Piltover-Zaun Overview Geographic Location in Runeterra | World Anvil
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Piltover-Zaun Overview

The dual city-states of Piltover and Zaun control the major trade routes between Valoran and Shurima, but the divide between their social classes is gradually becoming more and more dangerous.

Home both to visionary inventors and their wealthy patrons, Piltover is a thriving progressive city overlooking the ocean. Dozens of ships pass through its docks every day, bringing goods from all over the world, and allowing the resident merchant clans to fund incredible endeavors - including artistic follies, and architectural monuments to their individual power. With ever more artisans delving into the emergent arcane science of hextech, the self-styled City of Progress is fast becoming the destination for some of the most skilled craftspeople from across Runeterra.

By contrast, Zaun is the polluted undercity beneath Piltover - once united, the two are now separate, symbiotic cultures. Stifled inventors often find their unorthodox research welcomed here, but reckless industry has rendered whole swathes of the city highly toxic. Even so, thanks to a thriving black market, chemtech, and mechanical augmentation, the people of Zaun still find ways to prosper.


Once known as Oshra Va'Zaun, the slim isthmus that connects Valoran and Shurima has been a hub of mercantile activity since ancient times. Even after fall of Azir, it continued to serve as a prosperous port and trade route, and became known simply as Zaun. But the steady growth of the area came at a great cost to the community, when ambition construction work resulted in the flooding and collapse of some sort of the oldest parts of the city. Undeterred, the powerful merchant clans moved their interest to the outlying districts of Piltover instead.
Location under
Included Locations
Included Organizations

  • 3000 BN

    The Founding of Oshra Va'Zaun

    More than three thousand years ago, a port was founded in the isthmus in the would-be present location of Zaun. It would later become part of the ancient Shurima empire and, after the fall of Shurima, would go on as it's own independent city-state to present day.

  • 2000 BN

    550 BN

    The Great Darkin War
    Disaster / Destruction

    With the fall of the Empire of Shurima, the Ascended lost their purpose and fell into disarray. Those who were corrupted by their conflicts with the Void delved into Hemomancy to become the Darkin and began the civil war that would rage for centuries.

    Additional timelines
  • 772 AN

    Birth of Progress Day
    Disaster / Destruction

    An attempt to create a safe sea-route between East and West Valoran turned into disaster when the caused flooding and the release of toxic gases into much of the city.

  • 932 AN

    932 AN

    Discovery of the First Crystals
    Discovery, Scientific

    Clan Ferros, a group of artificers and explorers, harvested a rare crystal that was found to contain power normally only wielded by those born with innate magical ability. They found that they could use these rare crystals to develop new and powerful technology.

  • 936 AN

    936 AN

    Creation of Synthetic Hex Crystals
    Discovery, Scientific

    Knowing that the Brackern crystals were a limited resource, Clan Ferros invested in finding a way to synthesize their own hex-crystals. After several years of development, they managed to do it, though they are much less powerful than their authentic counterparts. Since then, Clan Ferros has had an iron grip on their monopoly of this priceless commodity and have worked tirelessly to maintain their place.