Session 7 Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Session 7

General Summary

Regrouping after their attack by four invisible deurgar our intrepid heroes decided to continue their investigation of this level of the dwarven stronghold of Khundrakar. The first room they chose off the main hall had old writings scribbled in orcish on it. It warned of the danger beyond. The party broke open the door and confronted the evil they encountered. An ancient and withered Orc, now alive only in undeath as a wight was supported by two huge skeletons. They were beaten back by the party and slain but not before Lady Fortuna had been savagely clawed by the wight and felt the draining touch of its evil spirit. In this room they found the body of an ancient Dwarf, laid out on an altar. He turned out to be Durgeddin, the founder of the stronghold.   They investigated a kitchen and pantry area off the main hall, discovering only an animated wooden table that they soon hacked to bits. From there they progressed on to the Bladeworks where a small group of deurgar were working on a forge, smithing a new blade. The group surprised the grey dwarves and quickly dispatched them. Traubon did some scouting and found that a great cavern was nearby with a water fall plunging over its edge into the darkness. On the other side of the cavern was a ledge with an iron ladder leading down into the dark. There was no obvious way to cross to the ledge though, and although he thought he could make the climb reasonably easily, it was obvious that Lady Fortuna never would in her plate mail suit.   Moving back into the main hall they continued to investigate the Foundry level. Through the next set of doors they came across a collection of abandoned barracks, storerooms and such like. This area was haunted by the ghost of a dead dwarf whose incessant babbling was enough to hypnotize those listening to it unless they were of strong will. The group took many precautions against this babbling and eventually tracked down and slew the evil creature.   In the library they came across a beautiful human woman. Lady Fortuna was able to detect a palatable evil from her and warned everyone. The woman asked the group if they had come to rescue her, telling them that she had been trapped her by an evil wizard who lived deep below this level. She said there was also a Dragon living down there. They ignored her request to be allowed to leave and instead attacked her out of hand. However, all attempts they made to harm her were instantly healed! She was clearly something very powerful. She warned them that unless they were nice to her and stopped hitting her that she would get nasty. They continued so she brought down an unholy blight on Kai - which he mostly just shrugged off. After that she called out a name in the language of the Abyss - the name of a super powerful demon. Fortunately it did not answer her call. At this she reverted to subtler tactics, attempting to convince one of the party to let her go. Tor was the only one week willed enough to agree. H gave her permission to leave the room and she rewarded him with a kiss that stole his vitality, leaving him drained. She was revealed: a succubus! She instantly disappeared off at that moment - to where, who knows? The group searched the room she was in and Flek found a spell book that would enhance his powers as a fledgling wizard. They also found a secret door.   The secret door led to a set of tunnels which connected a previously unexplored area with the library and the ledge by the chasm with the ladder leading down. They elected to explore the previously unexplored area on this level and there discovered the leader of the deurgar her - a female warrior with a two bladed sword. 5 on to one odds were too much for the deurgar warrior and she was quickly overcome.   That meant that the Foundry had been completely cleared and the only place unexplored was the deep shaft and the chain ladder. The group retreated upstairs to quiet, safe climes and rested. The next day, both Fortuna and Tor found their natural energies returning, being able to shrug off the draining effects of the wight and the succubus respectively. Kai made a plan to return to Khazagrim for more supplies as the lantern oil was running low...
Report Date
10 Apr 2024
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