Rolara The Dream of a Restless Son

The Dream of a Restless Son

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


Shortly after his death, Zhe Na began appearing dreams to his Mother, Lady Yin.
In the dream, he begged her for a shrine to be built, so that his soul would have a place to rest, and for more shrines to be built so that even in death he could see the world. These dreams were thought to be linked to his birth, because Lady Yin suggested a wu jen put something in her bosom as she dreamed, telling her to take this child. In both cases, Lady Yin believed she was being communicated with via her dreams.
This shrine was built in secret, but soon became popular. Zhe Na granted miracles such as healing for sick or crippled children. However, once Zhe Li Jing found out about it, he burned the shrine to the ground, believing Zhe Na has caused enough problems for the family already.

Related timelines & articles
Life of Shen Feng Wa (article)
Zhe Na's Life Story