Glimmerholde Settlement in Sacaris | World Anvil
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Built within the mountains of Belgost lies the Dwarven capital of Glimmerhold . Originally 5 seperate holds built by a collection of rival dwarven clans brought together several thousand years ago to from the Everrock empire, Glimmer hold is a large central structure joining together the original holds while also stretching down deep into the underdark as part of a huge communal mining project. An ominous walk of a thousand stairs climb the side of the mountain to the gates of the city carved from the mountain itself, just wide enough for two dwarves to walk abreast. Too steep and treacherous for carts or common beasts of burden, traders and trappers use giant goats to transport their goods to and from market, while wealthy dwarven merchant lords employ serfs and laborers to carry their goods. Glimmerhold’s impenetrable adamantine gates stand at the end of a perilous bridge overlooking a hundred-foot chasm, and is guarded by three watchtowers carved into the mountain itself.


Dwarf (72%), Halfling (12%), Human (5%), Gnome (6%), Other (1%)


The Empire is ordered with King Gadrumin Bronzebeard at its head supported by the Hold Masters Council which is formed from the ruling Hold master of each of the 5 original Holds.


The laws of the city are enforced by a military class of elite warriors called Carvers that act as guards, soldiers, and jailers under the guidance of the Holdmasters. Becoming a Carver is a lengthy, rigorous, and taxing pursuit, and many who choose to join fail to complete their training and find another career path. As such, many Carvers are brought to it through family tradition, the pressure and expectation of the family name and a father’s honor being stronger than personal pain and preference. Once officially named, a Carver is given a homestead built into the center hold of the city, a set of masterwork armor and weapons, and a steady income.


The Grand Burrow Tunnel Network Having invented the Elerium rail engine in 2900, the grand burrow tunnel network now stretches out from Glimmerhold to silverhold, Neverhold, Gloomguard, Drystorm and Shwadar.


Dwarven architecture is noted for its grey and bronze coloring, blockish aesthetic and the melding of stonework into natural rock surroundings. It is also designed to last with minimal maintenance required. All of this points to the reason that dwarven structures almost never fall to time or the elements.
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