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Mystra (Mist-tra)

Mystra is a deity of magic and the arcane, typical worshippers are those who have magic capabilities or work closely with the arcane.

Where the Cult Thrives

The Cult of Mystra was once strong throughout much of the known world, however, that time has long since passed. At present Mystra is worshipped within Aarelan, the Yhess Kingdoms, and within the Arcane Bastilles.

Tenets of the Faith

Mystra is a deity of magic, who is worshipped by those who use or work closely with magic, such as alchemists, mages, and sages. The Cult of Mystra is a group of individuals who are devoted to magic, studying, researching, practising, and experimenting with it. The followers of Mystra believe that it is essential to better oneself through the acquisition of knowledge and the mastery of arcane skills. They also believe that magic must be preserved above all, and it is their duty to prevent the death of magic at all costs.   The Cult of Mystra was once widespread throughout the known world, but that was before the Age of Blood, a period of history when the abuse of magic brought about widespread devastation. Since then, the cult's membership and direct worship of Mystra has become greatly stigmatised, and the worship of Mystra is now outlawed within the Arcane Bastilles. The cult has few temples due to the persecution it faces, but those that do exist are grand structures with ostentatious displays of magic. More often, small secret shrines are kept to Mystra by those who wish to advance their skills.   Mystra is almost exclusively followed by those who are capable of casting spells or otherwise rely on magic to support their livelihood. Her followers often keep an eye out for those who demonstrate high potential for using magic and help arrange for such persons to find tutelage with a suitable mentor. The Cult of Mystra believes that Mystra's divine realm is the Weave, and that she is one of the titans that can be seen fighting within the realm.   The faithful of the Mother of Magic believe that it is essential to better oneself through the acquisition of knowledge and the mastery of arcane skills; although there are many different interpretations on sharing information, some sects believe that information itself is neither good nor evil and should be shared within like minded individuals, while others believe information can be dangerous and that certain information should be guarded. The tenets of the faith of Mystra are few and simple. Mages regardless of their fashion are cut from the same cloth and should treat one another as a brotherhood. Mages must show restraint for it is they who are the chosen of Mystra, it is they who are the capable and the talented, all else are just children. The final and most important tenet of Mystra is that magic must be preserved above all, without magic the world would die, it is the duty of the Cult of Mystra to prevent the death of magic at all costs.


The cult of Mystra has few temples due to the persecution that it faces, but those that do exist are grand structures with ostentatious displays of magic. More often small secret shrines are kept to Mystra from those who wish to advance their skills. Arcane bastilles run rampant with the worship of Mystra, with the exception of those within Thaxnoria who worship Azuth.


The priests of Mystra are typically mages, artificers, crafters, researchers, and even some druids, sharmans, and witches who are capable of casting spells or otherwise rely on magic to support their livelihood. They are often seen as a brotherhood and are known to help those with high potential for using magic find suitable mentors.

Depictions of the Deity

Mystra is oft depicted as a beautiful and dangerous woman with dusky skin wielding the arcane arts. She is always surrounded by seven nine-sided stars.


Weave Writers are a faction of arcane practitioners and worshipers of the deity Mystra . They are an organisation who seek to promote the use of magic, and also facilitate its practitioners with resources and protection. Members are known to travel Runetalras to obtain rare ingredients and also to seek to protect magic users.
Titles: The Lady of Mysteries, the Lady of Spells, the Mother of Magic   Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Neutral, Chaotic Neutral    Symbol: Circle of seven stars, nine stars encircling a flowing red mist, or a single star   Domains: Arcana, Knowledge
Religious, Organised Religion

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