Session 2 Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Session 2

General Summary

The group set out into the eastern lands once more, unsure of what they would find. Tor was unwell and so remained behind with the elves until he was better. They skirted the southern edge of the great lake, fed from the towering Shikoku mountains whose tops could just be seen in the distance. After a day the mountains seemed no closer but they had reached the edge of the Brown Grounds, a massive stretch of peat bog that led right up to the mountain edges. The next day they headed into the bog as the lake shores curled away northwards out of sight. Around lunchtime they spotted some hungry looking wolves and tried to avoid them but the wolves had their scent. A hail of deadly missile fire all but finished off the canines before they had even reached our heroes. By end of day they estimated they were about 1 third of the way through the bog - it was slow going in this mire. About lunchtime the next day they spotted two Orc sentries. Excellent work by Kai and Traubon, with backup fire from Flek meant that the two orcs were dispatched before being able to make a sound, and the orcs in the dell nearby were quietly dispatched. The orcs had captured a couple of horses from the red army and the party let them loose. They headed onwards and a day later reached the edge of the bog and the foot hills of the eastern mountains. They had seen nothing of the tomb. They decided to follow the mountain edge south eastwards, using the higher ground as vantage to see over the Brown Grounds.   That night they were camped when Traubon, alert as ever, hear a sound nearby. He went out to investigate and stumbled into a line of orcs with bows drawn. He shouted a warning to the camp as they let fly. He was struck by a few and found the very strength was sapped from his bones. Poison! he called a feeble shout to the camp and tried to retreat. Fortunately he had given enough of a warning and the party were into action. 6 orcs are no match for our heroes and they drop 5 within seconds. The 6th flees into the darkness.   On these orcs they found a note ordering them to hunt for food. It was signed by one called Yventhu. The Dwarf was very poorly from the effects of the poison. Fortuna examined him and declared it would take close on a fortnight for him to recover. So she valiantly lifted the Dwarf up and sat him on Blade's back with her. Blade was strong and proud and did not appear in the slightest concerned by the extra weight. The party headed on south east. The next day they came across a quarry cut into the mountains. Approaching they saw the place to be guarded by large humanoid creatures, cross breeds between orcs and ogres - ogrillons. Kai went and spoke to them as the group realized these people would probably know where the tomb was located. The took him up to the fortress of Yventhu - a cave cut high into the quarry wall. Yventhu demanded payment for the death of his orcs and Kai did a deal with him. He said he would take the leader or his champion on in a weaponless duel. The if Kai won the debt would be paid. If he lost, it would be doubled. After some consideration, Yventhu agreed. He went inside his cave and returned with his champion: a viper. Kai recognized the viper as a deadly poisonous one and had to consider if he wanted to risk his life for a mere 11 pieces of gold. He decided he did as it was a test of his skill. Kai stepped up launched a powerful axe kick with a big kiai and stunned the snake. From there two more quick kicks and the snake was battered into unconsciousness. Kai had won easily due to his great skill. Yventhu was impressed and agreed to cancel the debt. He then proceeded to sell the party an iron key that he said opened the tomb, and a guide, a half Orc called Wuhlap. It turned out that Wuhlap had been a prisoner of the ogrillons' leader but he did know his way to the tomb.   The party travelled on through the peat bog until they reached a small range of hills that Wuhlap called the Knuckles. Here they experienced many strange sights and sounds that Wuhlap explained were the hauntings of the dead lorai - the barbarians who once roamed this land. He did lead them straight to the barrow though - a huge edifice some 70' high and about 300' across. It was surrounded by a circle of 60 standing stones, carved from solid granite. Search the site they found what must have once been a lintel but now was full of earth. They started to dig. In fact they spent the rest of that day digging.   That night they encountered and slew two ogres, attracted by the camp fire. The next day they continued to dig and eventually uncovered a huge stone door. They searched for a key hole or opening mechanism but could find none. With the help of the magnificent Blade they managed to push the old door open. The corridor beyond was stale and damp, smelling musty. They entered in and begun to search the barrow. They found a collection of tunnels and rooms and encountered many strange creatures and traps - a collapsing ceiling that nearly buried them alive; 4 small earth elemental creatures; a statue which when pushed over smashed to reveal a very strange creature with many eyes and mouths that confused and blinded the group and started to suck the life blood out of Traubon before Flek killed it with 3 well placed arrows; 4 shadows that seemed to haunt the same room and an array of 12 severed hands that grasped and clawed and tried to strangle our heroes. At this stage, Blade telepathically called to Fortuna to say a horse was approaching so they hurried outside to find Tor arriving. He had been ill and delayed at Eldaran but had just arrived.
Report Date
10 Apr 2024
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