Drystorm Settlement in Sacaris | World Anvil
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What started as a small frontier village has rapidly grown into a large city and valuable port for its parent City of Neverhold. After Neverhold began to expand its influence south, the fledgling village was given the choice of joining the clan, and the offer of soldiers and construction to protect them from the many dangers in the wilderness was far too tempting to ignore. With the valuable Infinis tradeway bringing goods up from Elion, Neverholds expansion of Drystorm has allowed it to capitalise on being an advantageous stopping point for trade with the northern territories.


Human (72%), Halfling (7%), Dwarf (5%), Half Elf (5%), Gnome (3%), Half-Orc (3%), Other (4%)


Dystorm is under the direct control of Neverhold through various delegated officials. Officially the region is under control of a Jarl appointed by personally by King Varinsson.


As a vassal of Neverhold Drystorm has no official military, instead relying on its parent state for protection from foreign threats. With the large presence of the Drystorm fleet in its harbor, it has little need for a standing army. The city itself is patrolled by a company of soldiers, receives additional aid from the local temples, as well as a large force of local guard. Drystorm is a young and diverse city with inhabitants from far and wide, and receives a vast amount of trade and travelers from outside. In an effort to maintain the peace in what otherwise be an unsafe harbor, the city has many guards and relies on the cooperation with its allies to maintain order.
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