts into integrating advanced bioprobes with Vectors. These symbiotic lifeforms attach to the wearer's body and mesh directly with their nervous system and internal anatomy. It's extremely invasive, but the rewards are impressive. Though Aegiforms are new, many industries are looking at them as more successful versions of TTI's famed living armor. The Aegiforms have personalities like the armor does, but their psyches aren't nearly so overwhelming (or potentially cannibalistic).
Only one Aegiform can be worn at a time, and a worn one will die if removed and not placed on a new host within an hour. Aegiforms are only compatible with Vector and Blip characters.
Appeasement: Aegiforms consume 1 experience point per session unless the wearer earns favor, at which point the action itself will appease the Aegiform and no experience will be consumed. In addition to the normal ways of earning favor, Aegiform users can add the behavioral mannerisms of their Aegiform to their overall motivations. Essentially, integrate the Aegiform's behavior into your own and it won't hurt you.
Firebrand: This Aegiform variant focuses on refining the host's bloodstream into a combustible fuel, which can then be expelled through the host's mouth as a twopart chemical mixture that burns fiercely on contact with air. Special glands created by the Aegiform allow for considerable distance and volume, though this ability is taxing on the user.
The Aegiform itself is typically vibrant red with flecks of blue and pushes its host toward acts of aggression and personal risk. Firebrands are notorious for entering combat situations wearing inadequate armor.
Counts as a flamethrower usable once per turn as an attack that you don't need to hold. Fire and explosives that hit you do half damage. This can also be used as a Hotspot grenade, but each use of it in this fashion will deal D3 Wounds to you.
Riversurge: The Riversurge Aegiform pulls heavily from aquatic species of bioelectric organisms. In addition to granting the host aquatic breathing and enhanced swimming abilities, it also allows them to generate profound levels of electricity for use offensively or defensively. The Aegiform itself is a deep blue with lighter blue waves and long, yellow tails and fin-like protrusions. It's considered one of the more attractive Aegiform variants, but it's also the largest and hardest to hide. Riversurges are known for a lack of inhibitions and exerting beyond their own limitations.
Grants the Seaworthy(gill) template and grants 2x Move Score while submerged if your Morphism would not already adjust your Move score underwater upon getting the Seaworthy template. This also grants the following property to all of your attacks targeting something within short range:
ARC: If at least one duplicate result is rolled on the damage dice for your attack, lightning arcs to every character (friend or foe) within three hexes of the initial target, dealing 3D8 damage and prompting a save as per the electricity EDA. This process can repeat itself indefinitely on every new target but can't hit things more than once. Plot devices, consoles, and other sensitive equipment are all valid targets for the arc. This ability can also be used as a PPC 6 times a day but cannot be loaded into anything (it can only be used to energize powerless objects or feed power into grids, not as ammunition or charges for things that normally store them). Electricity effects that hit you can't harm you.
Ruinous: This variant secretes a potent solvent not unlike the Spyglass No-Clip suit, but in greater quantity and with added destructive properties. A Ruinous Aegiform can cause floors and walls to melt away and sear holes into armor with a touch. The Aegiform itself is a deep black and vibrant blue that seems to drip over the host and is riddled with vents and holes for its solvent to emanate from. Production is often keyed to the host's own mood, and Ruinous hosts will leave burn marks on furniture when trying to hide a lie. While not predisposed to a specific behavioral mannerisms, Ruinous bearers feel emotion more vividly than most people and tend to wear their feelings openly.
Applies Melt, Charge, and Poison to any melee attack. Allows for the disintegration of non-reinforced walls through physical contact. Treat this as player controlled welding and De-res Enzyme usable six times a day. Chemical and poison effects do not hurt you.
Savior: The Savior employs a variety of bodily manufactured hormones, salves and injectables to facilitate healing of damaged tissue. The host of this Aegiform can regenerate limbs of comrades and bring them back from the cusp of death (though the process is a tad creepy and more than a little invasive.) The Aegiform itself is a pearlescent white with gold veins and ties directly into a target's body via tentacles that pierce flesh and snake through veins and nerves. The anesthetic it produces causes an associated euphoria for both the host and the target, which often leads to hosts ignoring personal boundaries or putting others at risk in hopes of the next hit. Saviors have a heal pool of 4 uses, which their users can use to give adjacent characters or themselves D10 Wounds per use as one support action per target. The Savior regenerates this pool at a rate of 1 per 5 hours and they cannot be restored in any other way. Limbs can also be regenerated at a cost of 2 uses.
A Savior host who is downed will be automatically healed by the Savior when the creature realizes the host can't act on its own. This takes about a minute, or the end of the combat. Healing from a Savior can likewise revive people who have been downed in combat as well as treat their injuries as a hospital would. The Savior's Wound pool is not its own vitality; if it uses up its healing pool it does not become injured, it simply can't heal until it gets more back. The Savior is a cursedly resilient creature. Even if its host is reduced to ashes and only the small, metallic core of the creature remains, it will eventually regenerate not only itself but its host as well. One limb at a time, if necessary. Mercifully, it tends to do the head last, but not always. Destroying them requires the deliberate destruction of the creature's core, which has 1 Wound and an Endure score of 60. It can, however, be stolen. If a Savior is cored, it will seek the swiftest path to reintegration. If left alone it will regenerate, but if it's held by someone it will integrate with them instead and the original host will never reform.
Slaver: "Telepathy," as it's often called, is a difficult thing to quantify technologically due to the sheer abstract nature of thought. The Aegiforms already speak the language of the mind, and this variant produces an organ that allows the host to gain what can only be described as "mind control." Details on this biotechnology are being held tightly under wraps, as it could have profound ramifications in the future. The Aegiform itself has a noticeable set of eyes and a smooth hump along the upper back that houses it's uniquely adapted brain. It's one of the only Aegiform variants that shows physical anatomy and expressions, and hosts claim they can actively converse with them. Egotism and a general dismissal of the feelings of others are associated with this Aegiform, as practiced hosts can reduce most people to little more than tools. Once per episode, allows you to take the turn of an enemy you can see. You can make them do anything legal within the scene, but if they die while under your control, your Aegiform will as well. Someone who has been taken control of by a Slaver loses the part of their memory when they were controlled, but does notice "something strange" happened. The effect lasts about 10 seconds out of combat, and works even over video, provided there isn't a noticeable delay on the feed. It can be resisted with a Resolve save at Difficulty 2. This can also be employed as a Stun result in combat against a visible enemy as a Support action 6 times a day.



Credits: 300c (1 use), 600c (reusable) ; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: ; Description: In cooperation with IRPF breach and infiltration teams, ASR developed the Mapmite: a small system of automated drones that work together to assemble a coherent 3D model of a given structure from within, using laser, sonar, thermal, and other scanning technologies. Mapmites can give you complete and detailed 3D maps of structure interiors before you go into them yourself, giving you a much firmer grasp of the terrain you’re entering. Each unit consists of six one-inch wide rolling drones that proceed along the walls.

Credits: 1000c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 1; Description: The Fauxnet represents a great leap in holography. By employing a lightweight, lumo-reactive material, Fauxnets can serve as projection bases for holograms that damp their light levels to those more or less equivalent to the room they’re being projected in. In short, by setting up a Fauxnet in a hallway, a realistic hologram of the hallway can be displayed through the Fauxnet without the usual giveaway of it being self-luminous. The fake hall would look entirely real, and whatever you wanted to hide behind the Fauxnet would be entirely hidden.
Takes 10 minutes to set up. Illusion has Difficulty 3 to notice, or 1 if using non-visual means with surgical enhancements.

Lasergrid Traps
Credits: 400c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 3;
Laser weaponry is carefully watched to avoid production of weapons that are too difficult to counter. Power draw is a problem, but when properly crafted laser have frightening range, accuracy, and destructive capability while being soundless and invisible. It's not something law enforcement wants around in surplus. Lasergrid diodes are somewhat more controllable, but they're still one of the IRPF's least favorite of ASR's military products, if only for their gruesome results.
A lasergrid consists of an emitter and receiver, each about the size of a hockey puck, with a range of about three feet between the two of them. Anything that passes between the two without noticing the units can take a Dodge save at Difficulty 3 to change their course as they feel the pain start, or they will automatically take D3 Wounds and an Injury. The traps can be turned off from the side and reused, but need to recharge after about an hour of being on unless they're hooked to a power source.

Credits: 700c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 3;
Born out of a push to bring ASR's ubiquitous technology a sense of wonder and grandeur, the techwand was actually meant to be more of a toy than a useful object but was ultimately discontinued as its effects proved more dangerous than entertaining. When the wand is swung or manipulated, it can perform a variety of impressive effects by using internal technology or taking control of systems around it. ASR wanted to reward skillful users, so the physical manipulations are difficult. Unfortunately, that resulted in more people messing up rather than simply failing to produce an effect, and the resulting unexpected actions put enough people into hospitals that the wand was eventually taken off the market and can now only be procured through private sellers.
Swing the wand as a standard action using Mind Exert:Operate and select a Difficulty you wish to swing at: 3, 4, or 6. The wand can be used 5 times between recharging. Charging takes about an hour.
Difficulty 3: If you succeed, flip a coin. On heads, the wand effect you want occurs. On tails, or if you fail the check entirely, a random effect occurs.
Difficulty 4: If you succeed, the effect you want occurs. If you fail, a random effect occurs.
Difficulty 6: If you succeed, you can use a hacked ability rather than a normal one. If you fail, a random wand effect occurs.
Free effects: The following effects require no roll and don't have a random failure chance. The wand's user can simply perform them as a standard action.
Open or close an unlocked door up to 30 feet away if it is motorized, and lock or unlock it if it requires no security clearance or keys to do so.
Amplify their voice as per a loudspeaker.
Write on Smartglass or access apps.
Activate the digital effects of another tool in your possession, such as a Holoemitter, from a range of 30 feet (or unlimited if networked) as long as they belong to you.
Become a flashlight.
Overload and detonate the wand as per a Hotspot grenade (one of several reasons they were removed from the market). This takes a few seconds (long enough to throw it).
Wand Effects
1: Target object is coated with colorful particles of your choice for 1 hour, making them slightly luminous. Hacked ability: The particulates are caustic. The target takes D10 damage per minute unless they remove their clothing and clean it.
2: All digital receiving devices within 1 mile can hear your voice as you speak into the wand. Hacked ability: All digital broadcast devices must also re-broadcast your voice. This typically gives it a range of the entirety of a metropolitan area.
3: The wand vibrates at varying frequencies and plays smooth jazz. Hacked ability: The wand resonates and explodes any glass-like objects in the room, such as lights, windows, screens, etc.
4: Lock or unlock target digital door or system that would be Difficulty 4 or less. Hacked ability: The wand can lock the P.I.D. on a gun, rendering it useless.
5: The wand can be used to remotely control target non-spaceworthy vehicle within eyeshot. Hacked ability: The wand can seek a vehicle out via network and control it remotely.
6: Repel or attract an object up to 30 feet away no larger than 5 pounds. Has a 30 foot push range. Hacked ability: Can be used on any sized object within 30 feet. If the object masses more than you, you are pushed or pulled from it instead.
7: Activate or deactivate non-essential equipment within half a mile. Screens, street lights, building lights, entertainment devices, etc. Hacked ability: This ability can be targeted remotely via network to affect an area you aren't currently in.
8: The wand is a holoprojector and can be used to draw or call up stored imagery from files saved on a Toggle or other system. The wand is rather context-aware, and can be used to pull textures from nearby or actively project a shape based on interpretation of the user's motions. The projection is maintained until the wand travels outside of 30 feet of it. Hacked ability: The wand can create a whitewall: a holographic projection so bright as to be an opaque surface, hiding whats beyond it. While the wall is plainly visible, objects on either side cannot be seen.
9: The tip of the wand becomes akin to a welding torch and can be used to cut through metal up to an inch thick. The wand tip must maintain contact with the metal. Hacked ability: The wand gains the properties of a Burnjob for one attack.
10: The wand becomes a Flowform system and can be used to conduct local water as a Flowform can. Hacked ability: The wand can freeze or evaporate the water it's moving.


