Seven seals The Seven Sacred Seals of the Holy Order

The Seven Sacred Seals of the Holy Order



In the vast expanse of the cosmos, there exists a throne of unparalleled power and authority, known as the Throne of Yggdrasil. It is said that whoever sits upon this throne wields The Almighty, the divine force that governs all creation. And atop this throne sits Queen Hasadiah, a figure of great importance and power in the cosmic order.

Many names know Queen Hasadiah, but perhaps the most significant of these is the Second Name of God. It is said that she possesses a deep understanding of the workings of the universe and has been granted the power to shape reality itself with her legions of Angels, artificial beings cast from her own immense power to enforce and cement her rule.
Her Grace undid imprisoned Níðhöggr, the First Name of God deep within the roots of Yggdrasil and undid the whole of his Order, bringing about her own. But Queen Hasadiah did not simply stop at undoing the old order. She had a vision for a new cosmic order, one that would bring about harmony and balance throughout the realms. And so, she installed The Seven Sacred Seals (by imposing her will on the Seal of Fundamentalism, SEE The Seven Seals of Yggdrasil, that Which Governs Order) of Order, which would serve as the foundation of her new rule.
Through her wisdom and her power, Queen Hasadiah reorganized the cosmos and established the new Major Realms. Her rule was just and wise, and it brought about a new era of peace and prosperity for all who dwelled in the cosmic order. And so, her name and her legacy continue to be remembered and celebrated by those who look upon the wonders of the universe with awe and wonder.

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