Beekeeper Profession in Ruslavia | World Anvil

Beekeeper (Pchelovod)

Beekeepers are highly regarded in Ruslavia, valued for the cultivation of sweet Honey and useful Beeswax.


Social Status

As the Orthobog religion moves into Ketterzan, the demand for Beeswax candles is growing, and Beekeepers are well positioned to take advantage of this. Many beekeepers have become wealthy and are held up as a noble working profession, particularly by the Church of the White God.



The beekeepers hollow out logs for the bees to make their nests, and carve the logs into decorative shapes that identify a particular nest as belonging to the beekeeper. Some of the more wealthy beekeepers have started commissioning Carpenters to create elaborate arboral sculptures to house the bees. One common model is making the log look like a woman with a big skirt.
Agricultural / Fishing / Forestry
Famous in the Field