Tosmond Laubrok Character in Shireon | World Anvil

Tosmond Laubrok

The Son of the Eternal Chieftain

Tosmond is the son of Kalsad, the Eternal Chieftain of Vulborim. This means he should've been killed when he was fifteen, as Kalsad is paranoid about his sons. However, Tosmond wasn't the oldest living son of Kalsad, as his older brother Bagdar had run away just before he turned fifteen.

Tosmond had mixed feelings about his brother's escape in the beginning, but after a couple of years he realized it was the only reason he was still alive.

The Missing Eye

It is said that Tosmond has as many stories about how he lost his eye as the year has days. No matter how much people have tried, he'll keep insisting on the story he has obviously made up.

There are several theories about how he really lost it, including accidentally losing it by doing something immensely stupid or that his father removed it out of malice.

Most people will probably never know, and the few who do know won't spill his secret.

It was a huge monster, twice as tall as me. It attacked, with no reason at all, so I had to defend myself, you know? The battle was hard and fierce, but in the end I stood victorious. The damned thing managed to take my eye before I downed him, though.
— Tosmond Laubrok
telling how he lost his eye

The North Beckons

When he started getting close to twenty, Tosmond wondered if he'd be able to talk Kalsad into letting him travel around a bit to see the world.

Year of Birth
2038 AE 74 Years old
Current Residence
Known Languages
Vulborish (native)
Inmali Standard (fluent)
Lenthiri (barely conversational)

Cover image: by Milladamen


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