Fundamental Laws of Magokinetics

It is said that Jacob Alté spend one summer evening sitting on a bench near the palace garden watching some young magical able kids play with their magical abilities and a ball.
During this game the bigger one, using magic, pushed the ball and his smaller opponent away from him, both laughing. But when the smaller one tried the same, he pushed himself backwards, into the lake.
Wondering why this occured was the very moment, supposedly, when Jacob started to realize the potential connection between movement, magic and mass.
In the year 1618 AR the half-elven philosopher, theoretical magician and magomathematician Jacob Alté laid the groundwork for all further magokinetics and magomechanical studies with his revolutionary work "Philosophiae Kineticae Principa Magica e Kinetica " ("Magical and Mathmatical Foundations of the Philosophy of Movement").

It is considered the most influential work of the last century, enabling the works of Georgé Carlson developing the first Steam Engine with a Magical catalysator and fully mechanical parts.  

Fundamental Laws of Magokinetics

Lex I --- Each interaction of magical or kinetical nature is to be between a transmitter and receiver of equal nature and will interact with both subjects instantaneously and simultaneously.

Lex II --- Each detraction or addition of magical potential in a receiver is directly opposite to an equivalent detraction or addition of magical potential of the transmitter.

Lex III --- Each kinetic force onto a subject is directly transmutable into a mechanical potential and vice versa and is proportional to all of mass, total Magical potential and existing kinetical action in the respective subject.


  At the time of creating these laws, the developing field of mago-theoretics already postulated that there are several ways for a magician to exchange magical energy. What Alté explained in his work was a general concept of all magic being interchangeable with each other and that magic can be turned into movement.

Furthermore he was able to quantify the mathematical connection between the amount of magic used and already present, the mechanical forces present on a thing and the magical power of a user.

These descriptions fit in perfectly with the newly developed laws of mechanics and provided the missing link between the fields of magic and the field of mechanics.  


While not perfect, this theory is currently the best and almost universal description of the interactions between magic and movement we have. In fact the provided mathematical foundations enabled the finetuning and creation of the Steam Engine as well as the concept of a Magodynamo.
Emille de Prontach, professor at the Academia Baradolia
It is undeniable that these theories are opening up a whole new are for the technology in the world, enabling also non-magical persons to contribute to production and progress all over the world.
Erwald Fergusson, lector at the University Natura del Ignatis
I consider the revelation of these laws as an act of Sabes herself. Just as I was her gift to the world, born on Sabes-Kimming, these fundamental concepts will be the god's gift to all of enlightend mortalkind.
— Jacob Alté
Just like the travels of my grandfather Gunnar Rundthorn, the insights of one Jacob Alté will prove to open up a whole new era in the history of mortalkind.
Gabrielle de Tereon
Totally Bogus. Doesn't work. I use magic my own way, thanks!
Torwald Hibberbit, author

Further Details


Even though the Fundamental Laws of Magokinetics aptly describe the interaction between to subjects with the design to influence movement (and to some extent to influence heat), there are several fields where the theory falls short.

Mind Based Magic
As of now, the theory is unable to describe, how a user of higher tier magic is able to influence the minds of other people, specifically in illusion based magic.
Transmutation and Transfiguration
Based on this theory, it is not satisfactory explainable how a user of magic can non-temporarly transform himself or an outside object such as Dragons do.
Influencing of material properties
While perfectly describing how much magical energy any object can theoretically hold, the non-temporary change of material properties is not fully covered. in fact, the direct application of the fundamental laws of Magokinetics leads to the Godproperty Paradox.

Subsequent postulates

Each difference in magical potential between subjects will result in a balance-seeking interaction between a subject and its surroundings.

Meaning that a powerful magical user willhave limits on how many magic he is able to pull into him, due to the fact, that all magical energy will have a tendency to leak out. Further studies have quantized the concept of Magical Pressure

Each entity with magical potential emmits a field around them, indirectly interacting with other fields of magic through kinetic forces

This theory of a Magical Field around anything magical directly describes how magical users are able to sense each other and how the effects of magic can be felt in huge distances, the stronger a user is. This also led to the newly developed Magical Field Theory
Magophysical Law
Verified but with limited scope
Discovered / Postulated
1618AR, Jacob Alté
Founded on
  • Kinetic
  • Magophilosophy
  • Theory of Magical Exchange
  • Theory of Magical Energytypes
Leads to
  • Steam Engine
  • Carlson Dynamo
  • Magostatics
  • Magodynamics
  • Magic Field Theory

Part of the field of Magokinetics
The study of phenomena where the change in magical energy influences the state of movement of an object and vice versa.


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