Credits: 350c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 2;
This AI serves as a protective side route for incoming hackers. By putting it between your mind and theirs you can buy yourself extra time in a hack or delay an incoming attempt. It's a phone-sized unit usually worn on the hip or the back.
Saves against being booted out of a system are Simplified. If someone is attempting to hack you, their attempts are Complicated.





Equilibrium Booster
Credits: 50c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Generally marketed toward athletes competing in extreme speed or high impact events, we feel your repeated contact with disruption weaponry makes you a good candidate for Balance puffs. These Equilibrium booster stims will grant you superior resistance against disorientation caused by trauma.
Consume this item to pass the next save prompted by the Disruption EDA. Limit 1 per day. It can be used immediately in response to the save.

Credits: 600c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
Ever had trouble "fitting in?" The answer is yes. We've seen it. And we can help! The Stylr@Home cosmetics unit is a combination appearance augment system and social analyzer that takes carefully collected data from your current physical location and tailors your look to make you best suited toward whatever crowd you're looking to join. Great for high profile meetings or nightlife when you're not entirely certain what look is appropriate. And, let's face it: that's most of the time. Will inform you what accessories or tailoring you need to Simplify Community checks in a given environment.


Biointegration Mesh
Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: 0; Gear Score: 0;
An impressive piece of hardware from the Pulse labs, this mesh coats the exterior surfaces of armor and is linked with an elaborate network of internal sensors worn under it. These sensors gather extremely detailed scans of what your body is doing and allow the mesh on the outside of the armor to replicate key behaviors in real time. The result is that most touchbased Reclamation abilities, which normally do not work through armor, now can. It does tend to make the armor look like it's sweating, though.
This system allows you to use any Reclamation ability you have even while armored, provided you are not in living or active armor. It does not apply to the Leaping or Agility Reclamation surgeries.


Light Armor

Bulletproof Vest

Credits: 50c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 0;
Armor Mass: 0; Endure Bonus: +1; Movement: -;
EM Suites: None
Notes: -
Upgrades: Nymphsilk (50 credits): Increase the Endure Bonus to +2.
Simple, light, concealable and effective, the bulletproof vest has been a literal lifesaver for countless users. They make up for their relative lack of protection by being tough to spot and cheap to replace. Implementing a reactive fiber and lightweight organic-based cross weaves into the standard bulletproof vest design greatly increases its resilience at no noticeable increase of weight or size. This upgrade is generally reserved for IRPF squad leaders.

FDT Armor
Credits: 550c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 3;
Armor Mass: 0; Endure Bonus: +1; Movement: -;
EM Suites: None
Notes: Chain-link: This armor has a 2 power point storage bank that can be distributed to any FDT equipment you're carrying on demand, without the need for a support action. The energy remains in the armor until called on but must be recharged by an external source like a PPC, a wall unit (takes about 6 hours per charge) or an internal reactor.
Upgrades: FDT field link nodes: 100 credits. You may increase the armor's Endure score by feeding its own power points to it at a rate of +1 endure per point, to a max of +5. The bonus lasts for 1 hour. This can be done instantly, as a reaction to incoming attacks.
This armor suit is specifically designed to pair with FDT weaponry, granting it a greater power source to draw from. It's particaully loved by FDT shield users for its ability to greatly increase the shield's protective properties. The advanced power matrices used to distribute the FDT fields lower its effectiveness as actual armor, but grant the wearer the ability to make use of what is often considered a sub-par weapon in dramatically effective ways.

MarsCo Hard Case
Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 0;
Armor Mass: 2; Endure Bonus: +1; Movement: -;
EM Suites: Can purchase Sealed(Se), Spaceworthy(Sw), or Support(Sp) for listed prices
Notes: -
Upgrades: Medium plating (100 credits): upgrade this armor to Medium armor. Its Armor Mass becomes 4.
Heavy plating (300 credits): upgrade this armor from Medium to Heavy armor. Its Armor Mass becomes 6.
Plating can be removed and stored to reduce armor to its previous status out of combat.
Perhaps the most ubiquitous armor in the known universe. Hard Cases are armored frameworks for a vast array of MarsCo upgrades that can allow an owner to tailor make their armor to suit their needs. The ability to buy augmentative plating means this armor can scale with a team's needs and budget, and while it's less protective than other armors in its class, its modular design allows the wearer to keep their mobility.

Mobility Augmentation Rig
Credits: 1100c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 3;
Armor Mass: 2; Endure Bonus: +1; Movement: -;
EM Suites: Comes with Jump(Jp)
Notes: The MAR features a magnetic clamp on the dominant forearm capable of mounting a Small weapon or item. When mounted, the object is considered to be "on hand," as the suit's various manipulators can pull triggers or press buttons without it having to be removed. Grants the Reclaimed adhesive pads ability to the wearer, a pointshift gauntlet, and allows for duel weilding of small weapons and combat flying without a technique.
Upgrades: -
The MAR (Mobility Augmentation Rig) is a fully enclosed body suit whose components and materials are made as miniaturized and lightweight as current technology allows and is designed to augment the user's motion, allowing them to run faster, jump further, and fall further than they would normally be able to. The suit features a modified Pointshift Gauntlet which includes a membrane in the fingers that can secrete a bio-degradable electromagnetic adhesive, through which an electric current is run. This creates a powerful magnetic attraction between the glove and the wall, and when the current is cut off, the adhesive quickly breaks down, leaving virtually nothing on the surface it was once attached. Additionally, the on-board computing system is calibrated for accurate placement of jumps, falls and rolls, which can augment the wearer's own knowledge of aerial maneuvering, or even make up for a lack of it.

Credits: 600c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 1;
Armor Mass: 2; Endure Bonus: +1; Movement: -;
EM Suites: Comes with Support(Sp)
Notes: -
Upgrades: -
The Rapid Responder Hostilities Vest (pronounced "Rev") is a full support system integrated into an armored shell for the wearer's torso, allowing them to rapidly deploy to where they're most needed. These systems are often employed by Progenitus Savior units, who can use the integrated support gear to augment the front line as it weathers incoming fire. As a dedicated forward combatant light armor, it's one of the few suits in its class featuring bolstered protection against rifle fire.

Credits: 300c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 1;
Armor Mass: 1; Endure Bonus: +0; Movement: -;
EM Suites: Can purchase Stealth(St), Support(Sp) or Scout(Sc) for listed prices.
Notes: Reduce incoming close combat attack damage by 5. Increase incoming ranged combat damage rolls by 5.
Upgrades: -
This thin, active adaptation system was originally designed as under-armor, to provide defense against melee weaponry if the external armor was insufficient. Ultimately it proved redundant and ungainly, but the suit itself is very popular among combatants who limit their confrontations to hand-to-hand combat.

Wall Arm
Credits: 500c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 3;
Armor Mass: 0; Endure Bonus: +0; Movement: -;
EM Suites: None
Notes: While wearing this armor you can wield shields of any size without a movement penalty. You can wear this armor in conjuction with any armor that has at least one un-darkened arm in its diagram. Add this unit's properties to that armor until it is decoupled. If the armor is destroyed, this armor is as well.
Upgrades: -

Medium Armor

HEV Suit
Credits: 340c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 1;
Armor Mass: 4; Endure Bonus: +2; Movement: -1;
EM Suites: Comes with Spaceworthy(Sw)
Notes: -
Upgrades: -
Working full hazardous environment gear into non-active armor is often diffcult, as one half of the equation is inevitably compromised. MarsCo recommends a HEV suit, which provides at least passable armor while emphasizing superb environmental protection. HEV suits are perfect counters to toxins, radiation, weather, and personal injury.

O&R Recon Suit
Credits: 350c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 1;
Armor Mass: 4; Endure Bonus: +2; Movement: -1;
EM Suites: Can purchase Scout(Sc) or Stealth(St) for listed prices.
Notes: -
Upgrades: Chameleon display system (200 credits): Activate your CDS in the chatter step. Doing so will satisfy the cover requirements for combat sneaking, meaning you are effectively "in cover" for the purposes of beginning a sneak, and as long as you move, you will be considered to be in a different piece of cover. Attacking will still break your stealth, and enemies are entitled to attempt to perceive you if you cross into close range. If your stealth is broken, you cannot resume it unless you actually break line of sight completely again. Characters with improved perception abilities through reclaiming surgeries treat you as sneaking normally.
Typically employed in its basest form for scouting areas, the IRPF recon suit can be upgraded at considerable expense to transform it from basic scouting gear to elite infiltration equipment using the chameleon display system.
This high speed modification of display fabric technology is coordinated with miniature cameras all over the suit's surface, including a fully integrated facemask embedded in the cloth itself. Each segment and limb is independently controlled by a rapid microprocesser in the helmet to rapidly adjust displayed images on the outer surface of the suit, allowing for a much more "active" version of the display blanket. While still not perfect during motion, it allows for greater mobility of the wearer, an all-around viewing angle, and eliminates the need to have pre-cached camouflage indexes.

Riot Armor
Credits: 250c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 1;
Armor Mass: 4; Endure Bonus: +2; Movement: -1;
EM Suites: Can purchase Sealed(Se), Spaceworthy(Sw), or Support(Sp) for listed prices.
Notes: -
Upgrades: -
Tougher than bulletproof vests and providing more coverage, Riot armor is good thick gear for dealing with small arms fire. Typically enough to give the wearer an edge against lightly armed opponents, it can run into difficulties if outnumbered due to its cumbersome design.

Credits: 400c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 4;
Armor Mass: 4; Endure Bonus: +2; Movement: -1;
EM Suites: None
Notes: Transition matrix: The NoClip suit can allow its wearer to pass through any 3D printed surface. Most buildings that are not considered top security structures are manufactured in this way.
A standard wall takes anywhere between 30 seconds to a minute to pass through. You can pick out an area someone has passed through using a NoClip with a Body:Perceive. Difficulty 3.
The process is not inherently loud, so its use will not alert people to its presence if its user is stealthy. However, it does emit light as the bonds of the structure are dissolved and reassembled. It will show up in a dark room.
Upgrades: -
-To pass your entire body through a surfaces takes about 30 seconds per 5 inches of wall traversed. You can move faster if you're not trying to hide your exit. In combat, move from one side to the other side by using 2 movement actions. -if the suit is damaged during a transition the process will end, but all that will result is a hole in the wall in the shape of your body. Likewise, you are not protected from attack while traveling through a surface (though the wall itself is cover if it's in the way).
-Any damage sustained while active will end the effect and render it inoperable for a turn and leave the current transition half done. It cannot be resumed without the resulting visual effect being very obvious. Damaged sustained while not actively transitioning will not harm the transition matrix unless the suit is broken.

