The Cabinet Organization in Shadowrun: Spirits of Raleigh | World Anvil
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The Cabinet

Written by: Null Kit

  If my peers are to be believed, and I have no reason to doubt them, most shadowrunning teams are fluid in their composition. Experts on relevant fields are hired and passed on by the relevance of their skills to whatever task the Fixer needs accomplished, and disbanded after the fact to mitigate potential trails. In the case of our Barkeep however, that simply wasn't sufficient, too unreliable, too inconsistant. In lieu of traditional hiring/disbanding practices, he hand-picked the most competant and professional shadowrunners in the Raleigh area and kept them on permanent retainer, a 'dream team' of some of the CAS's most dangerous and respected mercenaries to accomplish any task given to them, centered out of the basement of his own eatery, 7 Bones Gastro.   And then they all died, cest la vie.   Not one to be dissuaded however, the Barkeep persisted in his dream with what little was left, deciding if he couldn't pick the best from the rest, he'd make the best of the best, with the motley crew of rookies he had at his disposal. We're still waiting to see where this goes.


As you would expect, the whole syndicate has fun with a naming convention based on drinks. The head of the group is the Barkeep, his associated on retainer are named after types of booze, third-party hirings are Mixers and subcontractors are Chasers.

Public Agenda

The Barkeep's agenda in making this illicit syndicate is officially (or at least the closest aproximation of 'officially' that can come from such a group) an attempt at regulating and organising shadowrunners in the Raleigh community to maximise reliability and minimise collateral damage from conflicting interests. I'll leave it to you to decide if this agenda is believable.


With the majority of procurement based on owed favors and friends-of-friends, it's difficult to precisely define what counts as an asset. What we can be certain of as belonging to the Cabinet is aproximately twenty shadowrunners of varying skill and experience kept on retainer, including a trained physician for emergency treatment and installation of acquired cyberware and bioware, operating primarily out of the 7 Bones Gastro. The Barkeep's slush funds are limited, but monetary clout matters little when the list of people indebted to him include The Pack ghost cartel, several noteworthy socialites and politicians, and even a group of free spirits.  
And a bakery. Can't forget the bakery...
— Anonymous poster


I can't pin down for certain when exactly our Barkeep began to implement his idea of a unified shadowrunning team on semi-permanent retainer, but communication records procured from data-caches written by my predecessor would mark the first use of the Cabinet name around 2070, making it a relatively new concept. The original Cabinet consisted of John's most trusted shadowrunners, all considered the cream of their respective crops in Raleigh and willing to cooperate fully with oneanother, a trait that isn't as common as one might think. After a couple of trial runs doing jobs for one of Raleigh's more prominent political forces, the Cabinet was founded in officiality and unique identifying callsigns were given out to the Barkeep's dream made manifest.  
Said callsigns can be found carved into their favourite barstools, forbidden for anyone else to use. The callsigns, I mean.
— Anonymous poster
  The Cabinet ran succesfully for several runs, fully acclimated to eachother's presence and moving fluidly as a team in unison. The first setback met by the Cabinet was in '72, when a misalligned breaching-charge led to the team's decker suffering a serious injury, taking him out of comission for a month and a half. Knowing the risks of running without on-site matrix support, Barkeep made the reluctant decision to call in a temporary replacement in the form of one of the Cabinet members' younger sibling: Myself. I was hired as a temporary contractor onto the team and given the 'provisional callsign' of Brandy, but that's all you need to know for this article.   Despite his misgivings at having the role of matrix support filled in by an admitted novice, the subsequent two runs remained succesful, in no small part due to the small role that matrix support played in them. When the team's regular Decker fully recovered from his injuries, I was kept on retainer in a secondary support role, focussing on data-gathering and electronic reconnaissance.   The Cabinet's biggest downfall could come quickly in spite of this growing success in early 2073. An entity, whose identity and agenda remains frustratingly difficult to piece together, contracted the Cabinet to procure a package from a secure facility and stow it in the nearby Universal Omnitech School of Medicine for safekeeping. In retrospect, the run being a set-up was obvious: The package was naught but a sealed container of commercial-grade explosives, set to detonate when carried out of a a nearby RFID's signal-range. I was the only survivor, by sheer fortune of the Cabinet's physician-on-retainer being in the area and making a risky solo extraction.   For two and a half years, the Cabinet was for all intents and purposes dead. The Barkeep's dream-team vanished in a puff of smoke and fire, his investments all for nought. Present circumstances however, would callously limit any time of mourning the Barkeep had: favors were still owed, debts paid, contracts needed to be done. With the greatest of reluctance, the Barkeep began to build anew. Pulling together a new ragtag group from what few contacts he had left at that point, he decided that the next best thing to having his dream-team is to make one from scratch, turning rookies into legends himself.   And the rest is history.

