Kholop Halfling Ethnicity in Ruslavia | World Anvil

Kholop Halfling (Slaves)

Moss Covia was initially Halfling territory. The larger creatures of other areas of Ruslavia have historically exploited the halfling Mosscovites. The Kholop Halflings were the most unfortunate victims of this oppression, having been enslaved and put to work across Ruslavia. These days, halflings are considered Established Persons, and it is therefore a taboo to enslave them, however, since it is still acceptable to keep slaves that were purchased before the halflings were established, many halfling slaves have also not been released and are still bound to their master. Kholop halflings are normally put to work in the mines or fields of the Cherti Mountains.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Kholop halflings do not have family names, instead they take the "slav" surname, meaning "glory" but also alluding to their slave (or former-slave) status.
Parent ethnicities
Encompassed species
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