002-1 Starlight Suit
Credits: 450c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 2;
Armor Mass: 4; Endure Bonus: +2; Movement: -1;
EM Suites: Comes with Spaceworthy(Sw)
Notes: This armor can maintain its user in perpetuity in space environments between Mercury and Neptune and has an integrated 360degree movement system allowing for free movement without checks while weightless.
Upgrades: -
A crowning achievement in personal space engineering, the Star series is brand new to Sol and is already making waves among spacers. This suit is armored and well protected against attacks, but that's largely a byproduct of its primary function: being a personal spaceship. Star suits are capable of safely transiting someone from one planet to another without any spaceship assistance. They are proofed against space temperatures and radiation levels all the way from Mercury to Neptune, and have powerful thrust and power systems, IV feeding, and pretty much anything else you need to make the journey safely. While not intended for planet to planet trips, they're boasted as up to the challenge, and whole sporting events are growing around the endurance and unique challenges required for many of the feats achievable with star suits. The Starlight series is the lightest the armor can get. It foregoes the powerful retro-jets and heat protection of its larger Starfall cousin, so it can't actually descend through atmosphere and loses some resilience, but its sheer ease of mobility is staggering for the conditions it has to endure.

Storm Armor
Credits: 500c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 2;
Armor Mass: 4; Endure Bonus: +2; Movement: -1;
EM Suites: Can purchase Sealed(Se), Self-Repairing(Sr), or Jump(Jp) for listed prices.
Notes: While wearing this armor you simplify saves for Fire, Acid, and Electricity EDAs.
Upgrades: -
Riot gear is usually enough to get most people worried when they see it marching down the street. Storm armor hammers the look home. It's clean, uniform, visually distinct and intimidating, and provides respectable protection against a wide variety of weapons. Integrated systems in the helmet and suit itself buffer effects that would normally debilitate the user, making this an ideal choice for teams that rely on shock and surprise to get the job done, and can't afford to lose time due to being stunned or disrupted. Jump-equipped variants of this suit are generally called Hailstorm armors, and epitomize the ideology behind the design.

Heavy Armor

All-Con Shell
Credits: 900c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 2;
Armor Mass: 6; Endure Bonus: +3; Movement: -2;
EM Suites: Comes with Sealed(Se)
Notes: -
Upgrades: -
The All-Conditions shell is a solid base for heavy armor systems. Most heavy armored MarsCo units just run with augmented Hardcases, but the All-Con adds additional defense against the most likely enemy assaults, and has the benefit of solid functionality in a wide variety of weather conditions. The system can even seal itself for use in space, though that's more of a last resort, as it has no inherent means of maneuvering itself. The feature is more often used for underwater operation, and the All-Con performs admirably while submerged.

Composite Assault Armor
Credits: 750c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 3;
Armor Mass: 4; Endure Bonus: +3; Movement: -1;
EM Suites: Can purchase Stealth(St), Scout(Sc), or Support(Sp) for listed prices.
Notes: -
Upgrades: -
CAG suits were built to fill a role required in boarding parties and raids, where protection is needed but resources are low. It's essentially a cheaper, lighter classiffcation of heavy armor, which still provides more protection than medium suits, but foregoes material durability for clever composites that weaken most common forms of attack. It's favored by teams on the move who lack the materials to continually restore material damage on heavy suits.

Credits: 1000c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 4;
Armor Mass: 5; Endure Bonus: +3; Movement: -2;
EM Suites: None
Notes: This armor can store up to 10 cargo points in a special hatch on its back without counting against the wearer's total. Items kept in the armor can be retrieved by any friendly character in a hex behind it as a free action (it anticipates their approach and hands it to them.) They can be returned just as rapidly.
While not worn this armor can configure itself like a work table, allowing crafting and repair to be done on it.
Upgrades: -
This armor contains a protected rear shell cargo zone with a series of rack and deployment systems specifically designed to make items readily accessable to people passing by. It anticipates an approach from behind, identifies the item being saught, and deploys it on demand. Teams of all types love the Gearbox. Its ubiquitous storage and cataloging system makes it equally well suited to storing weapons and explosives as it is for storing medical kits and emergency supplies.

Heavy Engagement Sup-Sys
Credits: 1700c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 4;
Armor Mass: 6; Endure Bonus: +5; Movement: -3;
EM Suites: Comes with Sealed(Se), Self-Repairing(Sr), Scout(Sc)
Notes: -
Upgrades: -
This heavy armor unit is employed by the IRPF in large combat or riot situations in which multiple lighter friendlies are in need of fallback protection. While this armor is plenty capable of pressing an advance, its primary role is to get in front of retreating forces and endure the bulk of pursuing attack while they get away, then hold the line until reinforcements can relieve them.
Depending on the numbers available, the order of this operation can change a bit.

002-2 Starfall Suit
Credits: 1600c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 4;
Armor Mass: 6; Endure Bonus: +3; Movement: -2;
EM Suites: Comes with Spaceworthy(Sw), Jump(Jp)
Notes: This armor can maintain its user in perpetuity in space environments between Mercury and Neptune and has an integrated 360degree movement system allowing for free movement without checks while weightless.
Wearers of this suit can safely descend from any height, but it is a loud and bright process that other people really shouldn't stand near.
Upgrades: -
This bigger, badder brother of the Starlight suit is what's usually featured in its sales videos. Both because it looks cooler, and because it boasts a visually impressive ability: heat shielding substantial enough to allow the wearer to descend to a planet's surface without assistance. Alas, while the suit's jets can slow a descent, they're not intended for the continuous burn needed to actually escape atmosphere, so getting INTO space still requires a ship. Or very large rubberband.

Special Armor

Arm Locks
Credits: 400c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 2;
Armor Mass: 0; Endure Bonus: -1; Movement: -;
EM Suites: None
Notes: Add +1 to the accuracy score of your held weapons. You can wear this armor in conjuction with any armor that does not have darkened arms in its diagram. Add this unit's properties to that armor until it is decoupled. If the armor is destroyed, this armor is as well.
Upgrades: -

Credits: 1200c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 2;
Armor Mass: 3; Endure Bonus: +1; Movement: -;
EM Suites: Comes with Sealed(Se)
Notes: This armor is fully flight capable and can travel up to 500 miles per charge at around 150 mph while in full flight mode. While functional it is immune to fall damage.
Upgrades: -

Full Alert Helmet
Credits: 1000c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 1;
Armor Mass: 0; Endure Bonus: +0; Movement: -;
EM Suites: None
Notes: This helmet provides the benefits of the Heavy Sensory Augmentation surgery, except for the landmark bonuses. It can be combined with any other armor that does not have a helmet darkened in its diagram. Add this unit's properties to that armor until it is decoupled. If the armor is destroyed, this armor is as well.
Upgrades: -

Leg Boosters Helmet
Credits: 350c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 2;
Armor Mass: 0; Endure Bonus: -1; Movement: -;
EM Suites: None
Notes: Increase your movement score by 1. You can wear this armor in conjuction with any armor that does not have darkened legs in its diagram. Add this unit's properties to that armor until it is decoupled. If the armor is destroyed, this armor is as well.
Upgrades: -

Credits: 1000c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 3;
Armor Mass: 2; Endure Bonus: +0; Movement: -;
EM Suites: Can purchase Jump(Jp) for listed price
Notes: This armor grants the wearer the benefits of the Physical Enhancement surgery, without the Landmark bonuses. They add +10 to melee damage. These benefits do not stack with any other form of Physical Enhancment. This can be worn with any other armor set that only has a torso and/or helmet darkened in its diagram. Add this unit's properties to that armor until it is decoupled. If the armor is destroyed, this armor is as well.
Upgrades: -

Psy Dome
Credits: 1000c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 1;
Armor Mass: 0; Endure Bonus: +0; Movement: -;
EM Suites: None
Notes: This helmet provides the benefits of a Wireless Hub augmentation with linked Neural Connectivity Suite. No other benefits of the NCS apply, but with this helmet you can engage in wireless hacking and mind-based computer interfacing. You are susceptible to hacking as you would be with the surgery
Upgrades: -


Small Shield
Credits: 150c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 1;
Required Hands: 0;
Melee Cover Bonus: +0; Movement: -0; Ranged Cover Bonus: +0;
Special: -;
Notes: Often manifested as simple bucklers or reinforced forearm plating, small shields grant a slightest extra edge in a brawl that can swing things in your favor without sacrificing mobility.

Medium Shield
Credits: 350c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 2;
Required Hands: 0;
Melee Cover Bonus: +2; Movement: -0; Ranged Cover Bonus: +2;
Special: Slam;
Notes: The user may not dual-weild weapons or fire precision shots. All Medium Shields have this property unless they specifically say otherwise.

Large Shield
Credits: 550c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 2;
Required Hands: 1;
Melee Cover Bonus: +3; Movement: -1; Ranged Cover Bonus: +3;
Special: Slam, Root;
Notes: Counts as full cover against flood weapons. User may not dual-wield weapons, use two handed weapons, or fire precision shots. These tower shields are large enough to provide full cover from one direction when rooted. All Large Shields have this property unless they specifically say otherwise.

Defensive Array (Large Shield)
Credits: 1500c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 2;
Required Hands: 1;
Melee Cover Bonus: +3; Movement: -1; Ranged Cover Bonus: +3;
Special: Slam, Root;
Notes: When rooted, this shield functions like a single emitter for an Area Denial Network weapon. It cannot shoot the hexes directly behind it. In addition, this emitter will shoot down projectiles larger than a bullet (grenades, thrown weapons, missiles, etc.) that pass within its range.

Detdisk (Small Shield)
Credits: 250c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 3;
Required Hands: 0;
Melee Cover Bonus: +1; Movement: -0; Ranged Cover Bonus: +0;
Special: -;
Notes: This shield houses an explosive mechanism that can be treated as a Hotspot grenade or an Egress system once. The shield will be destroyed when the system is used.

FDT Shield (Small Shield)
Credits: 600c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 3;
Required Hands: 0;
Melee Cover Bonus: +1; Movement: -0; Ranged Cover Bonus: +0;
Special: FDT;
Notes: FDT shield activation: As a reaction to an incoming attack, this shield can be activated for one power point and enhanced. Its melee and ranged cover bonuses become +3 and it can shield its bearer and anyone in both adjacent hexes until the bearer's next turn.

Glaiveguard (Small Shield)
Credits: 450c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 3;
Required Hands: 0;
Melee Cover Bonus: +1; Movement: -0; Ranged Cover Bonus: +0;
Special: -;
Notes: This shield can be thrown using the throw rules as an attack action. Double the listed distance for throw difficulties and roll against the enemy's Evade. If you hit, the shield does 2D10 damage and returns to your arm. Alternativly, you can choose to have the shield do 1 wound and remain embedded in the target. It will need to be retrieved later. If your attack misses, trace a line in the attack direction 5 hexes behind the target. If the line would encounter a wall, embed the shield in the wall. Otherwise it returns to you.

Hoverdisk (Medium Shield)
Credits: 600c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 2;
Required Hands: 0;
Melee Cover Bonus: +2; Movement: -0; Ranged Cover Bonus: +2;
Special: Slam;
Notes: This shield has an integrated Personal Motivator that can be activated and deactivated in the chatterstep. Unlike the standard personal motivator, this one will remain at the height it was activated at. It can operate for 10 minutes per hour of charge.

Mobile Emplacment Rig (Medium Shield)
Credits: 800c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 2;
Required Hands: 0;
Melee Cover Bonus: +2; Movement: -0; Ranged Cover Bonus: +2;
Special: Slam, Root;
Notes: This shield converts to an emplacement rig when Rooted. It loses its shield properties (including cover) and can no longer be moved, but grants a single adjacent ranged weapon the benefits of the Emplacement Rig upgrade. When uprooted it returns to normal.

Safezone (Large Shield)
Credits: 750c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 3;
Required Hands: 1;
Melee Cover Bonus: +3; Movement: -1; Ranged Cover Bonus: +3;
Special: Slam, Root;
Notes: If seeking cover adjacent to this shield while it is rooted, the shield will roll D6 during your chatter step. On a 3+ it will perform a Damage Control action on you for free.

