Snow Elf Ethnicity in Sagrea | World Anvil
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Snow Elf

The third and least common elvish ethnicity in Sagrea. Snow Elves are known to have pale skin tones and hair colors that lean toward light hues or even white, silver, or gray. They are generally very stoic and tend to express emotion at a bare minimum. This even extends to their civilization within Niflheim, which is extremely isolationist to the point of being the last nation to communicate with the rest of the world. However, provided that someone earns their undying trust, a task that is rather arduous in itself, these defrosting ice kings and queens will show more genuine emotion and honesty to them and only them. Given that Snow Elves almost never leave Niflheim, seeing them anywhere else is considered extremely unlikely. That being said, if one travels out of Niflheim willingly for someone else, then it is clear as day that they have placed an immense amount of trust in them, regardless of how much of it is verbally visible or if the elf would even admit it.   Aside from being the most likely to reach the thousands in age, Snow Elves are thought to be an offshoot ethnicity of Light Elves. While the similarities are present, not even the world's most renowned researchers have been able to reach a solid conclusion on whether this is true or if they are both unrelated.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Saini, Raisa, Jaana, Petra, Iona, Felicia, Florina

Masculine names

Elias, Klaus, Pirkka, Raine, Ensio, Andrei, Nelu, Dimitry

Family names

Markkula, Suominen, Lehti, Lacusta, Nechita, Lupei


Major language groups and dialects

Euneti and Elvish.

Culture and cultural heritage

Snow Elf culture greatly resembles that of the Light Elves in that they honor tradition and have a strong sense of religion. Unlike the Light Elves, however, they hold those who are skilled in magic in a much higher regard than other races, while those who do not share the same skill and talent are seen as pitiful.

Average technological level

The magitech of Snow Elves is incredibly advanced, but not to the degree of the Light Elves. Due to their endless pursuit of new magic and technology, their technology is infamous for being generally strange and sometimes incomprehensible in their effects. For example, they were able to develop the genetic editor, which causes the affected target to alter its biological structure to resemble a different species. The very existence of this machine played a pivotal role in the Moonlit Crusades.

Common Etiquette rules

Although it is common sense to be polite, the stoicism of a Snow Elf makes them seem almost condescending, even when they do not mean to (most of the time).

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Snow Elves participate in the Festival of Harmony along with the other elvish subspecies, but they restrict their journey to the shrines within Niflheim. Aside from this, it is common for Snow Elves to perform a monthly, abstract summoning ritual in an attempt to become closer to their gods. However, since making an efficient attempt at contacting beings in Athanasia was not discovered until later into the Umbral Cycle, many of these summoning attempts either summoned something else or failed entirely. Not that this stopped them, of course, but the beings that were mistakenly summoned caused them to believe that some of their gods took the form of various animals or objects, allowing their mythology to grow.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Snow Elves bless their newborn children with a minor spell for good health and luck in life, often doing so near a body of water should they be rich enough. Whether or not it is a spell that truly works is unknown, but the tradition refuses to die.

Coming of Age Rites

It is a tradition for a Snow Elf to develop a spell of their own once they reach adolescence. The more personalized they make it, the more special it will be in the eyes of the family and caster.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Snow Elves often send off the dead with a shallow grave with the body buried in snow. To them, that is their sign that they have returned to the earth to become one with their gods. Funerals end with a hymn dedicated to the deceased.

Common Taboos

Denying the use of magic is seen as not only pointless, but a blasphemous statement, as they believe magic is a gift from the gods to the world. arguably true, save for a few details in regards to how magic works...


Beauty Ideals

Snow Elves as a whole do not typically have a strict ideal of beauty. As long as they aren't particularly obese, there's potential to be seen as attractive. Hair that is neck length or longer is a bonus, though.

Gender Ideals

Males and females alike must be intelligent and mentally strong. Anything less is looked down upon as weak, embarrassing, and disgraceful. The strictness of these ideals is a part of the reason Snow Elves only show their true emotions to those they fully trust.

Courtship Ideals

Much like the other elvish subspecies, Snow Elves are still fond of extravagant displays of affection and courtship. Despite this, they have an affinity for anything pertaining to the bond between each other on a very personal level even more, rather than anything flashy, materialistic or superficial. To them, not even the largest "I love you!" flag in Sagrea can compare to a simple poem written about each other. Of course, given their nature, it will take much, much longer to defrost the heart of a Snow Elf.

Relationship Ideals

Snow Elf relationships tend to be very intimate and close, as by that point, both parties obviously trust each other enough to show more emotion. They value the small things in love. A simple, yet loving conversation can mean much more to a Snow Elf than any gift would represent.

Major organizations

Parent ethnicities
Related Organizations


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