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Beisha Church (Bay-shuh)

Mythology & Lore

Millions of years ago, a comet fell onto the world. This comet would give the world its magic. Sometime later, a lost rodent fell into the crater and, entranced by the comet’s power, scurried to the center, where he gained near limitless wisdom, control over the Astral Plane--the home of lost spirits--and a new form. But he soon grew lonely, so he found his siblings and used magic to elevate them to god status as well. Initially, they enjoyed using and sharing their powers freely. Experimental life flourished, giving rise to a wide variety of species and races. However, man and beast alike fought for power. A sleep-walking Sephiran, in a fit of rage brought upon by dark visions of a ruined world, unintentionally ripped magic away from those it deemed wicked and wiped entire civilizations off the face of the planet. Wrought with guilt, he tasked all but one of his siblings to use their powers to rebuild the world and vowed to never interfere with mortal affairs ever again. Each was given their own country, and thus began the original line of Beisha priests.

Divine Origins

When the Fifteen Saints descended on the planet, they established a deep respect for nature in all of its forms.

Cosmological Views

The world was young, so the magic that came from space infused itself with it and is a core of its very being.

Tenets of Faith

Priests must be willing to give their lives to protect the Astral Plane.


Separation of Church and State.


Each one of the fifteen regions has its own high priest/priestess.

Granted Divine Powers

Beisha priests are entrusted with the highest level of both light and dark magic.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Priests will observe and be keen on, but usually try to stay out of politics due to their code unless it affects them directly. Although, deliberate damage to a temple or priest is considered grounds for war.

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