Sledge disk (Medium Shield)
Credits: 500c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 3;
Required Hands: 0;
Melee Cover Bonus: +2; Movement: -0; Ranged Cover Bonus: +2;
Special: Slam;
Notes: This shield can be thrown using the throw rules as an attack action. Roll against the enemy's Evade. If you hit, the shield executes a slam attack with difficulty equal to your Body+Athletics score. Alternativly, you can choose to have the shield knock the target D3 hexes backward as long as the target has a hex occupancy of 1. The shield scatters off the impacted target's hex like a thrown object.

Slidewall Shield
Credits: 900c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 2;
Required Hands: 1;
Melee Cover Bonus: +3; Movement: -1; Ranged Cover Bonus: +3;
Special: Slam, Root;
Notes: When this shield is rooted, it can extend in segments in a direction of an adjacent user's choice. The shield can be extended 6 hexes in one direction as a support action. The original hex counts as full cover. The adjacent hex is part of the extention mechanism and can be fired through, providing no cover. The hex next to that is full cover, then extention, then full, etc, ending with one full cover plate. The shield wall can be retracted via an unroot action from either side.

Ranged Weapons


MC/IR.H-10R Handgun
Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 0;
Size: Small (1-handed
Ammo: Any; Special: Single Target, Precise, Lightweight;
Accuracy: +3; Damage: 4+2d4;
Notes: Pistol: Roll 1d10 instead of 2d10 to determine if a bonus attack can be made with this weapon.
A piece by many names, this standard handgun is a reliable, versatile weapon requiring minimal training to use properly. Carrying this gun concealed for personal protection is generally acceptable anywhere provided you've cleared it with the local IRPF office. This will still be confiscated from you in private residences or offices if it's noticed. Most of the populace of Sol owns a gun much like this one, though the number of active carriers is somewhat fewer.

MC/IR-.H-22R Crucible
Credits: 300c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Small (1-handed
Ammo: Any; Special: Single Target, Charge, Precise, Lightweight;
Accuracy: +1; Damage: 6+2d6;
Notes: Pistol: Roll 1d10 instead of 2d10 to determine if a bonus attack can be made with this weapon. This weapon ignores the first reload result rolled per combat.
For those who need a handgun capable of outputting degrees of aggression, the Crucible is a favored tool. This weapon can charge its ammunition to negate the active shielding of advanced active armor systems. It's considered to be a service weapon and a bit overkill for walking around with, but still within the class one license.

MC/IR-.H-12R Palm shot
Credits: 300c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Small (1-handed
Ammo: St, LL; Special: Single Target, Precise, Lightweight;
Accuracy: +2; Damage: 4+2d4;
Notes: Pistol: Roll 1d10 instead of 2d10 to determine if a bonus attack can be made with this weapon. This weapon can be considered equipped even if you're holding other things in the same hand.
This miniaturized version of the standard handgun packs equivalent punch in a less noticeable package. Effective for infiltration operations and stealth, but not acceptable for personal protection. The IRPF considers this an assassin's weapon and will not look kindly on you carrying one outside of a collection. This weapon is roughly the size of a Toggle case and can be fired from a palmed position, making it very easy to hide even while being searched provided they don't ask you to empty your pockets.

MC-HM-40R Pinpoint
Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Small (1-handed
Ammo: St; Special: Single Target, Precise, Lightweight, Inaccurate;
Accuracy: +1; Damage: 4+3d4;
Notes: This weapon can be wielded by micros with no penalty.
Ballistic weaponry on the micro scale has always been a challenge. The reduced size of the projectile means reduced effect on the target, the smaller barrel means less speed and accuracy, and the smaller expansion chamber reduces overall power considerably. The Pinpoint is one of the few truly micro scaled handguns, and uses a combination of technologies to cause its projectile to expand considerably upon contact with the target, then contract and expand in various angles as it travels. The result is an almost "chewing" effect, which causes substantial damage after impact rather than during.
This weapon is actually more "small shotgun" sized on a micro than "handgun" sized, but it's about as small as it can get and counts as a handgun (which can allow dual wielding if the character knows how). The weapon is difficult to hide and must usually be carried on the back, so most users wishing to stay discreet just hide themselves. This weapon is considered acceptable for personal protection, but micros typically don't carry guns in public. Historically, it has proven more provocative than protective, and has resulted in unfortunate shootings that could likely have been avoided. This is a point of contention with many micros, who blame the most noteworthy events on idiot giants thinking that just because something is small it can be screwed with at will. This can be a fun point of roleplay to consider with your character if it comes up.

MC/IR-.H-30R Surefire
Credits: 300c; Cargo Score: -;
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Small (1-handed
Ammo: St, LL; Special: Sweep, Lightweight, Single Target;
Accuracy: +3; Damage: 5d4;
Notes: Pistol: Roll 1d10 instead of 2d10 to determine if a bonus attack can be made with this weapon.
The Surefire borders on being a sub-machine gun, but falls just short, making it a great choice for operators who want a personal defense weapon that can easily double as an active combat weapon. The gun fires three shot bursts and includes internal gyroscopes to help reduce kick, resulting in accurate delivery of multiple bullets at a time for greater damage reliability.

MC/IR-.H-11R Plug gun
Credits: 350c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Small (1-handed
Ammo: St; Special: Single Target, Line, Precise;
Accuracy: +1; Damage: 3+3d6;
Notes: Pistol: Roll 1d10 instead of 2d10 to determine if a bonus attack can be made with this weapon.
This weapon cannot be modded with a Suppressor and will cancel your stealth when used despite any techniques or conditions to the contrary.
The Plugger is an effective shotgun replacement when mobility and carry space is limited. Capable of firing calibers generally reserved for two-handed weapons three times its size, the Plugger is an effective piece of stopping power. This weapon is ill suited for personal defense, as it is almost guaranteed to penetrate an unarmored target and endanger the people behind them. It's also extraordinarily loud and has a muzzle flash exceeding two feet in length. It is very noticeable when fired and will expose your position in just about any situation.


MC/IR-.H-3x15R Harrier
Credits: 300c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Small (1-handed
Ammo: Any; Special: Single Target, Sweep, Inaccurate, Stable;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: 5d4;
Notes: SMG: When shooting at point-blank, this weapon can elect to hit once automatically by using two attack actions. It must be reloaded before it can be used again.
You do not require techniques to dual wield Harriers.
The Harrier has a reputation for being an entertainment weapon rather than a practical one, primarily due to its low caliber, nearly non-existent recoil, and overall meager damage output. However, to those individuals who have cultivated a talent for firing two weapons at once, the Harrier is among the friendliest models to use thanks to its ease of one-handed aiming even while firing at full auto.

MC/IR-.H-3x13R Rattler
Credits: 300c; Gear Score:10;
Size: Small (1-handed
Ammo: St, LL; Special: Single Target, Spread, Inaccurate;
Accuracy: -2; Damage: 5d8;
Notes: SMG: When shooting at point-blank, this weapon can elect to hit once automatically by using two attack actions. It must be reloaded before it can be used again.
When accuracy is not a concern, the Rattler stands out as one of the most aggressive hand-helds in the ballistic weapon's category. Outputting at double the speed of the standard MarsCo SMG, this weapon possesses considerable stopping power, if you can keep it on target.

MC/IR-.H-3x20R Stiletto
Credits: 350c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Small (2-handed
Ammo: St; Special: Line, Sweep, Inaccurate;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: 4d8;
Notes: SMG: When shooting at point-blank, this weapon can elect to hit once automatically by using two attack actions. It must be reloaded before it can be used again.
A preferred choice among teams operating in tighter areas where rifles are difficult to wield, the Stiletto offers near rifle-like firepower in a smaller package. The considerable kick of this weapon requires that it be braced like a rifle rather than wielded freely.

MC/IR-.H-3x10R SMG
Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Small (1-handed
Ammo: Any; Special: Single Target, Sweep, Inaccurate;
Accuracy: -1; Damage: 5d6;
Notes: SMG: When shooting at point-blank, this weapon can elect to hit once automatically by using two attack actions. It must be reloaded before it can be used again.
All weapons in the sub machingun category are considered too dangerous for personal protection due to their high rates of fire. Getting caught with one of these and you're likely going to get pulled in for questioning, resulting in either the confiscation of the gun, arrest, or some effective bribing and negotiation. They are easy to conceal though, making them among the more popular weapons in the criminal scene.

MC-HL-3x42R Aggressor
Credits: 250c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Small (1-handed
Ammo: Any; Special: Single Target, Sweep, Inaccurate;
Accuracy: -1; Damage: 5D6;
Notes: SMG: When shooting at point-blank, this weapon can elect to hit once automatically by using two attack actions. It must be reloaded before it can be used again.
Laterals only, can be fired normally without the detriments to lateral shooting. This rig can support a second 3x42R for dual wielding for an additional 150 credits.
While not a full Latiform rig, the Aggressor shoulder-mount is a sturdy aim and pivot system for non-micro Laterals. Boasting a socket that can mount the standard 3x10R, this puts a high rate of fire weapon within the grasp of operatives who traditionally have difficulty wielding them.

Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 3;
Size: Small (1-handed
Ammo: N/A; Special: Single Target, Spread, Inaccurate, Poison;
Accuracy: +1; Damage: 4d4;
Notes: This weapon does not suffer reload results. Laterals can use this weapon without suffering the usual penalties for lateral attacks.
The Spyglass Shard Launcher is a machine built with such deliberate intentions that it could only have come from a corp that hailed honest-dishonesty as a virtue. Small enough to fit on a glove and fired by clenching a fist, the Shardshot razors off infinitesimally small slivers of a solid core ammunition cube inside it and propels them outward with a burst of compressed gas. Its range is short, but it is utterly silent, and the projectile itself is typically poisoned. The entry wound is pretty obvious, so it's not an ideal tool for passing off an assassination as death by natural causes, but it is easily concealed and an ideal holdout weapon. Best (or worst) of all, its modest size and simple operation make it ideal for micro laterals to mount.


MC/IR-H-52R Shotgun
Credits: 600c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 0;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: Any; Special: Spread, Inaccurate, Stable;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: 2d10;
Notes: Shotgun: If attacking a target with a shape that includes multiple hexes, simplify attacks with this weapon.
Weapons of this nature fall under most of the same rules as rifles in terms of their public carry-ability. They run a fine line when housed in vehicles, though. If you're on good terms with local authorities and have an established need for defense (say, you've taken some dangerous jobs in the past) most IRPF officers won't have a problem with you housing a shotgun in your vehicle for rapid use. Just don't walk around with it.

MC/IR-H-57R Pacifier
Credits: 700c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: St; Special: Spread, Inaccurate;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: 8+d10;
Notes: Shotgun: If attacking a target with a shape that includes multiple hexes, simplify attacks with this weapon.
This weapon has only one upgrade slot.
The massive force behind the 57R Pacifier is downplayed by its integrated silencer, which was considered necessary after initial tests with the weapon showed it likely to shock and disorient its firer with repeated use. It's accurate range is short and it'll make your shoulder hurt for days, but it's an effective tool for making whatever is currently in front of you not be there any more.

IR-H-53R Relentless
Credits: 700c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: Any; Special: Spread, Inaccurate, Stable;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: 2d10;
Notes: Shotgun: If attacking a target with a shape that includes multiple hexes, simplify attacks with this weapon.
This weapon ignores the first reload result rolled per combat.
The IRPF Relentless is a 52R variant featuring an extended ammo supply so officers will still have shots left when their shotgun wielding targets are busy reloading. While no more powerful than the standard shotgun, the IRPF typically doesn't sell this model outside of its ranks without cause. After all, its effectiveness hinges on the other guy not having one.

