Gotyik Mishkinov Character in Ruslavia | World Anvil

Gotyik Mishkinov

Gotyik Mishkinov, of the Mishkinary Order

Gotyik is a Half-Orc Paladin, who is certain he is destined to go down in history as a Saint of the White God.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gotyik grew up in his mother's travelling circus. When he was fifteen, he entered the Church of the White God and met his father for the first time.   When Gotyik learned that he probably had many brothers and sisters that he didn't know about, due to his father's habit of mating with different species, he was more than eager to sign up as a travelling Mishkinary in order to try to find other missing family members

Personality Characteristics


Gotyik's short-term goal is to convert the citizens of Ketterpesh to the Church of the White God. Gotyik hopes that by converting enough villages, he and his sister Lina will become Saints of the White God. Gotyik believes that by converting the villages of Ketterzan to the Church of the White God (and becoming a Saint in the process) he will gain the respect of his father, Mishki.


Family Ties

Family is very important to Gotyik, and he is trying to discover other Half-Orcs who might be related to him. Having only barely met his father, and his mother being the only Orc he has ever met, Gotyik feels very alone. He gets very excited when he meets other half-orcs, but that normally just puts them off.

Social Aptitude

Gotyik is very self-agrandising. He is hyper aware of the gnome they have brought along to record their daring deeds, and therefore tries to perform for her, while actually just making a bit of a fool of himself. He is not as charismatic as he would like.


Confident, friendly and overwhelmingly exhuberant.
Challenge Rating
CR 2
Lawful Good
Year of Birth
1432 21 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
When Vadoma birthed Gotyik she had planned to settle in the Cherti Mountains to raise the baby with Mishki. Mishki refused, renouncing her & Gotyik. It wasn't until adult Gotyik entered the Church of the White God that Vadoma told him who his father was.
Gotyik has inherited his father's golden eyes, which he believes is a sign from Belabog that he will succeed if he follows in the teachings of the White God.
Dashing blond hair, flowing down to just above his shoulders. He uses an oil to keep it luscious.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gotyik uses a salve to soften his skin and weaken its green tinge.
213 lb
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Orc

Family Tree

CR 2

Gotyik Mishkinov

Paladin(3) Lawful Good (Medium) Humanoid, Half-Orc
Initiative: +1 Senses: Normal vision; Perception +0


AC: AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+6 armour, +1 shield, +1 Dex)
HP: 36 3d10+2
Fortitude: +5 Reflex: +2 Will: +3 ( Allies within 10 feet gain +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. )
Immune: disease, fear Aura: Moderate good


Speed: 30 ft
Melee: Longsword (gold) +4 (1d8+1)
Special Attacks:

Smite Evil (Su)

Once per day, as a swift action, Gotyik can choose one target within sight to smite. If this target is evil, Gotyik adds +3 to his attack rolls and +3 to all damage rolls made against the target of his smite. If the target of Smite Evil is an outsider with the evil subtype, an evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to +6. Regardless of the target, Smite Evil attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess. In addition, while smite evil is in effect, Gotyik gains a +3 deflection bonus to his AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If he targets a creature that is not evil, the smite is wasted with no effect. The Smite Evil effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time he rests and regain his uses of this ability.
Holy reach
Gotyik can expend one use of his smite evil ability to extend his natural reach by 5 feet for 1 minute.
Space: 5 ft Reach: 5 ft
Spell-like Abilities: (CL 3rd; concentration +6).
At will
Detect evil: Gotyik can use Detect Evil at will, as the Spell. In addition, as a move action, Gotyik can concentrate on a single individual or item within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, he cannot not detect evil in any other object or individual within range.
Deathwatch, Protection from arrows, Haste, Divine power


Str 13, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 17
Base Attack: +3 CMB: +4 CMD: 15
Feats: Charge of the Righteous, Endurance, Greater Mercy
Skills: Acrobatics -6 (Jump -11), Climb -6, Escape Artist -6, Fly -6, Heal +4, Knowledge (nobility) +3, Knowledge (religion) +5, Ride -6, Sense Motive +4, Stealth -6, Swim -6
Languages: Common, Orc

Lay on Hands (Su)

Gotyik can heal wounds (his own or those of others) by touch. He can use this ability 4 times per day. With one use of this ability, he can heal 1d6 hit points of damage. This ability also removes the fatigued condition if from the target, or heals an additional 1d6 points of damage if the target did not have the fatigued condition. Using this ability is a standard action, unless he targets himself, in which case it is a swift action. Despite the name of this ability, Gotyik only need one free hand to use this ability. Alternatively, Gotyik can use this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures, dealing 1d6 points of damage. Using Lay on Hands in this way requires a melee touch attack and doesn't provide an attack of opportunity. Undead do not receive a saving throw against this damage.


Treasure: Light, gold, quickdraw shield (7lb, 590 gp) ; Gold chainmail (40lb, 1500 gp) ; Gold longsword (4lb, 150 gp) ; Cleric's vestments ; 100 gp.