Ilactariel Character in Rolara | World Anvil

Ilactariel (/ɪ'læk.tɑ.ɾi.ɛl/, "ih-LAK-tah-ree-el")

The Nourisher Ilactariel , the Everflowing (a.k.a. Maelmawr, Mother's Embrace)

Twilight's embrace held Pwenlwǎpyyglenghe in a gentle clasp, moonbeams playing fanciful games with ever-blooming branches. Here, Ilactariel, embodiment of Feywild's nurturing soul, glided through, her movements as fluid as the life-giving currents at the realm's heart. Her hands, aglow like the sacred springs' milky offerings, tenderly brushed the blooms, each touch a silent vow to life's unceasing circle.   A hush, uncommon and deep, enveloped the glen this eve. Cloaked in moonbeam silk, Ilactariel hummed a melody ancient and soothing. It traveled, weaving through leaves, skipping over streams, settling gently into the very souls of Moonwilde's children. Her Milksprite Fauns, illuminated by joyous light, played nearby, their laughter blending seamlessly into night's symphony.   Near the spring, the Dove of the First Cry sat, its plumage a tapestry of dusk. Observing keenly, it watched as Ilactariel knelt at the water's edge, her reflection a spectral dance upon the chalice's surface. She lifted the radiant liquid heavenward, an offering to the stars, as if to nourish the cosmos itself.   The lullaby's Magic spun through the night, calling to beings grand and modest, from majestic elk to unassuming mouse. Drawn to Ilactariel's warmth, to her unspoken promise of sanctuary and care, they assembled at the grove's border. With a smile reflecting her realm's serene spirit, she regarded her silent gathering.   "Drink," her whisper floated on the breeze, a tender decree. One by one, they approached, partaking from her chalice, each sip a blessing from the eternal mother, a testament to the flourishing life under her vigilant gaze.   Thus, the night gently ebbed, with Ilactariel, the Feywild's maternal heart, ensuring Pwenlwǎpyyglenghe's legacy as a sanctuary, a realm of wonder forever cradled in the eternal mother's embrace.


Followers of Ilactariel celebrate "The Feast of Nourishment," a festival where nursing mothers gather to share experiences, offer support to each other, and perform rituals to bless their milk. During this time, they express gratitude to Ilactariel through songs, gentle dances, and the sharing of specially prepared foods that symbolize health and nourishment.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Ilactariel's powers are centered exclusively around the essence and benefits of breastmilk. They can ensure the purity and abundance of milk for nursing creatures, heal ailments related to feeding, and provide comfort and emotional support to nursing mothers and their young. Ilactariel can also bless locations or objects to ensure that nursing in those places or with those objects is especially fruitful and comforting.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Role in the Seelie Court

  Ilactariel, the Archfey of Mother's Milk, holds a unique and cherished position within the Seelie Court. As a scion of Queen Titania herself, she is imbued with the radiant grace and nurturing spirit that is characteristic of the Seelie nobility. Her role is one of sustenance and solace, a guardian of life's first nourishment and a protector of the sacred bond between mother and child. She presides over the flow of life's milk, ensuring that this primal nourishment sustains the newborns of all creatures capable of motherly love.  
Responsibilities of Ilactariel
  Ilactariel's primary responsibility is the preservation and sanctification of mother's milk. She is the unseen force that enriches the milk of nursing mothers, bestowing upon it the Magic of the fey to fortify the bodies and spirits of the young. It is said that her blessings carry the enchantments of health, vitality, and a deep, abiding connection to the natural world.   When in times of hardship, when drought or darkness falls upon the lands and the very essence of life is threatened, Ilactariel's tears become a font of sustenance, filling empty bellies and restoring hope. Her duties extend to the realms of mortals and immortals alike, offering her nurturing gift to all in need.  
Rights of Ilactariel
  By the ancient laws of the Seelie Court and the deep magics that bind the fey to the world of Rolara, Ilactariel is vested with the right to pass freely through all realms. Her presence breathes life into the barren and brings ease to the wearied. She holds the right to summon the creatures of the world to her side, compelling them to aid in her quest to nurture and protect.   Her embrace holds the power to purify, to cleanse any corruption that might taint the wellspring of life that is mother's milk. She may call upon the winds, the waters, and the very earth to assist her in this sacred duty, and they will heed her call, for her voice is the lullaby of the world.


