Oman Cantillo

Oman Cantillo

Oman Cantillo is the father of Symon and Izzah Cantillo.  


  Oman is a stocky south-east asian man. Short with a thick build, strong muscles and a round gut. His hair is dark with grey hairs mixed in, and his hairline is begging to recede. He also has a large, well groomed mustache. He need glasses, but only wears them to read small print. Oman often dresses simply, a pair of shorts and a mildly decorated collar shirt is all he needs.  


  Oman is a serious, no nonsense kind of man. He believes in the value a man can provide to the family, and that a real man is strong, hard working and reliable. He doesn't much care for scholars, or the arts unless its a field that an guarantee a lot of money. The man is quick to anger and quicker to violent outbursts.   Oman served in the military when he was young, and fought a few battles during the Bituin -Burhkan war. Afterwards he would get married to Farah and the two would start a family together.


Oman Cantillo


Towards Farah Cantillo


Farah Cantillo


Towards Oman Cantillo



Farah and Oman met in Minau when they were both quite young and fell in love quickly. But they had met just before he Bituin Burkhan conflict, and had to wait until after Oman and finished his service in the military before they could wed. Afterwards they would have their first child together, Symon. Later on, they would try for a second kid, despite the risk Farah's older age would bring to the pregnancy.

Oman Cantillo


Towards Symon Cantillo


Symon Cantillo


Towards Oman Cantillo



As soon as Symon was born, Oman was excited to raise a boy that would be like he was growing up, but that idea was crushed as soon as Symon was old enough to speak... and didn't. They boy suffered developmental delays as a toddler, and as he got older his 'quirks' would only make it harder for him to connect to his son. Oman found the boy to be too weak and emotional, and didn't like that he preferred introverted activities, and threw tantrums over silly things.   So he tried to beat the behavior out of him. He'd harshly punish the boy for things as simple as stimming in public, or misunderstanding something, or doing something incorrectly. He'd force him to act like a man, and would enter him into military service.

Relationship Reasoning

Symon is not particularly close to his father due to his abusive tendencies. The two rarely talk casually, and usually there conversations are about finances and his life choices. Symon often tries in vein to impress his father, usually with the purpose of pleasing him and easing tension between them, but it's never enough.

Oman Cantillo


Towards Izzah Cantillo


Izzah Cantillo


Towards Oman Cantillo


Relationship Reasoning

While Oman isn't particularly close to his daughter, this is mostly due to him not understanding women's interests and matters. But he does care about her happiness and will give her whatever she asked for. He is proud to have such a beautiful daughter.

Year of Birth
1871 CE 58 Years old
Salt & Pepper
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep Tan
170cm (5'7 ft)


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