Antiquity / Sand Reketta Ethnicity in Seeds of Chaos | World Anvil
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Antiquity / Sand Reketta

This Article is still a WIP and may be for quite some time if I deliver the full list of noble houses, and social customs.
Antiquity or Sand Reketta refers to the reptilian variant, and often in reference to the imperial era of Reketta. Historical figures such as Turro'ki, Kesi'iloquet, Lagra'ki, Royc'ver, etc were all examples of this variant of Reketta. They hold much of the staple traits, having snouts, potential plumage, horns, essentially remarkable as the more iconic Reketta. Their genes began to falter in later mid-2nd millennia periods when some needed to migrate to colder environments, and were left with colder blood. A diversion began to mutate that would later reduce this breed a bit, though they still persist to the far future and even benefit in some arid regions of the Starcroft expeditions.


Gender Ideals

Males are born less in this ethnic group. One out of every five hatched eggs will likely have a male. As a result, males are considered more of a vulnerable class that became slowly more "protected" by ruling powers that dictated more female-driven warriors. Males would instead be put to more scholarly and minor-regal roles, participating in arts, invention, banking, etc. They are still to present themselves with strong honor and pride, and despite being sometimes seen as privileged compared to the conscripted common female, they are actually also competing and often anxious for their perception, and often expected to their right to pass genes. It is still possible for males to take up arms and be in militant positions, and primal times once had them more common as the warriors with higher base strength and muscular capacity. A disgraced or poor male is sometimes referred to as a "Torned-one", often for having their horns actually torn out for a show of disgrace.   Females are more of the driving backbone and common group of the Reketta family. It is often expected for most healthy females without a higher calling or duty to become conscripted at a young age, and serve for at least several seasons. If retiring of good service, or merely called to a higher place, they will often work in similar roles to males within communities of art, archives, etc. They are more often a little more sensitive to dreaming, and make for more frequent priests. The term "Hen" often gets applied to a female and can have two different connotations, both essentially looping back to original use of a breeder. A more honored hen is considered an attractive noble female that is to produce a lot of eggs for the making of "better genes". The negative connotation has been applied to lower-class commoners who are often escaping militant duties. The term "hen" was applied to them for when many tried to elevate their status by offering themselves to upper-class males, but instead they were often just left to raise fertile eggs on their own with so little to their name they might actually be leaving the eggs in the street, more akin to the allegedly careless nature of the animal hen. It remains derogatorily to reference both whores and lower-class.


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