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Emergence of Humanity

The emergence of humanity onto the grand stage of Runetalras occurred with the dawn of the Age of Contact, being named for the rest of Runetalras contact with humanity. The Age of Contact was defined by this emergence of humanity from the Seldori Flatlands into the rest of Runetalras. Questions immediately evokes themselves, from where did humanity emerge? Why didn’t they make contact before? The Seldori Flatlands, now known as the Seldori Range, was the birthplace and cradle of humanity and where humanity must have thrived prior to the Age of Contact. As to why contact was not made before, the Seldori Flatlands were surrounded by harsh mountains, and legends from the elder races tell of strange geological conditions that ensured few who ventured there returned. By the dawn of the Age of Contact these conditions seemingly subsided, Human kingdoms, petty and grand, came into ascendance, the greatest of which being the Kingdom of Avadel, and humanity expanded into the rest of Runetalras.   There is fragmentary evidence that humanity interacted which the elder races prior to the Age of Contact, with archaeological evidence and records of the elder races may well place humanity in the Wild Isles and cold south of the world as early as the dawn of the Age of the Elder Races.

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