Thren Rift Geographic Location in Sky Unbroken | World Anvil

Thren Rift

The thren rift was a region in the Sky in which the boundary between the material and the asaeic plane is thinner. Magic was more potent, which includes manifestations as elsewhere, but especially occult traditions are widespread and are capable of affecting the environment. The thinning of the asaeic veil allows for Sthrena to pass over into the material plane more easily, which makes them a very common presence, and the effects they incur are a constant presence. As such, these region of the sky is filled with the subjects of fairy tales and other stories. The thren rift is now closed, but the lingering effects remain strong. Scholars from the Defixidora University believe that the thren rift never truly closed, but instead split and dispersed as many small fragments throughout the sky.
Inhabiting Species