4850: Break-In at Dapplewing Manor in Roleplay Radio: Strixhaven | World Anvil
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4850: Break-In at Dapplewing Manor

Junior Cadet Rampart Sooviij hospitalized

First round of exams is always a stressful time for first-years. It is only natural for many to seek a way to unwind after all the endless hours of studying, be it with a friendly Frog Race at the Firejolt Cafe or a competitive game of Dragonchess in the patio of the Bow’s End Tavern. Regardless, the last weekend of Golgar is always a notorious one for mischief and pranks, particularly among the first-year students.   This year, however, one student (or perhaps a group of them) was daring enough to break into one particular building within Central Campus grounds…   The Dapplewing Manor.   A Dragonsguard Junior Cadet, Rampart of House Sooviij, was left in charge of guarding the manor from trespassers, while The Earl, Dapplewing’s most trusted servant, kept things under control on the inside. The incident occurred during the late hours of the evening, during which many students and staff were distracted by the end-of-the-week festivities.   “This is no innocent prank,” said Sooviij, with regards to the break-in. “This is foul play… Someone wanted something. Very specific something.” When he was confronted about his carelessness while on duty, Sooviij responded defensively, claiming: “Nothing gets past me! Whoever this criminal is, they must have drugged me. Last thing I remember was scaring off 2 first-years doing naughty in bushes. Next thing I know, I wake up in attic with wounds! Coincidence?! I think no!”  
“I will find out who did this. This is far from over…”
— Rampart Sooviij, First-Year
  While nothing of great value was stolen, the Dragonsguard claim there was evidence of an intrusion in at least two floors, from a glued down mannequin to scorch marks in the attic. Investigations are currently underway to find the culprit. Ironically, this was not the first attempt to break into the Captain’s Manor. In recent years, many students have tried to do the same, in an attempt to try and steal the notorious doll, Sassy Sally Jane, which is rumored to be haunted by the ghost of her previous owner, the late Rose L. Pentagar. The last student to attempt this was expelled..
Mentioned in this article
Rampart Sooviij
Dapplewing Manor
Rose Pentagar

Cover image: First Day of Class, Roleplay Radio logo by Paul Scott Canavan (art), Rin Garnett (logo)


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