Stand-Alone DataCache Organization in Shadowrun: Spirits of Raleigh | World Anvil
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Stand-Alone DataCache

Written by: Null Kit

  From theory to tactics to logistics to strategy, information is the ultimate power in the sixth world. There are few things more prized and rife with opportunity than being privy to secrets, and so it is understandably common to collect such illicit information for the purpose of sharing amongst trusted coconspirators to achieve higher purposes.
Our higher purpose is money.
— Anonymous Poster
For this purpose, our eminent Barkeep has taken it upon himself to procure the hardware and code needed to construct and set up the Stand-Alone DataCache, a hidden server within proximity of the 7 Bones Gastro specifically for storing and accessing information pertinent to the needs of shadowrunners and other career-criminals, along the same methods and goals of the Shadowland BBS. Provided you know how, of course.   The cache is called Stand-Alone because it doesn't directly interact with the matrix, owing to the main hardware predating crash 2.0 and utilising even older throwback tech to obfusicate its interactions with the matrix-active devices you use to connect with via proxy-channels. The short of it is that unless GOD or its stooges know exactly what they're looking for, it's functionally impossible to trace any connection between your device (or persona, in the case of technomancers) and the cache without knowing exactly what they're looking for.
Functionally impossible. That means you should still show some common-sense with securing your own device
— Barkeep
Initially connecting with the proxy-devices requires a single-use invite cipher from an admin-user, and certain connected users can generate their own invite ciphers for recognised users. From there, the user can enter their credentials and interface with the device, but cannot actually access the availible information without an admin to provide privileges (or try and take those privileges yourself, if you're feeling brave). Word of warning chummer: the bulk of the hardware might be a couple of decades obsolete, but the intrusion-countermeasures are milspec.   As for what it looks like on the inside? You tell me, you're here.


As of this article, there are only two active Administrators - Myself and the Barkeep - and one defunct admin-account, who posess the authority to access the DataCache independantly and give others the privilege to access and write articles. Currently, only members of The Cabinet are listed as Compilers, who can access the collection of submitted data and produce articles for regular users to read and comment on.


The primary hardware of the DataCache consists of several milspec blade-servers fitted into a modified enclosure along with the innards of multiple proxy-computing devices acting as an interfacing system, a liquid cooling system and a standalone power-generator in the event of outages. The cache itself is also curated by a trio of dedicated Agent programs, that act as an additional interface between the device and users as well as oversee intrusion-countermeasures.


The Cabinet has had a dedicated piece of hardware for important data since at least the early 2070s, but it was only in 2079 that the DataCache evolved from a simple external storage-unit to a complex system that would allow users to store, manage and discuss illicit information through a discreet and secure wireless connection from the comfort of the gastro's main floor.   It took two and a half weeks to procure the necesarry hardware and code for a prototype, and a further twenty-five hours to assemble the components into the final product, but when assembled the first build was able to meet all standards as a shared data-space. It's only weakness was, predictably, security: Even when running silent, the prototype simply didn't have the same level of defence against intruders, and couldn't be trusted with the extralegal information needed to be stored and used by Shadowrunners.   Because of this, the Barkeep took great pains to contact former colleagues from his former military career for help with this issue. Three days later, a courier arrived with the solution: A piece of a main battle tank. More specifically, they provided the hardware that acts as the interface between the driver and the vehicle, which by its nature needs to be designed with security in mind. None of us could fully understand the exact workings of the components or its software, but with the provided encryption-keys and what little information we could gleam, we were able to make it interface and cooperate with the rest of the hardware.   Once the new model had succesfully (and violently) proved its ability to defend itself from a high-end Agent program working on a disposable cyberdeck, the final touches were applied to further insulate the device from interlopers and the matrix as a whole, christened the Stand-Alone DataCache and entrusted with a portion of the collected information of the Cabinet.   And then you came along.
Founding Date
Illicit, Other
Alternative Names
Raleigh Nexus
Parent Organization


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