Ikurouta Organization in Saradon | World Anvil


Ikurouta is a sparsely-populated nation located at the northernmost point of the Eletherean continent.   The kingdom has no official name by its own people who simply call it "meidän maa" (literally "our land"). The name "Ikurouta" instead comes, in fact, from the native word for perma-frost conditions "ikirouta" which was the answer often given in jest to foreigners who would ask where traveling Ikuroutans originated from, but has since been adopted as a semi-official name for the far-north territory.


Ikuroutan government is organized into a system somewhat similar to a democratic republic. The nation is divided into five regions - one region for each of the largest cities and a fifth for the eastern territories - who each elect a representative from among their people. This representative usually takes the form of a well-known family leader, respected warrior or, in the case of the Mavaran peoples near Kotkankuu, a tribal elder. In turn, these five representatives then convene in order to elect a final sixth member to hold the highest ruling position.   This leader, the "rehtori", keeps the final say in matters of organized war, trade with outsiders, and territorial disputes among the Ikuroutan regions but is otherwise treated as a somewhat neutral member of the representative council. The rehtori is expected to renounce all ties of inheritance to their original region and family if they expect the position so as to not skew the council too heavily towards one of its elective regions.   Dorste Paikkala is the current rehtori of Ikurouta


Ikurouta keeps no true standing army and, in the as-yet-unseen even of war with another state, would expect the majority of its forces to be gained from levies and tribal warriors.   Peace-keeping guards are recruited via volunteers from the population of local cities and towns and, for the most part, the only training they receive is from similarly volunteered men-at-arms and thus much of the forces keep no official practices or training manuals among them.
Geopolitical, State
Alternative Names
Meidän Maa
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Economic System
Mixed economy
Neighboring Nations


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