MC/IR-H-55R Roil
Credits: 750c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: Any; Special: Spread, Inaccurate, Disrupt;
Accuracy: -1; Damage: 3d8;
Notes: Shotgun: If attacking a target with a shape that includes multiple hexes, simplify attacks with this weapon.
If you roll max damage treat the weapon as though it has rolled a reload result after the attack.
A medium sized automatic shotgun is a wonderful tool for subjugating a panicky enemy. Its noise is horrendous, its damage is considerable, and its accuracy is..a bit of a non-issue, as most people don't want to stand in front of it anyway. This weapon is a little impractical for extended use due to its ammo consumption, but few things are more fun to fire.

IR-H-58R Tactical
Credits: 800c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: Any; Special: Spread, Inaccurate, Stable;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: 2d10;
Notes: Shotgun: If attacking a target with a shape that includes multiple hexes, simplify attacks with this weapon.
This weapon is also a 2 handed Baton melee weapon. This weapon can fire while submerged or in vacuum. This weapon can be used as a sturdy tool without risk of damage, allowing it to brace doors, pry things open, etc..
The 58R Tac is among the most robust weapons available, and the go-to shotgun for those whose jobs take them through a variety of hazardous environments. It can accept any size clip, can operate over a massive array of temperatures, has a reinforced and armored barrel jacket capable of deflecting impacts from honed melee weaponry, can fire while submerged and in vacuum, and has an impact-sensitive safety that allows it to be wielded as a tool or weapon with zero risk of misfire.

MC/IR-H-60R Waveform
Credits: 750c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: St; Special: Spread, Inaccurate, Stable, Bombard;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: 6+d10;
Notes: Shotgun: If attacking a target with a shape that includes multiple hexes, simplify attacks with this weapon.
Shotgun sized frames make an ideal platform for a variety of unique weapons systems. The Waveform is a forcebombardment system capable of exerting considerable pressure on a target. Its damage output is less than its conventional counterparts, but cover offers little defense against it.

Shrapnel Gun
Credits: 250c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: N/A; Special: Spread, Inaccurate, Poison, Bombard;
Accuracy: -1; Damage: 2d12;
Notes: Junkhopper: Spend a standard action feeding the Shrapnel gun fresh junk. Its next attack has Exploit. If fired in Bombard mode while using this ability the gun will need to be reloaded before firing again.
One of the nastier surprises to come out of Spyglass markets, this weapon shreds and vomits metal shards at lethal speeds, blanketing a local area in vicious shrapnel. Its overall damage is low enough that most armored opponents have little to worry about, but it shreds flesh nicely and has the advantage of using damn near anything for ammo. Cans, glass, street junk, just load it into the hopper and the rapid compression and shredding cogs do the rest.


MC/IR-H-3x60R Assault Rifle
Credits: 600c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: Any; Special: Single Target, Line, Precise;
Accuracy: +1; Damage: 4+3d8;
Notes: -
The most ubiquitous weapon in Sol. This durable firearm employs our smoothly engineered, beautifully reliable caseless ammo sparked with proven frequency-pulse ignition systems, resulting in a smooth, clean shot every time. The unique sound produced by this weapon has earned it a variety of nicknames over the years, but it's most often referred to as a Pulser or Doppler rifle.
This is a dedicated service weapon and can't be carried casually unless your organization has all its ducks in a row (if you'll pardon the pun) with the IRPF. In most cases, once you've paid your fees and been officially recognized, you're clear to pack your rifles, but if you make a habit of flaunting them or wearing them for no reason in areas with a dense civilian population, you're going to earn yourself ill-will. And you sure as hell better not DRAW the thing without a clear and present danger.

IR-H-1012 Big
Credits: 700c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: Any; Special: Single Target, Line, Precise;
Accuracy: -1; Damage: 6+3d10;
Notes: This weapon has the Scope modification, which takes up one of its upgrade slots.
It's a simple name for a rather technologically complex weapon, but its effect is blunt and to the point, which reflects its operation. The Big is good for holding still, taking careful aim, and removing what it's pointed at. It doesn't do much else.

MC-HM-3x80R Hive
Credits: 700c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: N/A; Special: Single Target;
Accuracy: +2; Damage: d8;
Notes: This weapon is micro scaled.
Swarm: When attacking with this weapon, as long as you continue to attack the same target, add an additional D8 damage to each subsiquent roll (max 6D8). This resets if you attack a different target, do something other than attacking with this weapon, or miss.
Damage caused by this weapon is rolled agaisnt the target and all adjacent targets.
When tasked with the production of a micro scaled assault rifle, MarsCo got creative. The Hive is a nanoprobe gun that saturates the air around a target with an ever-increasing supply of micro-explosive robots. The results aren't as immediate as a full sized rifle, but given only a few seconds time, they can build up to profoundly devastating levels.

MC/IR-H-3x52R Popup
Credits: 750c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: Any; Special: Single Target, Line, Precise, Lightweight;
Accuracy: +1; Damage: 4+2d10;
Notes: This weapon does not support mods. It can be collapsed and expanded while it is being drawn.
Easy transportation can be critical if infiltration is part of your assignment. The Popup is a full sized rifle that is capable of collapsing into a 7x4x2 inch rectangle and back again with the push of a button. Despite its easily concealable nature, this weapon doesn't share the same reputation that other hideaway guns do. It's considered more "efficient" than "assassin." However, you are required to wear it openly (perhaps attached to a belt) so it can be seen by officers in order to adhere to your IRPF agreements. If you're found carrying it secretly, you will likely be considered a public threat.

MC/IR-H-3x72R Ranger
Credits: 800c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: St, AP; Special: Single Target, Line, Precise, Charge;
Accuracy: +2; Damage: 6+2d10;
Notes: This weapon cannot be modded with a Suppressor and will cancel your stealth when used despite any techniques or conditions to the contrary.
Known to tactical sharpshooters everywhere, the Ranger gives you a high caliber round and an ideal delivery system for key single shots. It's charge system allows pinpoint fire to be devastating while still giving it the versatility of an automatic weapon when it needs it, but makes hiding difficult.

MC/IR-H-3x70R Ravage
[Credits: 800c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: St, AP; Special: Line;
Accuracy: -1; Damage: 2+3d10;
Notes: -
This weapon emphasizes armor punishment, employing a positively massive bullet for a medium sized weapon and sacrificing rate of fire for maximum impact. Its large ammo capacity and range gives it and advantage over similarly devastating auto-shotguns, but its custom ammunition makes it more expensive to operate.

IR-H-3x66R Sharpbark rifle
Credits: 700c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: St, LL; Special: Line, Precise;
Accuracy: +1; Damage: 2+3d10;
Notes: -
Developed as an IRPF standard replacement to the 3x60R, the Sharpbark sacrifices ammo variety to accept a larger round with greater stopping power.

MC/IR-H-3x63R Storm
Credits: 800c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: St; Special: Line, Aim-Assist, Single Target;
Accuracy: +1; Damage: 2+2d10;
Notes: Aim-Assist: This weapon simplifies ranged combat checks.
An excellent choice for tight quarters or limited visibility areas where the enemy's exact location is unknown. The Storm's high rate of fire and integrated stabilization make it ideal for team member's whose aim could use a little improvement. Just point it in one direction; you'll probably hit something.

MC-HL-3x86R Wingset
Credits: 800c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: Any; Special: Single Target, Line, Precise;
Accuracy: +1; Damage: 3+3d8;
Notes: Laterals only. This weapon counts as dual-wielded and has the associated bonuses and requirements. Laterals can use this weapon without the usual negatives associated with shooting as laterals.
The Wingset is a double weapons systems with iris-mapping an body interpretation systems to allow for accurate aiming at a target based on the actions of a body that can't normally point two guns in two different directions. The Wingset employs a custom rifle equivalent to the 3x60, but the increased storage area down the wearer's back allows for a larger ammo hopper.

IR-H-1022 Asp
Credits: 750c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 3;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: Any; Special: Single Target, Line, Precise, Lurk;
Accuracy: +1; Damage: 6+3d6;
Notes: This weapon has the Suppressor modification which takes one of its upgrade slots.
This lightweight sniper rifle packs less punch than some of its kin, but is easier to transport and aim and collapses nicely for concealment. It has a repuation as an assassination tool that makes it difficult to acquire.


Tech Assembly Bow
Credits: 700c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 3;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: 25 Material; Special: Precise, Single Target, Lurk, Ammo Selection;
Accuracy: +3; Damage: 4xd8;
Notes: Micro-explosive tip: 10 material. Increase damage to 4xD12.
Seeking tip: 5 material. Counts the weapon's accuracy score as 4 for this shot.
Screech tip: 2 material. If hit, the enemy cannot use combat sneaking or escape detection until they remove the arrow with a support action.
Tether tip: 5 material. Allows the attachment of any 1-handed item, which will detach from the arrow on contact with a surface. Useful for attaching distant ropes, cameras, or distractions.
Scatter tip: 10 material. Select a target hex you have a clear shot to. Treat the hex as though it has a 15 Evade score. If you hit, angle a Flood off of that hex in any direction you want.
Blowback tip: 10 material. Enemy is knocked 2D10-their Total Mass hexes backward. They must roll an endure save with difficulty equal to half the distance moved or be knocked Prone.
Stun tip: 5 material. Adds the Disrupt property to the arrow.
The TAB is capable of assembling complicated arrowheads from a variety of saved designs. It limits it to 1 shot per round if using a modified arrow, but removes the need for a quiver and provides maximum on-demand utility. The bow uses Material as ammunition, and will need to be reloaded as it's depleted. Its hopper holds 25 Material, which can be purchased for 50 credits from any buyspot (material purchased in this way is just for this bow). Additional material pucks can be bought and stored on your person.
Select which arrow you're firing each time you use the bow. Deduct the material cost from your on-board ammunition. Firing a normal, unmodified arrow is free and does not limit the bow to one shot per round. It is possible to purchase multiple tips for a single arrow.

Tactical Folding Composite Bow
Credits: 600c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 3;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: Any; Special: Single Target, Lurk, Overdraw;
Accuracy: +3; Damage: 5d8;
Notes: Overdraw: You can convert this attack to an Exploit attack. Complicate the attack. You may not attack more than once this round for any reason.
The folding composite bow is a simple, quiet weapon that is difficult to detect and ideal for stealth missions. A mounted quivers silently dispenses arrows on a tiny armature for rapid retrieval and can feed them as quickly as the archer can pull the string, making this the fastest firing bow available. While still no match for rifles in terms of overall damage potential, the slower flightspeed of the bow and lack of chemical explosives or barrel friction allows its arrows to be made of a dissolving material, which will melt away and disintegrate moments after firing, leaving no forensic evidence behind to follow.


Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Small (1-handed
Ammo: N/A; Special: Flood, Disrupt (Sonic), Lightweight, Non-Lethal;
Accuracy: -; Damage: 1d8;
Notes: This weapon cannot make bonus attacks.
For every weapon with the Disrupt (Sonic) descriptor used in a round, remove 1D8 from the damage roll of other sonic disruptors.
Pepper spray didn't make the leap from Earth to Mars after humanity's destruction, and with different technology and different lines of thought came different solutions to the question of how to disable an opponent without killing them. The Purge Wave is a small handheld device that emits a short ranged but extremely disturbing buffeting effect that bombards the eyes, ears and lungs of an enemy, leading to bouts of nausea, dizziness, fluctuating blood-pressure and (in some rather unfortunate cases) an inability to control one's bodily functions. While not particularly harmful, it is nearly impossible to fight while under the effects of a Purge Wave

MC/IR-SpecR Stickygun
Credits: 700c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: N/A; Special: Spread, Inaccurate, Stable, Webbed;
Accuracy: -1; Damage: 2d8;
Notes: Webbed: The damage rating on this weapon deals Webbing points instead of damage. If the web points dealt exceeds the target's Evade, their movement is reduced to 1 and Evade is reduced by 5. Characters that have been so ruduced cannot use Flight or Stunts, nor can they return attacks in combat. They may attack normally on their turn. Webbing can be removed by spending a full turn removing it.
The unique properties of the stickygun take it out of the usual MarsCo product line, but it's found a home with many teams that specialize on target collection. It fires a short ranged and indiscriminate flood of fast-drying resin that can slow and nearly immobilize targets, even if they're well equipped.

Credits: 500c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: N/A; Special: Line, FDT;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: d8x3;
Notes: FDT activation: For one powerpoint change this weapon's damage to D8x10 and continue its Line out to the edge of the battlefield or until it hits somthing it can't penetrate.
If this ability is used, no other attacks with this weapon can be made this turn. This ability cannot be used again for D3 rounds.
The FDT bow is so named because of its comparatively low rate of fire and range next to a standard rifle. While an appealing assassination weapon due to its lack of physical projectiles, its discharge is accompanied by a rather flashy eruption of energy and a significant noise. FDT bows typically find use in the hands of bounty hunters who favor the low standard damage output as a safer way to bring a foe in alive, but want the option to unleash a significantly larger blast if something goes wrong.

MC-HM-3x81R Lightshow
Credits: 750c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Small (1-handed
Ammo: N/A; Special: Single Target, ARC;
Accuracy: +4; Damage: 3d8;
Notes: This weapon is a two part system. Line of sight to the enemy must be obtained from both the target painter and the lightning generator for a shot to be considered valid. The generator can be lifted and put down as standard actions and can be dropped or thrown, but cannot be worn while in use. The unit has 10 Endure and 10 wounds and an Evasion score of 8 and will function until destroyed. It can be repaired with a successful check between uses.
ARC: Duplicate results on the damge dice count as ARC results. If at least one ARC result is rolled, the lightning arcs to every character (friend or foe) within three hexes of the initial target, dealing 3D8 damage and prompting a save as per the electricity EDA. This process can repeat itself indefinitely on every new target, but can't hit things more than once. Plot devices, consoles, and other sensitive equipment are all valid targets for the arc.
Making use of a micro's size to the advantage of the team doesn't always mean hiding them in a vent and having them cut wires (though that is a pretty effective system). Sometimes it means giving them one of the hardest hitters in the arsenal and letting them fire from extremely defensible positions.
Enter the Lightshow: a two-part system that channels lightning from a mobile generator and aims it with laser accuracy. The backpack sized field generator is placed by a full-sized individual at the start of a conflict, and the target painter is a micro-rifle sized unit that can be carried and wielded easily by micros, allowing them to beam targets onto distant enemies and direct the lightning to them. The resulting charge hits like a truck and can send a victim into convulsions.

Credits: 500c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 3;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: In; Special: Flood, Bombard, Melt, Ignite;
Accuracy: -2; Damage: 2d10;
Notes: Select Flood or Bombard (using the accuracy score for Bombard) before firing.
This weapon cannot be used in a non-lethal fashion. Enemies who reduce you to zero wounds are very likely to kill you for using this.
Ignite: This weapon is always equiped with Incendiary ammo and will prompt a roll for ignition as per the fire EDA with every attack.
Still one of the most loathed weapons in existence, in terms of its end results. Few deaths on the battlefield are as vicious as burning alive and the very act of carrying one of these weapons into battle can make you a target. That said, it's also brutally effective.

Credits: 750c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 3;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Ammo: N/A; Special: Single Target, Sustained Laser;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: d3 Wounds;
Notes: Sustained Laser: This weapon must hit twice in the same turn in order to deal damage.
Laser weaponry falls in and out of favor depending on trends and armor. It has extreme advantages in speed and accuracy, but can be thwarted by fairly simple armor and takes time to build up lethal force.

Heavy Weapons

MC/IR-V-7x133R Area Denial Network
Credits: 1200c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Heavy (2-handed
Ammo: In; Special: Line;
Accuracy: -; Damage: -;
Notes: This weapon takes the form of a cylindrical unit that is worn as a backpack and can be placed or thrown as per the throwing rules. Each attack action allows a single unit to the thrown. Each unit has 10 Endure and 10 Wounds and an evasion score of 8.
Once placed, the unit has a 360 degree field of view and an effective range of three hexes from itself.
Anyone moving into, leaving, or activating within the unit's range will be hit by its laser once immediatly. Line of sight is drawn from the unit. The hit is automatic and cannot be dodged (it being a laser and all) It causes D3 wounds. After the attack, roll a D10. If you roll above the number of rounds the laser has fired in, it persists. If you roll equal or below that number, the laser has discharged its battery and goes inert. Inert units can be reclaimed and recharged at any power-source. Destroyed units can be repaired as per armor.
The laser ADN rewards creativity (and careful footing). These heavy units are robust enough to be thrown like grenades, and will provide immediate and lethal laser-enforced area denial. The on-board power is only good for a few uses, but your adversaries wont know when the unit goes inert without venturing in to find out.
Checking to see if the laser is inert should be a player task, and should be kept secret from the Guide and other players (but be honest. There's no point in cheating, it's not a contest). The unit itself shows no outside indication of being armed or disarmed. The only way to find out is if you move into its active area, or if the owner shuts it down remotely.

MC/IR-H-7x109R Adaptive Energy Response Rifle
Credits: 1200c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Heavy (2-handed
Ammo: In; Special: Spread, Melt, Charge;
Accuracy: -2; Damage: 6+3D12;
Notes: This weapon cannot make threat response or bonus attacks.
This weapon is always equipped with Incendiary ammo.
The large weapon category opens up several energy weapon options that are impractical at smaller sizes, such as compartmentalized plasma. These magnetically encapsulated plasma bolts cause considerable heat damage on impact and can be recharged rather than reloaded, saving on operational cost.

MC/IR-H-3x100R Heavy Repeater
Credits: 1000c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Heavy (2-handed
Ammo: Any except LL; Special: Line;
Accuracy: -2; Damage: 6d10;
Notes: This weapon cannot make threat response or bonus attacks.
Weapons of this size and damage potential are unacceptable for personal carry in any populated area in Sol, unless you've actually been called in to use one. Teams generally purchase these to defend their own headquarters or have them available for larger, anti-armor jobs. When taking dangerous missions, the mission organizer often isn't too worried about "overkill" if they've already called for the death of an enemy, but may forbid weapons of this classiffication or higher if they feel it would make them look bad to the public or cause unnecessary collateral damage.
The cumbersome shape and barrel length of this weapon tends to lend it well to vehicular mounting, but having one on foot presents a team with the unique opportunity to unleash frightening levels of firepower from a portable source.

IR-H-103R Public Placation System
Credits: 1200c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Heavy (2-handed
Ammo: N/A; Special: Large Flood, Disrupt (Sonic), Non-Lethal;
Accuracy: -; Damage: 3d8;
Notes: This weapon cannot make bonus attacks.
Large Flood: Fire as per normal for a flood weapon, but extend the range of the cone out to 10 hexes long by 10 hexes wide.
For every weapon with the Disrupt (Sonic) descriptor used in a round, remove 1D8 from the damage roll of other sonic disruptors.
Developed by the IRPF as a means of pacifying active riots, the PPS is a rather unfriendly upgrade to the common Purge Wave, and is capable of putting down whole crowds at once, even when wearing head protection. Its operation requires significant power reserves however, so it's usually only used briefly. That, and, well. It makes a mess.

Credits: 600c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 3;
Size: Heavy (2-handed
Ammo: N/A; Special: Single Target, Energy Painter;
Accuracy: -; Damage: -;
Notes: This weapon targets hexes and does not roll to hit. Select a hex within range and roll D4. The result is the number of Energy Painter uses you get with this attack.
Energy Painter: Energize the target hex. In one round the energized hex will explode like a hotspot grenade. Only the surface layer of the hex is exploding, so it can be re-painted afterward, but the effect does not stack.
Glowguns hold 10 attack actions before they need to be recharged (1 hour).
The Glowgun is a somewhat sloppy area denial system that shines brightests when paired with abilities that can direct enemy movement. Another Glowgun, for instance. For sheer economy, multiple Glowguns are a rather inefficient way to kill someone. But they're among the more entertaining ones.

H-101 Longarm
Credits: 1100c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 3;
Size: Heavy (2-handed
Ammo: Any except LL; Special: Single Target, Line, Precise;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: 1 Wound;
Notes: This weapon cannot make threat response or bonus attacks. This weapon is equipped with a scope. Do 1 extra wound with this weapon for every 5 points your attack exceeded the enemy's Evasion score by.
The Longarm emphasizes stopping power above all else and is the go-to rifle for eliminating heavy targets from a safe range.

Credits: 450c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 3;
Size: Heavy (2-handed
Ammo: N/A; Special: Innacurate, Stable, Mass Painter;
Accuracy: -; Damage: -;
Notes: This weapon targets hexes and does not roll to hit. Select a hex within range and roll D4. The result is the number of Mass Painter uses you get with this attack.
Mass Painter: Create a raised area of cover in the target hex. The cover is about 3 feet tall by 1 foot wide, and multiple stacks can be sprayed on top of each other to create walls. Mass paint solidifies very quickly, so it is possible to create complicated structures with windows and ceilings using it. It just wont be pretty.
Matterhose tanks hold 10 attack actions before they need to be reffilled (50 credits).
The Matterhose uses rapid assembly technology similiar to that found in SAMs to produce instant cover for allies. While shunned by some for taking a combatant out of the fight (the system is rather bulky and you can't really fight while using it) it's beloved by others for its ability to transform a battlefield. Skilled users can produce defensible structures with it, sometimes with multiple floors.

MC/IR-H-250R Recoil-less Delivery System
Credits: 750c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: -;
Size: Heavy (2-handed
Ammo: 1 rocket; Special: -;
Accuracy: -5; Damage: -;
Notes: This system fires a single rocket at a time. Rockets target hexes and will scatter as though thrown if they miss. The impact hex and all hexes adjacent to it are hit with the full effect of the rocket. Hexes adjacent to those are hit with any effects of the rocket, and half damage. Rockets can be dodged like grenades.
Rockets weigh as much as a medium weapon and take up about as much space. Loading the rocket is a support action. It is not possible to reload or fire the rocket more than once per round. A party can only have three rockets at any given time (authorities get pretty worried about people stockpiling those).
Anti-armor (220 credits): D10*10 damage, Melt, Charge. Minimum 50 on landing point. Gear score 3.
Anti-tank (350 credits): D10*20 damage, Melt, Charge, damage impacted hex only. Gear score 3.
Anti-personnel (300 credits): D10*6 damage, Disrupt, all affected hexes take full damage instead of half. Gear score 3.
For those who lack a subtle approach, the MarsCo 250R delivers self-propelled explosives across considerable range, ensuring that your target (and everyone in the near vicinity) gets your message.
All rockets are devastating explosives, not compact, tempered ones like hot-spot grenades. Each impact will cause collateral damage to the area and put anyone nearby at risk, as well as endanger the structural integrity of any building the party may be in. The exact risk varies per location, but the Guide should make it a thing to consider every time a rocket is fired. This weapon cannot be modified.

