Miyoko Toda Character in Saharin | World Anvil
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Miyoko Toda (she/her)

富田 美宵子
nee Maeda (前田)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Miyoko Toda had a generally fit, healthy body, which was maintained by healthy diet and mindful fitness routines. When she succumbed to alcoholism, her healthy habits decreased. During the period she and Musashi were impoverished, she was thin due to poor nutrition. After her living expenses were generously provided, she gained some weight due to poor or inconsistent health routines and age.

Facial Features

Miyoko is ethnically Japanese and has a typical East Asian phenotypic appearance. This includes epicanthus tarsalis and fairly low profile brow ridge, cheek bones and chin. She has a symmetric, well-proportioned face with a distinguished nose. Since childhood, she maintained a beauty regimen that kept her skin and hair in good condition. She generally wears subtle, natural make-up but may use more elaborate but tasteful pallets to dress up.
Miyoko keeps her hair long, extending to the small of her back, and typically wears it down. She may use a comb, scarf or other simple adornment. This is contrary to the typical styles of her social circle, which is for women - especially married women - to wear their hair in tightly controlled styles like a bun.
Miyoko typically wears jewelry sets including earrings, a necklace and one or more bracelets. These sets are usually matching metals but may be any metal. These sets range from very simple styles to elaborate, fitting the situation. Her wedding ring is gold.

  After the Toda downfall, Miyoko was unable to keep up much of her beauty regimen. She could not buy more make-up after she used what she said. She also had to sell most of her jewelry. With the type of work she got and other difficulties, she kept her hair in a braid more often. This she previously only did when sleeping, swimming or playing in the dirt with her sons.

Apparel & Accessories

As Jinsuke Toda's wife, Miyoko always complimented or outshone her husband. She dressed fashionably in a ways that complimented her body and yet were proper for a woman of her social class. This usually meant a knee to floor length skirt and a blouse with a matching jacket or complementary sweater. She always wore nylons, usually nude but sometimes black, under her skirts. And always wore at least a simple jewelry set. Her hair usually had a comb, scarf or other ornament to keep it out of her face.
To attending the theater, fancy dinners or other social functions, Miyoko may wear one of several kimono she owned or Western evening gowns. For summer festivals, she also had a few yukata. If wearing kimono, she would put her hair at least partially up to keep it above her obi. She may wear heavier make-up if appropriate, though generally keeps it fairly natural.
Miyoko's favorite colors are Camilla pink and sea foam green. She enjoys dressing colorfully, though maintains appropriate mature fashion. This means favoring floral patterns and making choices like wearing solid sweaters over floral blouses.

  After the Toda downfall, Miyoko had to sell many of her beautiful clothes. She kept wearing skirt-blouse combinations whenever possible. It was a difficult dilemma for her when her last pair of nylons gained a terrible run and she had to make the choice between wearing a skirt without them or wearing pants. When her living expenses were taken care of later, she returned to wearing 'proper' outfits.
  She saved a few items from being sold. An ebony comb with white sakura blossoms and a hand painted, pink with bits of gold silk scarf were both gifts from her husband.

Mental characteristics




K - 9th Grade: Unnamed private school in Tendo
High School, 1989: Uchida High School
University, 1993: Okinami University, B.A. Mathematics


1993 - 2012: Board of Trustees, Three Rivers Orchestra
1993 - 1996: Board of Trustees, Amur Wildlife Protection Fund
1995 - 1996: Board of Trustees, Women's Foundation of Okinami
1995 - 2008: Board of Trustees, Yamagiri Prefecture Rural Children's Outreach
1999 - 2012: Board of Trustees, Bright Future
1999 - 2012: Board of Trustees, Okinami Cultural History Museum
2004 - 2008: Board of Trustees, Okinami Zoological Society
2009 - 2012: Board of Trustees, Three Rivers Shrine

  2012 May - August: Clerk, Unnamed Grocery Store
2012 August - September: Sales Associate, Unnamed Pet Store
2012 October: Clerk, Unnamed Convenience Store Chain
2012 November: Cashier, Unnamed Restaurant


Family Ties

Father: Owner and CEO of Maeda, Ltd.
Mother: Violinist in a theater orchestra, board member for various charitable organizations.
Older brother: Electrical Engineer, Owner and CEO of Maeda Equipment Company after father retired.
Younger sister: Homemaker. Husband is Head of the Okinami affiliate of an international broadcasting company.
Childhood home: Horses, cats, hunting dogs

  Spouse: Jinsuke Toda, married 1993 May 29
Firstborn: Katsuro Toda
Second child: Musashi Toda
Family Pet: Sayo, black and white cat

  Later Pets: Burmese cats Nobuko (darker brown) and Akiko (lighter brown)

Religious Views

Miyoko Toda was raised to follow Shinto and Buddhist traditions and raised her children this way also. She thought the framework was useful for teaching morality and harmonious living.

Hobbies & Pets

Always: Reading. Miyoko enjoys sci-fi, romance, epics, adventure and feminist literature. She also enjoys non-fiction on history, science and technology, particularly enjoying magazines devoted to these topics. She also reads mathematics journals.
Always: Movies, TV shows, plays. Typically dramas with compelling characters
Always: Western Classical music and a wide variety of other orchestral music
Childhood: The Maeda family raises and keeps horses, which Miyoko was involved with from an early age. She rode from a young age.
Age 6 - University: Violin. Performed in orchestras.
High School: Women's Traditional Arts Club
High School - University: Robotics Club
University: Women's Book Club
2013 - Death: Various classes at the local community center
2014 - Death: Book Club


Miyoko Toda speaks urban Saharinese Japanese. The Maeda family estate is in Tendo, a small town to the north of Okinami, but close enough that residents frequently come to Okinami and students who attend high school go to an Okinami high school. In other words, the affluent of Tendo speak nearly indistinguishably from those of Okinami. By example and education, she was taught to speak eloquently and politely and to err on the side of not speaking at all. She rarely raises her voice, never speaks vulgarities, and does not use fillers.

Wealth & Financial state

Miyoko Toda was born into a family of wealth and status. As she was expected to do, she also married into a family of wealth and status. In 2012, when her family wealth was divided and forfeited, suddenly having to adapt to a low income lifestyle was difficult. None of her relatives or her husband's relatives provided assistance.

Date of Birth
1971 March 12
Date of Death
2016 June 21
Circumstances of Death
Advanced Liver Disease
Place of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 8"
Known Languages
Japanese (Saharinese dialect)
English (literate, conversational)
French (semi-literate, semi-conversational)

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