Sheep-Human Species in Slimea Multiverse | World Anvil


Written by Drackzahn
"Wait, your cute, timid girlfriend did this to you?" a friend asked the other in the hospital. "Yeah. Sheepgirls are so adorable as long as you don't anger them. Their ramming attack is frecking terrifying! I flew 3 meters through the air before crashing against a tree. She was at least so nice to bring me here to the hospital..."
by Drackzahn

Basic Information


Sheep humans are very similar to normal Humans. There are three main differences in their anatomy.   The first one is the most obvious one, as their whole body is covered in thick wool. It grows very rapidly, making it necessary to shear their wool every month. There are two different kinds of wool that can be harvested that way. The first one is the thicker winter wool, which is famous for its warmth and thickness. The summer wool is the other one, which isolates not only against cold but also against warmth and allows the sheep humans to bear summer temperatures. The wool is also valuable due to its softness.   The second difference to normal humans is the unique combination of horns together with a differently structured skull and neck. Sheep humans are able to ram strongly with their heads without hurting themselves. During these ram attacks, their neck bones connect with the hardened skull and form a ram. Not only can sheep humans use their ramming to fight off others, but also to break open doors or wooden walls.   Lastly, instead of normal feet, Sheep Humans have hooves. These black rather hard hoves allow them to walk through thick snow or wet ground without requiring shoes. Similar to hoves of animals, they regrow over time and are very resistant to temperatures. Sheep Humans also feel nearly no pain in them, so even stepping on a needle only affects them if the needle goes in too deeply.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sheep humans reproduce just like general Humans, by sexual interaction. Two sheep humans will always produce a sheep human as a child, while interaction between a sheep human and any other human or human-like species only has a chance of resulting in another sheep human. Sheep human females generally only carry one child per 9-month long pregnancy. Exceptions like twins are possible.

Growth Rate & Stages

Sheep humans have the same growth rate as Humans and are considered adults 18 years of age. Playful sheep human children are much easier to handle due to their timid and mostly peaceful nature. Angering one of them can be problematic tho, as even the children are already able to use their heads to ram things or people down.

Ecology and Habitats

Sheep humans prefer temperate and subpolar climate zones for living. Tropical areas make it necessary to shear often and keep the wool on a level that it feels uncomfortable for most of them. Sheep are natural herd animals and this affects sheep humans as well. They prefer living in groups or families, rarely alone. Most of them live in smaller cities and villages or rural areas. In big cities, the percentage of sheep humans goes down heavily, but some still prefer the fast city life nevertheless.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Sheep humans are natural herbivores that prefer plant-based food. Their bellies are able to digest plant food that would be harmful or ingestable by normal humans. They are able to eat grass or leaves of most trees and bushes. This gives them a huge variety of plant-based food. Some of them like to eat meat nevertheless from time to time and their human part allows that as well. While Sheep humans in villages and cities just buy their food like normal humans, those in rural areas often prefer to take their food directly from nature itself.

Biological Cycle

Sheep humans have seasonal wool. As described under anatomy, they have typical winter and summer wool. While the winter wool is thick and warm, the summer ones are soft and isolating. Due to the heavy growth of their wool, Sheep humans need to shear themselves at least once per month. Due to the amount of shearing and the problem of reaching all parts of their own bodies, they often ask friends or family members to do tho. Some haircutters that operate near bigger populations of Sheep Humans also offer shearing as a service for their customers.


Sheep humans are very timid and cuddly beings. They enjoy the company and the warmth of each other's bodies during extended cuddle sessions, even with members of other species. That makes them very enjoyable friends and neighbors. If a sheep human feels threatened or wants to defend what it sees as its territory against an invader, it can become dangerous for most other species. Their horns and their ram attack can easily throw a human through the air and breaks many of their bones during the impact. Especially the male members of this species have a territorial sense and pride in defending their herd. The strength of their rams is also a deciding factor if two sheep humans, no matter if male or female, have an argument. The ram duels look harmful and the impact looks painful, yet in most cases, both sides are not hurt by the ram of the other one due to their strong bone structure.   Similar to certain other subspecies of Human, sheep humans have a tendency to bleat in sentences or as a response and as a social interaction. It is common that they start or end sentences with an adorable "Baaah".

