Mizcoatl Character in Rolara | World Anvil


Mizcoatl takes Human form to charm beautiful humans. Those that refuse her advances are turned into monsters. She is a patron deity of many Tabaxi, Shifters, and lycanthropes. The Shifters and Tabaxi native to the area just north of Al-Zaluma believe she is their progenitor.  

Nature Divided

Mizcoatl competes against Mythannara as deities of nature. The Puma Serpent wishes to see nature hold total control over the world choking cities and ending urba sprawl. The elven deity prefers to use their influence to tame and control nature, to order it and manage it for the purposes of civilization.  

Divine Jungle Home

Mizcoatl, the Puma Serpent, finds her divine abode in the Beastlands, a plane of existence that perfectly mirrors her wild and untamed nature. She is not bound to a single layer but freely roams between Krigala, the eternal day, and Brux, the everlasting night, embodying her essence as the twilight, the in-between, the transition from day to night and vice versa.   In Krigala, she basks in the warm sunlight, her form shimmering amidst the verdant canopies, her laughter echoing with the calls of diurnal creatures. She is the dappled light filtering through the leaves, the sudden rustle in the undergrowth, the unseen eyes watching from the foliage. Her followers, the Tabaxi, Shifters, and lycanthropes, live in harmony with the vibrant, untamed wilderness, their communities blending seamlessly with the landscape.   As the twilight deity, she revels in the transition, the shift from day to night, from light to dark. It is during these moments that her power is most potent, her presence most palpable. She is the twilight incarnate, the fleeting moment of balance between day and night.   In Brux, she is the hidden predator, the silent wings in the night, the glowing eyes in the darkness. She is one with the nocturnal beasts, her form blending into the shadows of the dense jungle floor. Her followers here are adept at moving in the darkness, their senses attuned to the sounds and smells of the night.   In both layers, Mizcoatl's influence is evident in the transformation of those who refuse her, turned into the various beasts that roam the plane. Her domain is a testament to the wild, untamed nature of the Beastlands, a reflection of her desire to see nature hold total control over the world.




Towards Mizcoatl




Towards Mythannara


Other Names

  • Puma Serpent
  • The Winged One
  • The Twilight
Divine Classification
Currently Held Titles


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