Stormbringer Thaviro Character in Shireon | World Anvil

Stormbringer Thaviro

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thaviro has always been a member of the Church of the Storm Mother. The older he got the more it peeved him that the church was nothing more than a cult, not to mention how the church was perceived by the non-members. One day it was enough. He swore to do what he could to bring the church into the lives of ordinary sirens.

There was only one thing to do. Thaviro started preaching to everyone he met, telling them about the ways the church was the best choice for ordinary people. It was some long months of fruitless effort and he was on the brink of giving up. Yet, he believed he was in his right, and that people would have better lives if they joined the church. Noticing what people seemed to listen to the most, he finetuned his speechcraft to sway more people. He even asked the best speakers in the church to give him some pointers.

His efforts bore fruits. People started to listen. The Church of the Storm Mother saw an increase in new members for the first time in a few years. Then, by AE 1047 it was clear that the church had become a household name. This pleased Thaviro quite a lot. He spoke to his fellow church members about building a house of worship, now that their numbers actually started to rise towards a decent number. There was some fundraising business happening. Then, the year later, in AE 1048, a small place of worship was constructed. This was the Our Lady of Storms, which today is the most important religious structure for the sirens.

1026 AE 1078 AE 52 years old
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Alexas_Fotos


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