Additional Information

Social Structure

Sheep humans often live in communities. These may be herd-like structures of several dozen individuals or smaller family groups. It is very rare that Sheep Human lives fully for themselves, as their cuddly and herd-loving nature requires much social contact and love. They feel alone very quickly and prefer to be close to friends and family throughout the day. Group activities are important for them. Inside a sheep community, there is no real hierarchy. Older sheep humans often act as mentors and have a higher amount of respect in their communities, but each sheep is equal in the end. None of them can give commands or act as an unelected leader figure. The timid nature of sheep humans allows to act members of other species to act as a defender and defacto leaders for them tho. They enjoy the feeling of being protected and form a strong bond of trust towards their protector to a point that these protectors can act as a kind of parent figure. A protector requires a certain amount of strength tho to be accepted. A normal human with no training and no power in any form will have a hard time being accepted by sheep humans as their protector, as he can't do anything that they can't do themselves already. Common protectors are species with powers, like Balloon Foxes, Googirls or Dragongirls.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The production of wool is a big factor of income for all sheep humans. To sell their own sheared wool is a nice income for them that requires nearly no work from them besides the shearing itself. The qualities of sheep wool from sheep humans are vast and on several levels higher than these of normal sheep. Sheep Human Wool is soft, thick, warm, and very resistant to fire. It is easy to use to produce clothes and very durable. Depending on the time of the year, the wool is either thicker and warmer (winter wool) or softer and more isolating from higher temperatures (summer wool). Most Sheep humans sell their wool to companies that sell them further or produce cloth articles from it. It is also common for sheep humans to gift their wool to dear friends.

Facial characteristics

Their faces are covered by short wool and on top of their heads they have horns of many different sizes and forms. They have soft, fur-covered ears that resemble these of real sheep or foxes on the sides of their heads.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most Sheep humans live in the rural areas of Slimean Lands.

Average Intelligence

Sheep humans have a slightly below-average intelligence. Most prefer a simple life in rural areas and do not stress themselves with being successful and especially clever towards others. Exceptions exist nevertheless.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

Sheep humans were mostly normal human clothes, except for one big difference. Due to their hooves, most sheep humans do not wear any kind of shoes or socks. Their pants are also often shorter and only cover the upper parts of their legs.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The gifting of their own wool as a symbol of trust and companionship is very common for sheep humans. They do this, especially towards members of other species, who have no access to their comfy wool otherwise. Skilled sheep humans use their own wool to create simple cloth articles like pullovers or scarves for friends and family members. Receiving such a gift is often followed by a long cuddle session with the sheep human. Denying such a gift is seen as a hostile action and a very rude one.


Sheep humans were one of the first artificially created species of the new Nation Slimea. The first members of the species were transformed Humans. The transformation was done mostly by skilled Googirl doctors. This service is still available today. Other species with transformation abilities, like Balloon Foxes soon also began transforming humans into sheep humans as they became quite popular quickly. The first real mention of a sheep human was in the beginning months of 2018.   Since then, Sheep humans became a strong economic factor for rural areas of the Slimean Lands. Their timid nature and their own wool production made them perfect farm workers and nearly all traditional working farms today have sheep humans as workers.

Historical Figures

Especially two sheep humans became popular due to their achievements and the connections they formed with the higher members of the Queendom of Shimmea. The first one is Alexandra Mueller, who became popular Pet of the mighty balloon fox Flow Mueller. Later on, she also became the first princess of the Goblin nation Shimmea. The second famous sheep human was Jenny Mueller, who quickly became something like an idol figure for many sheep, even more than Alexandra was. The ability to live near so many predatory Hunters and in the major city of Neueisen made her a hero figure for many rural sheep humans.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Sheep humans often form relationships with other Human like species. Especially stronger species are welcomed as partners and protectors.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Aries
70 years
Average Height
1,50 m (Exceptions may be up to 2 m)
Average Weight
60 kg
Average Physique
They have a stronger bodies and physiques than most humans. Especially all muscles and bones that are used in their ram attacks are superior to these most other species.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most Sheep humans have white wool that covers their entire bodies. Black and brown wool is also common, but much rarer than white one. Under their wool, all sheep are albinos with extremely white skin. Their hair color varies the same as these of normal Humans.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Jenny Mueller
Character | Jan 23, 2023
Species | Nov 6, 2022
Alexandra Mueller
Character | Dec 14, 2023
Slimean Lands
Geographic Location | Sep 22, 2022

Cover image: by Drackzahn


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