Kydra in Seven Tomes | World Anvil


"Hope is the denial of reality. It is the carrot dangled before the draft horse to keep him plodding along in a vain attempt to reach it."   "Are you saying we shouldn't hope?"   "I'm saying we should remove the carrot and walk forward with our eyes open!"
— Margaret Weis
  Kydra is a nerd and perpetual student. She is in love with reading, drawing, crafts, and gaming of all kinds. Anything that can help bring a little fun and magic into the real world. She has always created her own stories, but f or a long time these stories did not go anywhere and often never made it to paper beyond a doodle here or there.
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Join Date
October 01, 2023
Kydra joined World Anvil in 2021 in an attempt to inspire organization for NaNoWriMo that year... and failed horribly. In 2023 she came back to WA to dig out an old worldbuilding detail she needed and got caught up in the rush and fun of Summer Camp. Those two weeks were the most dedicated an constructive period for her getting all her ideas out and written. Her current world of Oabos is part of a much more expansive project and now that the momentum is going, who knows how far it can continue from here!

Kydra's Project



Oabos is a small, near tidally locked, planet that glows from within. The soul of the planet generates a soft blue glow that permeates the plants and beings who reside there, which can be seen when outside the light of their cooling star. Long ago, their world was invaded by a the scouting party from a shining world far away, who became stranded here. Now the peoples of this world must discover if they can live together, or if one must give way for the other to thrive.

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