Okinami University Organization in Saharin | World Anvil
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Okinami University

Okinami University is a public university that offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, including doctoral and professional degrees. It is divided into The College of Arts & Sciences, The School of Medicine and Dentistry, The School of Nursing, The School of Business, and The School of Education.
  Okinami University, along with Okinami University Hospital, is the largest employer in Okinami.
  Individual Locations:
Hashimoto Building
Houses laboratories and offices of the biology department.
South Side Dormitories
Located on the south side of the University's main entrance. Most buildings are Co-Ed with (single sex) double occupant rooms and bathrooms shared by the floor. A few buildings have single-sex sections with single and double occupant rooms and a bathroom shared by the section. Married student housing is also located here.
North Side Dormitories
Located on the north side of campus, accessed from the university's north entrance. These are located on the river, near the athletic complex. Most buildings contain suites of individual rooms that share a bathroom and a common space. Single sex if randomly assigned, but students of any sex may request to co-habit. A few buildings are apartments with four individual rooms, and a kitchen included in the common space. These are upperclassmen and by requesting groups only.
University Botanical Garden
Located in the courtyard of Okinami University Hospital
Alternative Names

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