Hasadiah, the Second Name of God Character in Seven Seals | World Anvil

Hasadiah, the Second Name of God

The first of the Supreme Beings, the Pinnacle of Godhood

Created & Written by Khali Crawford

Beholder of the Seven-Part Name ISHIN, Bestla Hönigberg Yedidyah

Divine Domains

  • War
  • Knowledge
  • Magic
  • Fertility
  • Womanhood
  • Victory

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of Unalloyed Gold & The Book of Order

The BUG is a text composed of first and second-hand accounts of the rebellion Hasadiah staged against Níðhöggr, the First Name of God. The text is considered a highly prized religious artifact and any true devotee of the Holy Order will have it within their codex. The BO is a text which serves as a manifesto detailing the nature of Hasadiah's Holy Order and its logic. All her followers and her kin draw purpose to form this sacred text.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Death is not the End, but the Start of Something New and Greater
  2. All Sins must be Carried, Only through Struggle and Turmoil can the Soul Grow Powerful
  3. Forgiveness is an Attribute of the Strong, the Weak is not Capable of It
  4. Meddle Not with Kháos, It is Maddening and Insane, Such Practices will lead one Astray from Order

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Hasadiah's ultimate goal was to bring about an eternal dynasty that would bring order and reason to Yggdrasil.

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • The Wrath of God
The Wrath of God refers to two abilities that when used in tandem, can supposedly mimic God. HOLY FIRE is a pyromancy that is imbued with Holy power from Hasadiah herself. It is one of the few pyromancies that can burn in Niflheim. DIVINE LIGHT is Light is taken from Alfheim and imbued with Holy power from Hasadiah as well, powerful energy to pierce Urasaki, the Pit of Darkness. When used together by a Mage with incredible Faith and Magica Power, Holy Fire, and Divine Light dramatically elevate one's power.
  • Advanced Barrier Technique: Roots of Yggdrasil
The roots of the great tree contain the very DNA of the infinite cosmos. Via her connection to El-Shinra, Hasadiah can create a pocket dimension at a specified space-time and concentrate the infinite knowledge and wisdom of Yggdrasil onto it. This sheer amount of metaphysical information and concepts can permanently disable the higher cognitive functions of Mortals within seconds and the same for Gods within a minute.
  • Throne World: Thy Kingdom Come
Hasadiah's ultimate barrier technique is her Throne World; Thy Kingdom Come. The pocket dimension is cast within a millisecond with a range of 3,000 miles horizontally and vertically encompassing the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Dimensions. Thy Kingdom Come prohibits the use of Sorcery, Inherited Magical Techniques, and most conventional weaponry. 
Anyone caught within Thy Kingdom Come bears the full weight of Hasadiah's immense power and is thus paralyzed for their sins. She judges them and should one be found guilty of transgression against her and her kin, they suffer the Wrath of God, their very anatomy is torn apart and they suffer Punishment multiplied by their Sins. This is a technique mastered before her ascension to the Throne of Yggdrasil. The true Name of ISHIN can be conceived of as seven holy words, each made up of seven syllables. Hasadiah is a Beholder of all seven Names of ISHIN and thus has extraordinary power. REBIRTH allows Hasadiah to "die" and "return" from this death, physical or metaphysical. ENDINGS allows Hasadiah to break layers of infinity. VOYAGE allows Hasadiah to see all "Paths" laid out before the cosmos; to see the very pattern of reality and interact with it. KEEPER allows Hasadiah to maintain herself in all possible definitions of such a concept. FLOW allows Hasadiah to be capable of adapting to the constant flow of time and to never remain as she is for too long. RUINATION allows Hasadiah to wield the required energy needed to kill her as a weapon; to wield a blade of Destruction Itself. LEGENDARY allows Hasadiah to complete feats greater than her own previous feats.

Specialized Equipment

The Inverted Spear of Heaven

Via learning the Word RUINATION, Hasadiah manifested her own Destruction into a divine spear. This weapon was the only thing capable of killing Hasadiah and thus she kept it on her person at all times. The spear was heavily enchanted and Hasadiah had imbued it with 7 Billion Cherubim Angels to wage war on any being who dared to use it against their Master.

The Almighty, Throne of Yggdrasil

The Almighty is the Seat of Power for Yggdrasil and is where Hasadiah sits when commanding her vast kingdom. The Almighty is guarded by an armada of Cherubim Angels who accompany Hasadiah wherever she goes. Additionally, the Almighty, allows Hasadiah to traverse the infinite cosmos within a hair's breadth. The throne only responds to the current Name of God and massively boosts Hasadiah's power.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bestla was born via the II God Wave circa 1792 δράκων, which saw the birth of billions more Empyreans. She emerged into YGGDRASIL as a small and weak Empyrean, finding shelter with an exploratory guild from one of the Minor Word Churches, The Wayfinders Union. The Union revered her but two of their number, Dr. Hönigberg and his wife, Skáld Yifat took responsibility for her, taking her into their small family, becoming a Yedidyah. Bestla lived as a nomad with her new family for many years, studying Literature, Philosophy, Mathematics, Science, and Reasoning under her father and learning Speechcraft from her mother. When they died, Bestla was a woman grown who used what they left to her to start her long journey to becoming the 2nd Name of God.


Family Ties

  • Emanuel Hönigberg (Adoptive Father)
  • Yifat Yedidyah (Adoptive Mother)
  • Bör Búrisson (Lord Husband)
  • Rehoboam "Godfrey" Yedidyah (Son & Heir, 1st of His Name)
  • Sayfan "Godwyn" Yedidyah (Son, 2nd of His Name)
  • Oris "Godrick" Yedidyah (Son, 3rd of His Name)
  • Hryðgröxong "Godalupe" Yedidyah (Daughter, 4th of Her Name)
  • Bilþei "Godbrand" Yedidyah (Son, 5th of His Name)
  • Hástr "Godefroy" Yedidyah (Son, 6th of His Name)
  • Finnja "Godafrid" Yedidyah (Daughter, 7th of Her Name)


Hasadiah, the Second Name of God


Towards Bör the Slayer of Giants

Bör the Slayer of Giants


Towards Hasadiah, the Second Name of God

Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Second Name of God
  • Queen of the Holy Gods
  • The Icon of Ishin
1792 1003730
Circumstances of Death
Slain by Judas Iscariot and his 12 Traitors on her Throne
Her Grace
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with https://www.midjourney.com/home/
— tab]https://www.midjourney.com/home/but is not free.