Light Elf Ethnicity in Sagrea | World Anvil
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Light Elf

The most common type of elf in Sagrea, Light Elves are the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions elves. Known for their fair skin, high magic potential and their tendecy to preserve their traditions with little changes, they also boast the most progress in magitech, providing Sagrea with most of the technology that makes use of selenite.   Due to numerous political messes caused by both parties, Light Elves do not get along very well with Dark Elves, an issue that people of both ethnic groups have been attempting to mend for years.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Cassiopeia, Phoebe, Hyacinth, Iona, Deirdre, Rauha, Ella etc.

Masculine names

Naoise, Talus, Kuisma, Orrin, Adrian, Arsen, Thomas etc.

Family names

Light Elves are often found with family names that are reminiscent of Greek, Celtic, and Finnish origins.

Other names

Aside from the above examples, it is not uncommon for elves to deviant from their typical naming conventions.


Major language groups and dialects

Common and Elvish.

Culture and cultural heritage

Light Elf culture revolves around honoring deities and other spiritual beings along with light itself. Many of their traditions and practices make use of light as a beacon to do so.

Average technological level

Elvish technology is known to contain the highest advancements in magitech. Their use of selenite has allowed them to emulate many real world inventions such as radios and even small cars.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Aside from the annual Festivals of Harmony that occur at their crystal shrines, Light Elves traditionally make sure their cities and villages are always brightly lit in one way or another. This is done to honor their deities and fallen comrades in addition to acting as a beacon to nearby travelers that they, as a people still live on.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Light Elves use the soft glow of selenite as lighting for funerals. Their cities' refusal to turn out its bright lighting is actually their way of honoring the dead, as if to show the spirits that they are still alive despite all odds.

Common Taboos

Like other elvish subspecies, incest. Light Elves especially for this reason despised the blue bloods of the past even more than other elves for their occasional sister diddling.

Common Myths and Legends

Many of the oldest elvish myths such as The Ascension of Deirdre, The Ballad of Talus and Aquila's Journey can be traced back to the Light Elves.


Beauty Ideals

Male elves tend to be seen as more attractive with a lean muscular build and a clean face. Female elves prefer to be seen with long hair and a slender body. Those born with golden blonde hair is seen as especially desirable in both genders.

Gender Ideals

Males must be kind, but stoic and cunning enough to appear mentally strong under pressure. Females are often expected to be intelligent and confident. Shyness and self doubt are looked down upon, even more so if female.

Courtship Ideals

Much like the other elvish subspecies, Light Elves favor genuine, yet extremely over the top displays of courtship. This stems from a desire for others to prove whether or not they are willing to spend their entire lives with their partner.

Relationship Ideals

Light Elves prefer couples to be on equal ground in a relationship. Once again, this stems from both parties wishing to keep each other happy for their incredibly long lives.

Major organizations

Diverged ethnicities
Related Organizations


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