MC/IR-H-110R Rivitgun
Credits: 1300c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 3;
Size: Heavy (2-handed
Ammo: Any except LL; Special: Spread, Inaccurate, Stable, Line;
Accuracy: +2; Damage: 7xd8;
Notes: This weapon cannot make threat response or bonus attacks.
This massive weapon combines the stopping power of the Pacifier with the speed of the Roil, resulting in a devastating delivery of firepower. The recoil on what is affectionately referred to as "the rivitgun" is so great that considerable extra weight was added to offset it.

MC/IR-H-3x105R Sound and Fury
Credits: 1300c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 3;
Size: Heavy (2-handed
Ammo: N/A; Special: Sweep, Inaccurate;
Accuracy: +2; Damage: 10xd6;
Notes: This weapon cannot make threat response or bonus attacks.
Sometimes called the mini-torrent, this is essentially the SMG of heavy weapons. Its small by heavy standards, compact and easy to swing in tight areas, but its heavy weight and thick materials land it solidly in the heavy weapons category.

Melee Weapons

Standard Melee

Credits: 50c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 0;
Size: Small (1-handed
Melee Cover: 1; Special: Cut, Spin, Lightweight;
Accuracy: +4; Damage: 4+2d4; Range: 1 hex;
Notes: When rolling for a bonus attack using this weapon, subtract 3 from the roll for each previous attack made by this weapon this turn.
Most people won't bring a sword into combat; they take too much skill and ask for too much risk to use on a regular basis. A knife, however, is a staple in most everyone's collection if they plan on fighting for their lives. A short stiff blade that can be swung quickly and efficiently and stored out of the way when not in use is too functional to do without.

Credits: 150c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Small (1- or 2-handed
Melee Cover: 3; Special: Cut, Spin;
Accuracy: +3/+1; Damage: 5+3d*; Range: 2 hex;
Notes: Lateral only. This weapon does not suffer from the usual lateral limitations on attacks.
When attacking in melee, swing 1 handed or two "handed," indicating a counterweight setting on the weapon. If 1 handed, your accuracy bonus is 3 and * is 6. If 2 handed, your weapon bonus is 1 and * is 12.
The offcial title for this weapon is so rarely used by the general public it's almost unrecognizable. Equipped with a counterweight and gyroscopic stabilization, this swinging weapon resembles a large circular ring with a bladed edge worn on the back and can be easily manipulated with a body motion and allows a lateral to have a true "sword" that does not hinder their movement.

Credits: 100c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Small (1- or 2-handed
Melee Cover: 2; Special: Spin, Lightweight;
Accuracy: +4/+2; Damage: 3d*; Range: 1 hex;
Notes: When attacking in melee, swing 1 handed or two handed. If 1 handed, your accuracy bonus is 4 and * is 6. If 2 handed, your accuracy bonus is 2 and * is 10.
This weapon can be upgraded to a Shockstick for 100 credits more. It prompts saves as per the Electricity EDA whenever it lands a Bonus attack.
Bludgeoning weapons like collapsing batons are favorites among operatives whose physical strength is substantial enough that the utility of a simple metal rod outweighs the damage potential of a blade. They're easy to conceal and carry, don't raise any eyebrows with the law, and are remarkably difficult to fight against if the user knows what they're doing.

Credits: 150c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Medium (1- or 2-handed
Melee Cover: 3; Special: Cut, Spin;
Accuracy: +3/+1; Damage: 5+2d*; Range: 2 hex;
Notes: When attacking in melee, swing 1 handed or two handed. If 1 handed, your accuracy bonus is 3 and * is 6. If 2 handed, your accuracy bonus is 1 and * is 12.
Swords are typically used more for competition and ceremony than actual combat these days, but a sharp edge is just as lethal as it has ever been. Modern swords are typically short and straight and bear marked resemblance to machetes or the classic Roman gladius, which has remained a functional design for the lowly soldier even after thousands of years and a complete change of species.

Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Small Large (2-handed
Melee Cover: 3; Special: Spin;
Accuracy: +3; Damage: d12; Range: 3 hex;
Notes: Add 5 to damage for each time you've attacked your current target this turn, beginning at 1.
The logical progression of the collapsing baton is the collapsing polearm. Tremorpoles are remarkable pieces of engineering despite their primitive appearance. They have to be, to still be useful despite retracting to a mere foot in length when not in use. Pikes like these tend to do less outright damage than large blades, but a solid hit will send an opponent to the floor.

Hard Edge
Credits: 550c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Large (2-handed
Melee Cover: 2; Special: Cut, Spin, Shock;
Accuracy: -1; Damage: 4D8; Range: 3 hex;
Notes: Shock: Rolls of 8 for damage add an additional D8 to the damage for this attack. Additional 8's rolled in this way do not benefit from Shock. If an enemy is Wounded on and attack that did extra damage through Shock, they roll on the Electric EDA.
A step up from a general sword, the Hard-Edge was IRPF's answer to a more versatile, more potent bladed weapon. With a thick, wide blade, the Hard-Edge makes for a useful stand in for shovels, pry-bars and other areas where a firm platform is required. In addition to mounting positions for attachments, the handle of the Hard-Edge features a trigger that can channel considerable voltage down the blade on demand. Due to the difficulty of conducting down such thick insulation the Hard-Edge makes for a poor Shock-stick, but to those with talent and restraint, it can make quick attacks much more effective.

Heavy Axe
Credits: 300c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Large (2-handed
Melee Cover: 1; Special: Cut, Spin;
Accuracy: +3; Damage: 8+d10; Range: 2 hex, with 1 hex gap;
Notes: -
Fighting axes have refined their look in the centuries following humanity, with variations that look almost sword-like to those that more closely resemble their ancient origins, but their general function remains: put a lot of weight behind a sharp edge.

Katarod - Feedback Bore
Credits: 300c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Small (1-handed
Melee Cover: 1; Special: Single target, Balanced, Inaccurate, Feedback;
Accuracy: +4; Damage: *d6; Range: 1 hex;
Notes: When attacking in melee, * equals your CQC score. When throwing, * equals your ranged combat score.
Feedback: If doubles are rolled for damage against armor, Disable the armor's abilities as though it were broken for 1 round.
Katarods are stiff, sharpened and balanced rods with points at both ends, ideal for both a personal stabbing weapon and a throwing one. Additionally, because of their size and weight, they can house fairly complex features. Specialty Katarods exist that are uniquly effective against specific armor types.

Katarod - Heatspike
Credits: 300c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Small (1-handed
Melee Cover: 1; Special: Single target, Melt, Balanced, Inaccurate, Lightweight;
Accuracy: +4; Damage: *d6; Range: 1 hex;
Notes: When attacking in melee, * equals your CQC score. When throwing, * equals your ranged combat score.
Katarods are stiff, sharpened and balanced rods with points at both ends, ideal for both a personal stabbing weapon and a throwing one. Additionally, because of their size and weight, they can house fairly complex features. Specialty Katarods exist that are uniquly effective against specific armor types.

Katarod - Shockspike
Credits: 300c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Small (1-handed
Melee Cover: 1; Special: Single target, Charge, Balanced, Inaccurate, Lightweight;
Accuracy: +4; Damage: *d6; Range: 1 hex;
Notes: When attacking in melee, * equals your CQC score. When throwing, * equals your ranged combat score.
Katarods are stiff, sharpened and balanced rods with points at both ends, ideal for both a personal stabbing weapon and a throwing one. Additionally, because of their size and weight, they can house fairly complex features. Specialty Katarods exist that are uniquly effective against specific armor types.

Seering Sword
Credits: 550c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Large (2-handed
Melee Cover: 2; Special: Cut, Spin, Torch;
Accuracy: -1; Damage: 4d8; Range: 3 hex;
Notes: Torch: Rolls of 8 for damage add an additional D8 to the damage for this attack. Additional 8's rolled in this way do not benefit from Torch. If an enemy is Wounded on an attack that did extra damage from Torch, they roll on the Fire EDA.
A variant of the Hard-Edge, the Seering Sword was mostly developed for show, as it's a visually impressive weapon that most enemies are warry of approaching. The IRPF doesn't actually employ this one in any official capacity. Stunning an enemy is one thing, the public is less forgiving of setting them on fire.

Credits: 800c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Small (1-handed
Melee Cover: 1; Special: Reel, Lightweight;
Accuracy: +2; Damage: 4+2d6; Range: 1 hex;
Notes: This weapon also possess the properties of the Hooks item and the Grapple Guantlet. It does not need to be reloaded when used in this fashion, just declare that you're using the reel ability as you're attacking. It will deal damage as normal.
Sickles make for usful replacement for holdout knives that include a utilitarian function for getting out of (or into) bad situations. Their damage output isn't astounding, but in skilled hands they hurt enough, and being able to drag targets around helps.

Boost Hammer
Credits: 550c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 3;
Size: Large (2-handed
Melee Cover: 1; Special: Spin, Thrusters;
Accuracy: -1; Damage: 3d10; Range: 2 hex with 1 hex gap;
Notes: Thrusters: When rolling damage for this weapon apply 1-3 thrust. Roll that many D10s in addition to what you would normally roll for damage. For each point of thrust applied to the hammer, the enemy is knocked one hex back. If the enemy cannot be knocked back or if any of the dice come out as multiple 10's, consult the following:
If 2 dice were 10s: Drop the hammer after dealing damage. It must be picked up again to be used.
If 3 were 10s: Drop the hammer and scatter it D10 hexes in a random direction after dealing damage. The user and the victim must both pass Endure checks with difficulty equal to the scatter distance or be knocked prone.
If 4 were 10s: Scatter as above, but the victim, the user, and anyone else in the combat are all repelled in opposite directions from each other D10 hexes and knocked prone.
This jet-equipped hammer has had many names and many blueprint variants, but the core remains the same: a super-dense striking face whose swing is assisted by a powerful short-burn thruster. It's unwieldy at best, but it sure hits hard.

Burn Job
Credits: 500c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 3;
Size: Small (1-handed
Melee Cover: 0; Special: Melt, Lightweight;
Accuracy: -7; Damage: 2+d4 Wounds; Range: 1 hex;
Notes: This weapon cannot be modded.
Variations of the burner have existed for centuries. A lightweight, extremely deadly weapon intended for assassination; it relies on silence and high damage potential to outweigh its extremely obvious entry wounds. Carrying a Burn Job is illegal just about everywhere. Its finicky aiming makes it ill suited for personal defense and too-well suited for ending someone's life quietly in the night.

Credits: 500c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 3;
Size: Small (1-handed
Melee Cover: 0; Special: Lightweight, Cut;
Accuracy: +1; Damage: 3d8; Range: 1 hex;
Notes: Attacks made with this weapon ignore cover provided by weapons.
This weapon can make retalitory close combat attacks against bonus attacks.
The rayblade is an artifact from a time in the past when boarding operations were the only reliable way to subdue a spacecraft. It's a beautiful and precise weapon, but it's touchy and rather useless in untrained hands. These days they're mostly just owned by collectors as showpieces. Many are quite ornate.
Rayblades are laser emitters with a focus point only 1 inch long, situated roughly three feet from the handle. Anything in front of or behind that point would be utterly unharmed by the beam, but that narrow location contains enough energy to carve through armor plate. Rayblades can only maintain their "blade" for a second or two, so they're wielded with fast slashes. Their invisible blades make it look like sparks and blood simply erupt from the enemy with a gesture, and have earned this weapon distinction among showmen despite its somewhat impractical nature among modern boarding weapons.

