
A Mythal was a permanent, powerful field of magic that produced long ranging effects. Empowered by numerous enchantments, Mythals were primarily used to ward or protect vast areas of Elf kingdoms.   Mythal's permanently altered the Weave in the area it was created, changing the way magic or even reality worked within its bounds. Typical Mythals might restrict certain schools of magic or spells over a certain level from being cast. Others will repel evil creatures or hide entire cities behind massive illusions. Warded areas were frequently only able to be entered by allowed classes of entities, such as allied nations or only Fey creatures.   The Wood Elf people of Myth Chokurri enjoy the benefits of one of the oldest Mythals in existence. Within the Elmwood, where its magic keep non-elf and non-fey creatures far from the city in its center. Mythannara was said to be the Goddess of Mythals, and she was credited with teaching the ritual to elves in the first place.   Mythals were supposed to be permanent. When the Stars of Power were extinguished, the Mythals of Rolara began to errode and falter. When the Stars were reignited, the issues only became worse. Elven High Archmages are typically the only ones who can perform this ritual. Without the Stars of Power, spells over 4th level were unable to be cast and the spell Create Mythal is a tenth level epic magic spell. Once the stars were reignited, it was possible to weave new Mythals again, in theory.
  It required nine elven high archmages to cast the ritual in unison over the course of 8 hours, during which the casters suffer severe consequences.

Social Impact

Mythals change the way the world works inside their radius. The Mythal of Moredge allowed all creatures with an intelligence of 6 or higher in the radius use the spell mage hand as if they knew it intuitively.
  The laws, customs, and culture of an area with a Mythal could not avoid being changed by its effects.
Up to 9 magical effects; sometimes unique
Related Species


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