Royal House of Tulip Organization in Seeds of Chaos | World Anvil
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Royal House of Tulip

The House of Tulip is located in the lower south-west of Kayotia's desert. It is the 'beating heart' of the Rekettan capital for the period of the empire. Its palace is full of silken tapestry, firm satin rugs, jeweled decorations and collected crystal dragon hearts and skulls used like vanity pieces. Flowers serve as a motif, with a purple tulip being its icon, based on the common scale/feather colors & perceived (or self-aggrandizing) beauty of the empress. It was among the first to acquire electricity and gas lighting in the late 2nd imperial generation.


1) Empress Reketta: The Empress is not only head of the hold, but the voice and command of the entire populations and reach across most of Kayotia, and the majority of Reketta. Only one may be empress, and she must forsake her personal hatchling identity to become Emperor Reketta.     2) Vine: The vines are anyone descendant of the empress, and in later years also came to mean lovers, and extended family. This does not equate the 'Vine' with an heir, but rather one personally-picked young Vine will be an heir.     3) Thorn: Thorns are the personal guards, and authorized claw of the authority around the empress. These guards are to be respected, feared, and loved, and are taught in a careful system with roots to the personal guards of Queen Kesi'Iloquet herself prior to ruling a united conglomerate.     4) Scale-Serfs: Not to be entirely confused with slaves, and only of Rekettan species blood. These are the 'inner council' of closer hires and friends that loyaly serve in medial tasks, while still having privileges and rights more lax than that of a slave. These may include trusted advisors, extended kin to a Thorn, or just a vase duster who happened to stumble into a life in the highest palace.


The internal culture is often very quiet. The palace is built up high on Glysia, so most things are isolated away from streets, and public. Offshoots of balconies, porches, and tunnels connect it all together, and allow for spots of pools and sunsoak decks to give hatchlings or Vines and the inner circle a spot of luxury without descending apart. Even Scale Serfs are treated fine once their harder work is done. Work is still taken seriously, and there are cultured departments situated just to dissect laws, passing spy work, and influx of visitors and Thorn guard rotations. Vines are taken careful care of when deemed potential heirs, and must go through some rigorous testing and studies.
Founding Date
60PDP (Empire) / 500PDP (Rough kingdom estimation)
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Violet Dragon
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Power Structure
Unitary state
Legislative Body
Wedged between a constitutions of ideals & traditions, and the empress, though she may be influenced by a council hearing.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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