Session 6 Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Session 6

General Summary

Kai and Fortuna returned to Castle de Belame to discover Flek and Tor waiting for them. The elf and half Orc quickly explained the situation and the four wasted no time setting off to rescue their captured friend Licinius the priest. They arrived at the Sunless Citadel a few hours later and quickly picked their way to the goblin prison where two elite guards were stationed. These guards were no match for four hardened adventurers and soon the priest was recovered. Sadly their latest friend, Erky, had been taken by the goblins a few days earlier.   The party pushed on, determined to recover their gear from the goblins and make them pay. They reached the goblin king's halls and attacked. Sure enough the goblinoids responded in force, with armed elite goblins and hobgoblins rushing to the fray. In the corridor outside the goblin king's throne room Licinius of Waymeet, priest of Pelor, was overwhelmed by two heavily armed and armoured hobgoblins and slaughtered. The goblinoids were subsequently put down by Flek, who was using the bow he had fashioned for Fortuna. The rest of the battle went well and soon the goblin king was slain and the party's gear was recovered. The group returned to Castle de Belame and Licinius was buried there. At the castle the party were getting drunk in Licinius' honour and were chatting about the Sunless Citadel and the doors they couldn't get through when a Dwarf approached them. He introduced himself as Traubon and said he was an expert door cracker. The party after some discussion agreed to take him on.   The next day they returned to the Citadel in an effort to get into the secret area that the kobolds' key was supposed to unlock. They used the key to open a large dragon carved door and entered a long unused hall. Passing through this hall the eventually won their way to the burial chamber of a dragonpriest. They fought off his guardian (some small demonlike creature) and then found his sarcophagus. They agreed to open it, removing all the clasps one by one. As the lid was finally pushed aside an arcane flash of green light came from the sarcophagus as if a spell was expiring. And then up rose a hideous body, 9' tall, rubbery and grey with vicious claws and teeth. The party fought hard and defeated the creature. In his treasure they found a very strongly magical map and some money.   They left the secret area and proceeded to the hall of the goblin king where a shaft lead down into the darkness. They climbed down this root and vine covered shatf and into a large area where two skeletons collected compost. The paladin, Fortuna, called upon the power of Pelor and blasted the skeletons to dust! As the party crossed the room, two saplings animated and attacked them. They were quickly dispatched. At this stage a large goblinoid and two massive dire rats entered the chamber from a side passage. They were fairly quickly dispatched by the capable adventurers. They explored a little way down some side passageways and eventually came to a pillared hall with many open doors leading off. The sounds of goblin voices could be heard through the doors...
Report Date
10 Apr 2024
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