Psilygs Species in Shadowfire | World Anvil


Psilygs are monstrous creatures that slither and crawl across any surface and through spaces narrow and twisted. The are constantly wreathed in dark smoke-like shadows which bring with them the smell of sweet rot.   Their bodies are a writhing mass of semi-translucent slug-like muscle within which can be seen a chaotic internal bone structure. These bones extend and morph outwards from the central mass like an unnatural cross between tentacles and spider-legs. The Psilygs clack and squelch as they move, and leave behind trails of rapidly congealing mucous.  

Psilyg Infection

The Psilygs infect those they touch with their mucous, impregnating their victims through the skin and slowly turning their bodies into new Psilygs.   While their victim's bodies degenerate over time, the Psilyg feeds on the energy of their host in order to grow. Their victims slowly lose control of their minds until nothing remains of the original.

Infection progression

  1. fever and a slimy rash that begins spreading from the point of contact
  2. paranoid hallucinations and interrmittently losing bodily control
  3. becoming a controlled thrall of the Psilygs
  4. transforming completely into a new Psilyg

Articles under Psilygs

Cover image: by Midjourney


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