Kell Undrin Mirjam Character in Seven Seals | World Anvil

Kell Undrin Mirjam

" ... I have glory enough on my own ... I never needed you to be anything but yourself ..."

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford

Head of Clan Frey & Master Blacksmith, Mirjam Frey

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Stormfall is the name of a Realm in Håndverk, The World Forge that has been ruled by the Frey Clan for countless generations. They command mighty Storm Hawks and produce fine weapons and armor. Mirjam was the last of this lineage, her father was old and only sired her to keep the family alive before dying himself. She was left as the Ruler of Stormveil and intends to restore her once-glorious Clan to higher esteem through her craft.


Mirjam learned everything she knows from her Mentor, Nulir Brickborn, an old Master Smith of Arms who took to training the girl after her father passed.


Family Ties

  • Roderick Frey II (Lord Father)
  • Bracha Gertler (Lady Mother)
  • Bālthazar Skyburner II (Lord Husband)
  • Bālkyth Frey II (Son, 1st Born)
  • Bālefus Frey (Daughter, 2nd Born)
  • Bāljon Frey (Son, 3rd Born)
  • Bāldrick Frey (Son, 4th Born)
Mirjam would marry the Knight Sir Bālthazar in their youth and have four children together; Bālkyth the Second, named after her husband's father and the most like his own father. Bālefus was her only daughter and shared her love of exploration. Bāljon was immensely talented, a prodigy from birth, but was too lazy to ever fully realize himself. Bāldrick was named after her own father and was also very much like his father, but the opposite of his brother Bālkyth.


Billy the Hero, Beholder of the Word Legendary

spouse (Vital)

Towards Kell Undrin Mirjam



Kell Undrin Mirjam

spouse (Vital)

Towards Billy the Hero, Beholder of the Word Legendary




Bālthazar first met Mirjam at his Knighting Ceremony, her family, the Frey Clan, was chosen to make armor for the Arcane Lord and she was tasked with completing the job. Their relationship only expanded through the years as Bālthazar would often retrieve rare and valuable minerals and materials for the ever-curious Mirjam.

Their relationship did suffer much stress when Bālthazar was believed to have been killed by the Green Knight. When recovering, Bālthazar was broken, both mentally and physically, and his spirit was defeated, making him difficult to work in such a depressed state. However, Mirjam stayed to help him recover, constructing a robotic arm to replace the right arm he lost to the Green Knight in battle.
When Mirjam and Bālthazar retired, they remained in Håndverk, The World Forge to lead the Frey Clan and had two children, Bāldrick and Bālephus.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both Billy and Mirjam both love to dance. Mirjam had always enjoyed it from childhood but Billy only took it up in an attempt to realign his Mind, Body, and Soul, taught by Mirjam. Even into their twilight years, they could be found slow dancing in their courtyard under the cool night sky.

Legal Status


Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Master Smith
  • The Kell of Stromfall
Circumstances of Death
Fell to her Death in the ruins of her son Bāldrick's castle
She | Her
Stormy Grey
Short & Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Cream Skinned
125 Lbs.
Not Religious
Aligned Organization

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with
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