Family Ties

As a descendant of the radiant Titania, Ilactariel embodies the splendor and benevolence of her lineage. Her bond with the Queen of the Seelie Court is one of mutual respect and shared purpose. In Titania's name, she extends the Court's protection to those who nourish the future generations. Her fealty to Titania is unyielding, and in turn, she is afforded the queen's favor and protection.


Ilactariel, the Archfey of Mother's Milk and a scion of the Seelie Court, is an entity whose very essence is intertwined with the act of nurturing. Her gestures and habits are reflective of her domain and purpose, creating an aura of tranquility and care wherever she goes. Here are some of her most memorable characteristics:  
  • Crystalline Chalice: Ilactariel is often seen with a chalice made of the clearest crystal, filled with milk that gleams like moonlight. She offers this to any infant or mother in need, and the chalice never empties, symbolizing her endless capacity to nourish.
  • Blessing Touch: With a touch as light as a dewdrop, Ilactariel blesses the foreheads of newborns and their mothers. This touch is said to instill a serene bond between them and ensure that the child thrives in health and happiness.
  • Soothing Hum: A soft, melodic hum constantly accompanies Ilactariel, resonating with the purity of maternal love. This sound is known to calm the restless, heal the sickly, and soothe the crying infants of all species.
  • Milk and Moonlight Dance: Under the full Moon, Ilactariel performs a dance that is said to Weave the Magic of life into the earth. Her movements mimic the ebb and flow of milk, and trails of silvery light follow her steps, enriching the land.
  • Tending to Wildlife: Ilactariel has a habit of visiting the dens of animals, gently caring for the young with her nurturing magic. She is often remembered for leaving a trail of blooming white flowers in her wake, a sign of her passage and blessing.
  • Silent Communion: She communicates with mothers of all races in a silent communion, offering guidance and support. Witnesses often remember the profound peace and understanding that washes over the faces of those she aids.
  • Milk Droplet Ornaments: Ilactariel adorns her hair and attire with ornaments that resemble perfect droplets of milk. These droplets are said to be solidified from the essence of mother's milk and hold the power to nourish the soul.
  Through these gestures and habits, Ilactariel embodies her role as the Archfey of Mother's Milk, leaving a gentle but indelible impression on those she encounters, ensuring her presence in the memories and legends of Rolara for generations to come.

Hobbies & Pets

Ilactariel surrounds herself with companions and pastimes that reflect her nurturing domain and the serene beauty of her existence.  

Pets of Ilactariel

  Ilactariel is fond of creatures that symbolize care and nourishment. Her favorite pets are the Milksprite Fauns, gentle spirits that take the form of small, delicate creatures with features reminiscent of newborn fawns. These sprites have fur as white as the purest milk and antlers that shimmer with iridescent light. They frolic around her, spreading joy and laughter, and are known to carry her blessings to the creatures of the forest.   Another companion often seen by her side is the Dove of the First Cry, a mythical bird that appears at the birth of every being, heralding the first breath of life. This dove is said to have feathers that subtly shift in color from the softest pinks to the warmest creams, and its coos resonate with the sounds of a mother's comforting whispers.  

Hobbies of Ilactariel

  Ilactariel's hobbies are reflections of her role as a nurturer and provider of sustenance. She is known to partake in the Art of Creation, where she weaves the essence of mother's milk into the fabric of the Feywild, nurturing the flora and fauna. This hobby is not just a pastime but a sacred duty that helps maintain the balance of life and growth within her realm.   She also engages in the delicate craft of Brewing Enchanted Nectars, creating potions from the milk of the creatures of the Feywild. These nectars have healing properties and are sought after by many for their ability to soothe the weary and heal the ill. She gifts them to those in need, spreading health and vitality.   A more leisurely activity she enjoys is the Cultivation of Moonflowers, luminous plants that bloom under the Moon's glow and exude a calming fragrance. These flowers are said to help nursing mothers and infants sleep peacefully, and Ilactariel tends to them with a tender hand, ensuring their magical properties are strong.   Lastly, Ilactariel finds solace in the Harmony of the Lullaby, where she composes and sings ancient songs that carry the power to ease the heart and comfort the soul. These lullabies are woven with the Magic of the Feywild and resonate through the hearts of all who hear them, leaving a lingering sense of tranquility and protection.   Ilactariel's pets and hobbies are not merely for her pleasure but serve a greater purpose within the Seelie Court and the wider world of Rolara, reinforcing her place as a bastion of care and the embodiment of the life-giving bond between mother and child.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Deep, calming blue
Silky silver and white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Smooth, milky white
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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