4888: Owlbears on a Rampage in Roleplay Radio: Strixhaven | World Anvil
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4888: Owlbears on a Rampage

Stampede causes severe damage to Central Campus

‘Twas early evening on the 7th of Xivaskir, when a frantic shout echoed from the Northern gates of Silverquill campus. No one heard what was said, for the man’s voice was drowned out by a wave of horrifying screeches in the distance…   It was only a few breaths later that it all happened. The ground began to quake, the Dragonsguard began to gear up, and Sgt. Wilcox Stapholous climbed up to the nearest tower to sound the alarm. Strixhaven was on lockdown…   There is no one to blame, here. Sometimes, beasts lose control. It is in their primal nature to survive, to dominate their environment. After all, if there’s anything that Professor Verelda Lang has taught us, it is that nature is hardly ever forgiving. As we take a moment to recover from this traumatic event, several questions are still plaguing the student body. And, if these recent months are any indication, it may be a long while before we have any answers.  
“Somethin’ wasn’ right with these owlbears. ‘Twas like they were rabid!”
— Javenesh Stoutclaw, Second-year Lorehold Student
  Where did these owlbears come from? According to several reports, the owlbear population had been stable in recent years, and had in fact been dwindling in recent months due to hunting and illness. Yet the count, according to an insider, was close to two hundred. What could have scared these owlbears enough to stampede this way, so feverish to survive that they aimed to kill anything around them? Was this, in fact, nature’s wrath? Or a cruel act against Strixhaven?   For some time, there have been rumors of an organization threatening to bring harm to our beloved school. Yet, time & time again, the rumors were refuted. Out of contractual obligation, this writer cannot say the name of this organization, nor can she claim it as factual. Yet it wouldn’t take much digging to realize that several events this year may share a link. The student body was tense enough with rabid furniture & glitchy clockwork servants. Now, living things are being corrupted, too? If so, this writer has one last question for Captain Dapplewing: How long will we be asked to keep quiet?

Cover image: First Day of Class, Roleplay Radio logo by Paul Scott Canavan (art), Rin Garnett (logo)


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