Thissian Ocean Geographic Location in Sky Unbroken | World Anvil

Thissian Ocean

The largest of the Oceans in the known realms, a lot is known about its waters, however due to its sheer scale, just as much is left entirely unexplored. Paths flow through it, though they are rarer than in the rest of the Sky. Partly due to its size, but also due to its location, the Thissian ocean is extremely diverse, which its inhabitants refer to as different "seas". One sea is close to the Quasar, known as the Dawn Sea. It is quite luminous and pleasant. Another sea intersects with the former Thren Rift, it is known as the Dream Sea. The third is close to the Mists of Passing and is also host to a number of detritus from the Quondam. Another sea is on the opposite side of the quasar, though it is illuminated by numerous dwarf stars. It is known as the Flame Sea. The fifth and final sea is located at the heart of the Thissian ocean. It is simply known as "the Depth".


The seas are inhabited by a wide variety of undersea plants and animals. It is also the home of a few sentient aquatic species, though only two have built noteworthy civilisations. These are the Setea, a kind of faunal Sthrenar, and the Aquis Natiria, also known as the Water Elves. The Setea are mostly dominant within their native Dream Sea, whereas various Natirian factions control the other three inhabited seas. The two species have come into conflict in the past, but racial tensions between them have decreased in recent decades.
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