Kaspar Character in Ruslavia | World Anvil


Kaspar is the leader of the Polubanda, an organisation of Halfling Gangsters who control the supply of goods out of Pristan Docktown.




Towards Karlotta



Towards Kaspar

Lawful Evil
Current Status
Pakhan of Polubanda gangsters.
Year of Birth
1409 44 Years old
Karlotta (spouse)
Piercing purple
Black and silky smooth.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Albino white
Intrigue Mysteries
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Abyssal, Aquan, Catfolk, Celestial, Common Ruslavian, Drow, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Gnomish, Goblang, Halfling, Orcish, Undercommon.

Family Tree

CR 9


Oracle(10) Lawful Evil (Small) Humanoid, Halfling
Initiative: +3 (15 maximum) Senses: Perception +11


AC: AC 16, touch 12, never flat-footed (+4 armour, +1 Dex, +1 size)
HP: 49 10d8-10
Fortitude: +2 Reflex: +4 Will: +8 ( +1 vs. trample )
Defensive Abilities: +1 AC vs. larger opponents ; +4 AC luck bonus if total movement in round less than or equal to 5 ft. Immune: fear


Speed: 20 ft
Melee: unarmed strike +9/+4 (1d2+1) ;
masterwork dagger +10/+5 (1d3+1)
Ranged: single masterwork dagger +10 (1d3+1) at 10 ft. (attack decreases by 2 per 10 feet up to a maximum range of 50 ft).
Special Attacks:

Poetic Vengeance

2/day as an immediate action
After an enemy successfully affects Kaspar with an attack (whether with a spell, a physical attack, or any other sort of attack), he can force the enemy to take half the effects of its own attack unless it succeeds on a Will save (DC 19). Any damage from the attack is halved, and non-damaging effects have a 50% chance to apply. If the non-damaging effect has a DC, the enemy receives a saving throw against it, at either the DC of the original effect or the DC of this ability, whichever is lower.
Space: 5 ft Reach: 5 ft
Spell-like Abilities:

Oracle Spells

Level 0 - at will (DC14)
Ball of Smoke ; Bleed ; Card Trick ; Create Water ; Light ; Purify Food and Drink ; Read Magic ; Resistance ; Stabilize.
Level 1 - choose 7 per day (DC15)
Alleviate Addiction ; Authenticating Gaze ; Bane ; Burning Disarm ; Charm Person ; Doom ; Inflict Light Wounds.
Level 2 - choose 7 per day (DC16)
Detect Magic (greater) ; False Belief ; Hold Person ; Inflict Moderate Wounds ; Undetectable Alignment ; Violent Accident ; Zone of Truth.
Level 3 - choose 7 per day (DC17)
Cure Serious Wounds ; Inflict Serious Wounds ; Stunning Barrier (greater) ; Suggestion ; Summon Monster III.
Level 4 - choose 6 per day (DC18)
Aura of Doom ; Conditional Curse ; Inflict Critical Wounds ; Sending.
Level 5 - choose 3 per day (DC19)
Command (greater) ; Inflict Light Wounds (mass) ; True Seeing.


Str 12, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 18
Base Attack: +7/+2 CMB: +7 CMD: 18
Feats: Alertness, Blackmarket Dealings, Connected Criminal, Extra Revelation (x2), Run
Skills: Acrobatics -1 (-9 jump, -5 running start jump), Appraise +7, Bluff +14, Diplomacy +12, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (local) +7, Linguistics +12, Perception +11, Sense Motive +14, Sleight of Hand +9, Spellcraft +10, Stealth +11.
Languages: Abyssal, Aquan, Catfolk, Celestial, Common Ruslavian, Drow, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Gnomish, Goblang, Halfling, Orcish, Undercommon.

Desire Sight

3/day, Will negates (DC24)
As a standard action, can learn the desires of any visible creature within 100ft, as if concentrating until the third round of a detect desires spell.

Mirrored Retreat

1/day as a full-round action
Form ripples and releases seven illusory duplicates, as mirror image, allowing Kaspar to move up to his speed in any direction, while the duplicates move in seven other directions. The duplicates continue to retreat in their chosen direction, avoiding walls and other barriers but unable to open doors or interact with objects. The duplicates last for 10 minutes or until they take damage (AC12, Reflex +4, immune to effects that allow Fortitude or Will saves). This is a figment effect.

Veiled Venom

As a standard action, can touch an object, granting it the benefits of the spells magic aura and obscure poison. Can use this ability at will, but each time, the effects of any previous use end.


Treasure: 5,000 gp. Armoured Coat (Small) ; Masterwork Dagger ; Fedora (Gambler's Grey Hat) ; Staff of Radiance ; Bag of Holding (Type 1) containing 1 emerald (1,000gp), 1 jasper (50gp) and 1 moonstone (50gp).