The Sunken Fort Building / Landmark in Rodinia | World Anvil

The Sunken Fort

Off the northern coast of the Spine of Ursum lay the ruins of a Rainbow Empire castle which collapsed into the Inner Sea when the Empire was sundered five hundred years ago. Its name has been lost into history. Now it is just called the Sunken Fort. At extremely low tides the very top of the tallest remaining tower in the castle becomes visible, some hundred feet out to sea. Some brave souls swim out to it, although the currents around it are strong and dangerous. People who have swum out to it tell that on a calm day with the right light it is possible to see an entire castle below the sea. Rumours persist of a band of merfolk who now reside there, enjoying the benefits of all the ancient magics and treasures of the Rainbow Empire which were lost in its collapse.
At the time of the Sundering.
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