"Order Up."

Founding Date
Illicit, Syndicate
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories


The Pack have loaned one of their enforcers, Ripshot, as a Shadowrunner to fill the Cabinet's need for combat-expertise in exchange for favourable contract-conditions.

Non-Aggression Pact

In spite of recent conflicts of interest, the Horse Dancers have agreed to a truce between themselves and the Cabinet, allegedly in admittance of the usefulness of having deniable assets outside of the gang for purposes of subterfuge and deception.

Articles under The Cabinet

  • 2070

    13 /4

    The Cabinet is Founded

    After multiple consecutive succesful runs, John McCall, AKA Barkeep, puts his best shadowrunners on semi-permanent retainer under a unified set of aliases, naming the collective group The Cabinet. This is considered its unofficial founding.

  • 2071

    14 /1 02:00

    The Plaza Dance
    Military action

    Following a bounty simultaneously declared on six seperate members of the LaRosa family for their betrayal of the Cosa Nostra, the Cabinet's members succesfully perform six seperate assassinations against the charged family-members, killing all six of them in a five-minute window before they could succesfully contact and meet with witness-protection, and all done with minimal disturbance to the public.

  • 2072

    28 /3

    Dragoon Raid
    Military action

    The Cabinet break into the headquarters of Dragoon Tactical Investments Ltd. to extract an important informant from detainment before he's transferred to a high-security prison. Due to a misplaced breaching-charged, the Cabinet's Decker, an Elf by the name of Cider, suffered a serious injury that would lead to a temporary replacement needing to be sourced while he recovered. In spite of this, the raid was a success.

  • 2073

    19 /1 22:00

    Destruction at Universal Omnitech
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Cabinet are contracted for a retrieve-and-deliver run, to extract a package from a Lone Star Security Services evidence-locker and deliver it to a designated drop-off location at the Universal Omnitech School of Medicine. The package however, was a trap: a hermetically-sealed package of explosives, set to detonate in proximity to a short-range RFID signal in the drop-off area. Four cabinet-members are killed and the fifth is recovered in critical condition, prompting Barkeep to disband The Cabinet indefinitely.

  • 2074

    25 /12

    A New Shadowrunning Group
    Gathering / Conference

    With debts mounting and favored owed, the Barkeep procured a new group of inexperienced Shadowrunners to take on a contract and buy time with the earned money to sort out a long-term plan. In spite of their inexperience and several unexpected difficulties, the new shadowrunning-team were able to complete the contract well above expectations, and the Barkeep kept them on retainer.

  • 2075

    30 /4

    A New Cabinet

    After a second succesful run, new talent showing up and several members of Raleigh's underground showing renewed interest in his talents as a fixer, the Barkeep officiates the second founding of The Cabinet with his new members, giving them thematically appropriate callsigns and putting them on semi-permanent retainer.

    7 Bones Gastro
    More reading
    The Cabinet
  • 2076

    20 /9 21:00

    Yokai with a Lone-Star Chaser
    Military action

    A contract to steal biometric data from a Kurabokko Metahuman Technologies warehouse turns into a high-speed chase as a drug-deal, coincidentally taking place in the same location, is revealed to be an undercover sting-operation by Lone Star Security Services. In the process of escaping from law-enforcement, an office-building is set alight from an exploding vehicle fuel-cell and one of Raleigh's major thoroughfares is closed for a week from damages.


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