Oceanglen Settlement in Sacaris | World Anvil
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Located on a Bloombay Cay in the center of the Sea of Sirens, a raucous, dangerous, and vertical, city exists: the infamous Oceanglen. This pirate haven is built into, and upon, a steep bay in the middle of the island. Countless caves bore into the cliff face, each owned or rented by a pirate clan, crime syndicate, or thieves guild. A massive and complex network of cranes, pulleys, and buttressed platforms also cover the cliff face, allowing people and goods to be moved up from the ships below to the ramshackle buildings and storage caves.


The only rule of law in Oceanglen is strength... and the strongest entity here is the Pirate King and his cronies, colloquially called 'Enforcers'. They are what pass as a government in Oceanglen and enforce a few critical rules that would be best obeyed, lest you find yourself taking the express path to the waves crashing on the rocks below. No Violence (especially against Enforcers). This isn't a moral stance, rather its about the fact that valuable goods tend to be collateral damage in brawls. Any violence against an Enforcer, or any other representative of the King, is an immediate death sentence. No Stealing. Obviously, this means "don't get caught stealing". The King's Word is Law. Disagreements between grieved parties can appeal the King for mediation, but neither party is guaranteed to be pleased with it's outcome. Outside of formal appeals, any decree from the King is immediately Law and will be enforced with swift and deadly force.


Besides the merciless Enforcers that roam the streets (gangplanks?) of the town, Rapier Cove is also bristling with catapults, ballista, and cannons. Of course, the pure verticality of the location makes any sort of assault an uphill battle, in the most extreme and literal way possible. The Pirate King has made sure that large sections of the scaffolding and structure of the town can be quickly disconnected and dropped into the rocky bay below, to cut off whole sections of the town in the case of an invasion. There is a small, but armed-to-the-teeth, flotilla of converted merchant ships that patrol the surrounding waters, and several in reserve that can be quickly shoved off to defend. many of the regular patrons and/or citizens of Oceanglen have been known to defend their favorite port of call in times of need, but few would be foolish enough to rely on the selflessness of pirates.

Industry & Trade

Oceanglen makes almost nothing of it's own, with the vast majority of goods being imported. A few basics involving ship repair and maintenance are made on-site, as are a few brands of rum, lager, and beer. Strangely, the best saltwater taffy in the known world is made here, by a kindly old man who, if rumors are to be believed, used to be the Pirate King many years ago. Trade, money-laundering, and banking are the towns primary 'industries'. The Pirate King charges a monthly fee, based on size and amenities (such as dock/crane access, security features, etc), for each cave, while corsairs, sailors, and pirates have a place to stash and sell their ill-gotten goods away from prying eyes. The King also encourages entertainment of all sorts here, as well, but mostly for the boorish crowds. Brothels, stages for minstrels, and plenty of taverns fill out the city's infrastructure.

Guilds and Factions

Oceanglen is a melting pot of the underworld's different factions. Independent Pirates, Sky Pirates (usually of the Red Wing faction), assassins, bounty hunters, competing cells of the Thieves Guild, and even the Spider Syndicate, are known to co-mingle here and live in a tepid harmony, at least as long as they're within earshot of the Enforcers.


While appearing ramshackle, the structures built into the side of the cliff are actually quite robust, supported and anchored firmly into the stone and able to handle tons of people and goods in weight. Chains, ropes, hand painted signs, baudy stained glass, and fluttering pennant flags round out the cluttered chaos of the town.
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