Credits: 500c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 3;
Size: Small (1-handed
Melee Cover: 0; Special: Melt, Induction Heating;
Accuracy: +3; Damage: *d12; Range: 2 hex, 2 hex gap;
Notes: Induction Heating: * is equal to the enemy's Armor Mass score unless that armor is organic. If the enemy has no printed Armor Mass but is wearing armor, assume that light armor is Mass 2, Medium is 4, and Heavy is 6.

Credits: 560c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 3;
Size: Small (1-handed
Melee Cover: 2; Special: Cut, Spin, Variable;
Accuracy: +2; Damage: 5+d8; Range: 2 hex, or 2 hex with 2 hex gap;
Notes: Variable: When making attacks against targets at the purple range the Switchribbon automatically converts to Whip mode. Count its melee cover score as 0 until the user makes another attack against a target at the red range.
The Switchribbon is a sword with powerful internal cabling that allows it to split into segments and extend into a whip-like device. The system is quick and powerful and skillful users can transition between whip and sword from slash to slash, but the physical requirements of the blade make it a bit less sturdy than a comparable piece of pure alloy with a handle. The Switchribbon's real advantage is range.

FDT Blade
Credits: 400c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 4;
Size: Medium (2-handed
Melee Cover: 2; Special: Cut, Spin, Lightweight, FDT;
Accuracy: +1; Damage: d8x3; Range: 2 hex;
Notes: FDT activation: For one power point, change this weapon's damage to D8x10 and grant it the Melt and Charge properties.
If this ability is used, no other attacks with this weapon can be made this turn. This ability cannot be used again for D3 rounds
The FDT blade gained moderate interest among independents as a stealth weapon, as it's invisible when active, but it's comparatively low damage output and loud activation sound put it below rayblades in overall universal favor. In an effort to bolster its appeal, FDT blades were fitted with holo-emitters to make the invisible "mass" of the blade appear to be anything the bearer wanted. The novelty of this actually sold more of the units than its functional benefits.

Occam's Razor
Credits: 500c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 4;
Size: Small (1-handed
Melee Cover: 1; Special: Cut, Lightweight, Poison, Cybertoxins, Silent Killer;
Accuracy: +4; Damage: 2d6; Range: 1 hex;
Notes: Silent Killer: A target that has been Wounded by this weapon must pass an Endure save (3) or be unable to speak for 30 minutes.
Cybertoxins: If this weapon Wounds, roll D4. Apply the result to the table:
1: The target rolls on the Fire Damage EDA
2: The target rolls on the Electric Damage EDA
3: The target rolls on the Acid Damage EDA
4: The target takes an additional Wound
Occam's Razor ranks with the Burnjob as one of the more cruel assassination tools on the market. With a successful cut the target is rendered silent, which allows the knife's viscous toxins to slowly burn them up from within with no one being the wiser. The weapon itself isn't particularly large, so proper poisoning often requires multiple stabs into the silent victim. It got its name because of the sheer unlikelihood of owning and carrying one of these knives for any reason beyond a contract killing. They are flat illegal in most towns employing the IRPF.

Credits: 750c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 4;
Size: Large (2-handed
Melee Cover: 0; Special: Cut, Spin*, Vicious Edge;
Accuracy: -1; Damage: 10+2d10; Range: 2 hex, 1 hex gap;
Notes: Vicious Edge: This weapon is equipped with the Vibrox upgrade with the following additional property: It affects shields.
When used against terrain, unless that terrain is particularly well armored (a vault) the reaper will cut through it without much difficulty.
Spin*: Enemies do not benefit from cover against the Reaper's Spin attack. It can only Spin once per turn.
Scythes are not a common motif in postagricultural Sol and they've never been particularly good combat weapons anyway, but the Reaper has gained distinction by using its considerable size to house devastating technology that grants its blade nearly unstoppable cutting power. It sunders heavy armor and walls alike, and makes for an intimidating presence on the field.

Weaver Spools
Credits: 750c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 4;
Size: Small (2-handed
Melee Cover: 0; Special: Cut, Hardwire Garrote;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: *d10; Range: 4 hex;
Notes: Hardwire Garrote: Roll to hit a target within range. If hit, do no damage, but put a Garrote token on the target, up to a max of 3.
Any time the target takes an action while they are within the range of the Weaver Spools, deal *D10 damage to them, where * is the number of Garrote tokens they have.
If a character with Garrote tokens would leave the Weaver Spool range (either because they move or you do) deal damage as though they had acted and remove thier tokens.
The IRPF Hardwire is a very useful and versatile tool, and Spyglass loves a good opportunity to piss the IRPF off. Enter the Weaver Spool, which combines specialized gloves and powerful motors to create a web of monofillament that moves as if alive thanks to Hardwire technology. While it does technically leave your hands open while in use, the complex finger commands and flips required to steer the wire make it impossible to hold other weapons while in use.


Hot Gloves
Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Small (1-handed
Melee Cover: 0; Special: -;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: -; Range: 1 hex;
Notes: These can be "charged" with ammo related effects. Purchase a charge for the same cost as purchasing special ammo. The charge lasts until it is replaced by a new charge or a reload result occurs.
Charges: He, In, AP, En, Ac
A Pulse creation that emerged out of the popularity of gauntlet sports, Hot Gloves were originally intended for use by athletes running a gauntlet of robotic boxing opponents so that the victories could be flashier and faster and the enemies could be made all the more deadly. Their effectiveness outside of the arena has made them a favorite among brawlers and urban combatants. They consist of a durable armored glove to protect the fists, and a series of raised metal bumpers on the knuckles that channel a substantial amount of variable energy. Impacts cause the pads to discharge in a loud crack and a flash of incandescent sparks that convey a myriad of effects.

Credits: 250c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Small (1-handed
Melee Cover: 0; Special: -;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: -; Range: 1 hex;
Notes: Once per combat, after hitting, activate sawblades. The sawfist gains the Melt, Charge, and Cut properties and rolls 10+3D12 for its damage on that round. It will recharge kinetically over the course of the next hour following combat.
The brutality of the Sawfist probably wasn't apparent to its creator when they built the first prototype. An armored gauntlet with an integrated diamond-edged rotary saw that extends off the top of the hand, the Sawfist was designed as a means of delivering rapid, punishing damage to armor. Clenching your fist sets the high speed saw into motion, and sparks fly off armored shells as your attacks hit. Despite their efficiency, Sawfists are rarely employed by public agencies. The blade keeps spinning even after the armor is gone, you see. It gets messy, and it's bad for PR.

Trance Gloves
Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 1;
Size: Small (1-handed
Melee Cover: 0; Special: -;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: -; Range: 1 hex;
Notes: These gloves complicate enemy attacks in close combat that target you.
These simple gloves emit subharmonics that cause grips to weaken when you're struck by them. They're also fun at parties.

Credits: 250c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Small (1-handed
Melee Cover: -; Special: Cut;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: 4d8; Range: 1 hex;
Notes: Other weapons can be held in a hand equipped with Cuttergloves, but only one can be used at a time.
Spyglass cuttergloves are among the more practical (if less exciting) glove weapons. Their primary purpose is simply to grant the user melee weapon level damage without encumbering them with an additional tool, and through a series of finger reinforcements, clamps and scything blades, they do exactly that.

Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Small (1-handed
Melee Cover: 0; Special: -;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: -; Range: 1 hex;
Notes: When a hit is rolled against an enemy that exceeds their Evasion score but not their melee cover, roll a D10. On 8+, their defending weapon or shield is destroyed.
The Hammerfist features a heavy piston designed to impact an enemy's weapon and sunder it on a successful strike. It's not terribly reliable, all things considered, but the fear of losing one's only means of close combat defense is sometimes enough to force enemies to flee, where comrades can shoot them down.

Meteor Gauntlets
Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Small (1-handed
Melee Cover: 0; Special: -;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: -; Range: 1 hex;
Notes: When a crit is rolled this weapon is treated as a hotspot grenade that has detonated on the enemy hex. The wearer is not harmed (the gloves are built to take it) but may not attack again this round.
Fashioned for high-impact Pulse events, Meteor Gauntlets are still one of the most entertaining fighting tools to witness from the stands. Everyone loves a solid punch. It's even more fun when it rattles the windows.

Motion Wave Extension
Credits: 250c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 3;
Size: Small (harness
Melee Cover: 0; Special: Spin;
Accuracy: +1; Damage: *d8; Range: 2 hex;
Notes: Laterals only. *is equal to the number of hexes you have traveled via movement this turn, to a max of 10.
One of the few practical energy weapons, the MWE uses a kinetic extension wave to multiply the energy from an unarmed attack outward away from a body, making it hit harder and further than before. Unfortunately, the motion from a single punch or kick simply isn't enough for this system to convert in a beneficial fashion. It requires a full body's worth of movement. As a result, MWE's are styled for Laterals, who have an easier time leaping, spinning, lunging and otherwise powering the system with their motion.


FDT Repulser Grenade
Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Small (1-handed
Center hex effect: -; Radius hex effect: -;
Roll 1d8 when the grenade has landed (after scatter). This is the radius of the repulsion blast. All characters within the radius must make an Endure save with difficulty equal to half the push range rolled or become prone. All loose objects including characters of total-mass 8 or lower are then pushed to the hex outside this radius, directly away from the detonation. If they impact a wall, deal bonus damage as though they had fallen from their starting position. They cannot save against this damage. Any characters who were locked in combat are automatically disengaged if they were within this blast.
FDT: This is a single use FDT item and has 1 power point that is automatically used when deployed.
This grenade does not have a Proximity firing mode.

Bonerattle Grenade
Credits: 250c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Small (1-handed
Center hex effect: -10 Endure while in hex. Persists in hex.; Radius hex effect: -5 Endure while in hex. Persists in hex.;
The Endure reducing effects of this grenade do not stack, but will remain on the target until they pass an Endure save at difficulty 2 during the chatterstep on their turn. The gas cloud also remains in the hex for a few minutes (essentually until combat ends).

FDT Compression Grenade
Credits: 200c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 2;
Size: Small (1-handed
Center hex effect: -; Radius hex effect: -;
Roll 1d8 when the grenade has landed (after scatter). This is the radius of the compression pull. All characters within the radius must make an Endure save with difficulty equal to half the pull range rolled or become prone. All loose objects including characters of total-mass 8 or lower are then pulled to the hexes adjacent to the detonation. Any characters who were locked in combat are automatically disengaged if they were within this blast.
This grenade does not have a Proximity firing mode.
FDT: This is a single use FDT item and has 1 power point that is automatically used when deployed.

Hotspot Grenade
Credits: 250c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 3;
Size: Small (1-handed
Center hex effect: 30+5d10 damage; Radius hex effect: 20+5d10 damage;
Hotspot grenades can deal punishing damage to a localized area, especially when lobbed by multiple people en masse. They use an intelligent shaped explosive system to minimize damage to the floor below them, making them ideal for use in fragile environments like space stations.

Anaphis Grenade
Credits: 250c; Cargo Score: -
Gear Score: 3;
Size: Small (1-handed
Center hex effect: d6 Wounds; Radius hex effect: 1d3 Wounds;

The Vault


Iron Hearts

Lazarus Glands

Trick Weapons and Armor


The Emerald Swords

0801 mag lance

The matter/energy convergence engine

Active Armor

Active Armor

MC-801 Gr1Z17

MC-850 Leadarm

MC-A-30 Rangefinder

MC-B55 Even-Keel

ASR Fore Aggressor

SG Ghostlight

MC-1001 Pangolin

LAN Weapons


Active Armor Special Add-ons


Living Armor




